Harry Potter and the Way of Reason

Harry Potter and the Way of Reason


122 Chapters Completed Status


Sometime, somewhere, something, something must have been different... Petunia Evans was married to Mike Verres, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Oxford.Harry James Potter-Evans-Verys grew up in a house full of books.He once bit a math teacher because she didn't know what logarithms were.He has read Gödel, Escher, Bach, Judgment Under Uncertainty: A Study of Heuristics and Biases, and the first volume of the Feynman Lectures on Physics.Those who knew him seemed worried that he would become the next Dark Lord, but he had no such intention.He was better educated.He wants to discover the rules of magic so that he can become omnipotent.Hermione Granger was better than him in every class except flying.Draco Malfoy is what a Darth Vader-like father would raise for an 11-year-old boy.Professor Quirinus Quirrell realized his wish for many years and became a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.In his own words, it was a battle magic class.His students were wondering what would go wrong with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this time.Dumbledore is either mad, or he's playing a huge game of chess that involves burning a chicken alive.Vice-Headmaster Professor Minerva McGonagall needs to find a quiet place to scream for a while.Introducing: Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality You'd never guess where this story is going.About the author: Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky (born September 1979, 9) is an American artificial intelligence researcher and author known for promoting the idea of ​​friendly artificial intelligence; he is a co-founder and researcher at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), the The Institute is a private research nonprofit located in Berkeley, California.He had no formal education and never attended high school or college.His work on the prospect of a runaway intelligence explosion influenced Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies.Yudokovsky also wrote several novels.His fan story, Harry Potter and the Rational Method, uses plot elements from JK Rowling's Harry Potter series to illustrate scientific topics. The New Yorker described Harry Potter and the Rational Method as Rowling's original "retelling that attempts to explain Harry's magic through the scientific method".More than 11 related blog posts have been published by Yudkowsky for six books, collected in a single ebook titled Rationality: From AI to Zombies by the Machine Intelligence Institute in 300. His latest ebook is titled Inadequate Balance: where and how civilization gets stuck.


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