Ryan picked up the coffee cup that Master Ren had drunk, spun the coffee grounds and said, Falcon, you will soon meet a mortal enemy. Big stick... an attack. Skull, Master Ren, with all due respect, your future is not good. Little danger. Finally, Ryan gently put the coffee cup on the table and said to Mr. Ren, In the end, it is unknown, it is the worst sign, life and death, in an instant.

Master Ren turned pale because he recently found himself upset and business was getting worse and worse. That's why I thought of what Feng Shui said 20 years ago, intending to move the grave for my father in order to transfer it. But after hearing these words, he felt a little bad, so he turned to look at Ninth Uncle. After all, compared to an outsider like Ryan, he still believes in his old neighbor, Uncle Ninth, who has been around for decades.

Ninth Uncle asked Ryan, Are you sure?

Ryan replied: Our school has a subject of divination. The teacher is an heir to a family of divination who has made predictions that affect the fate of thousands of people.

Uncle Ninth could see that everything Lane said was true, so he nodded to Master Ren.

Master Ren asked without regard for face: How to solve this death robbery?

Lane shook his head. I can't see it clearly now, but Master Ren, you will have a noble person to help you this time, but you should not do it alone, or you will regret it beyond your reach.

Master Ren wanted to ask again, but Uncle Ninth persuaded him: My disciple has already said everything he can say, and if I ask him again, he doesn't know anything else. But since there are noble people to help, just pay attention on the day when the grave is moved. Yes. If it really doesn't work, Lin will also take action.

After listening to Uncle Jiu's words, Ren Fa finally became less nervous, and soon he left with his daughter. The ninth uncle was also ready to leave soon because he was not used to drinking western tea. Ryan ordered another snack, and asked the waiter to pack it and prepare to go back and invite the two brothers who stayed in Yizhuang to eat.

On the way, the ninth uncle asked Ryan with concern whether this divination leaking the chance of heaven would do him any harm?

Ryan thanked the master for his concern and said that the accuracy of these divinations is not very high, and what he sees will be very vague. So there is not much pressure on the fortune teller.

After another day or two, when it was time to move the grave, Ryan and his disciples dressed neatly and headed to the Ren family's cemetery. Ryan was wearing the Hogwarts school uniform robe and told Uncle Ninth that it was to show his solemnity. In fact, he was clutching his wand tightly under his wide sleeves, ready to do something.

After chatting for a while, Ryan stood behind Ninth Uncle and the two brothers and pretended to be transparent, and naturally he heard the classic sentence from Senior Brother Wencai, Is a French funeral a French funeral? Then he saw his master, Ninth Uncle, being furious.

After that, as in the plot, Uncle Ninth explained what the burial is, and a few strong laborers were responsible for digging the graves. Ryan saw that the coffin was buried upright.

After that, Uncle Ninth asked the person with the zodiac age to turn his back to avoid it, and the four laborers stepped forward and opened the hall.

At this time, crows were heard around, and a group of crows flew out from the surrounding woods. A thick ominous loomed over everyone.

Ninth Uncle's face was also very serious. It was obvious that he felt something was wrong around him, but the relocation did not stop.

As soon as the coffin was opened, a black smoke came out. It's a pity that Master Ren and Ren Tingting immediately knelt down and cried when they saw the coffin, and they didn't see this weird scene at all.

Ninth Uncle took Ryan and his three apprentices to take a look, and found that the deceased's face was dark and reflective, like black iron without any trace of corruption. Not to mention cultivators like men who know the situation, even the townspeople around can see that something is wrong.

Ryan, realizing that no one was paying attention, pointed at the coffin with his wand hidden in his sleeve. Lips wriggled and said a Viking incantation: Magic detection.

This is a very simple spell, the principle is to use the free energy in the air to test whether there is any magical reaction around the target and the target. But because the energy of this world is yin and evil, when the curse hits the corpse in the coffin, this yin qi activates the completely zombified old man of the Ren family.

I saw the zombie in the coffin brushed open his eyes, and then stood up with his arms outstretched.

Cheating the corpse! Help! The people who were watching the lively around suddenly became a mess.

Seeing that the zombies were about to pounce on the Ren family father and daughter, Ninth Uncle was quick to grab them by the back of their necks and forcibly dragged them back for a while to avoid the zombies' attack.

In broad daylight, how can zombies wake up and bite people? Uncle Jiu glanced at the shining sun and muttered in confusion. Because Ryan's magic movement was very small, and Uncle Ninth didn't understand the spells in the Harry Potter world, it was not found that Ryan was behind.

Quick, Mo Dou. Jiu Shu shouted to the disciples. Qiu Sheng quickly pulled the ink bucket line and cooperated with Jiu Shu to force the zombie over. At this time, the zombies obviously did not absorb the blood of their relatives, so their strength was not strong. Under the sunlight, a trace of blue smoke began to emerge, and the black iron-like skin began to slowly fade and crack.

When the ink bucket line touched the zombie, the place where it touched quickly burst into flames. Ryan wanted to run after seeing the zombie injured, and immediately raised his wand at the zombie and shouted, All petrified.

After being fixed, the zombie fell into the coffin, and quickly burned into a pillar of fire under the dual action of the ink fountain line and sunlight.

Soon, the flames went out. Grandpa Ren's zombie has also turned into a charred skeleton. It seems that it is impossible to become a powerful, invulnerable zombie.

Fortunately, this zombie has not been upgraded to the ultimate version in the movie, otherwise the simple sunshine and ink lines will not be able to eliminate him at all.

At this time, the father and daughter of the Ren family woke up from the shock just now, and saw the cremated skeleton of the old man, weeping bitterly.

At this time, Ren Fa was a little dissatisfied and cried and said: My father was most afraid of fire when he was alive, why do you use fire?

Seeing that Master Ren actually said this, Uncle Ninth said angrily, You didn't see that the zombie was about to come out and bite people. As far as I know, he would suck the blood of his relatives as soon as he came out. You shouldn't have saved your life. Say that to me. Not to mention that there are so many people in town, what if you really want to go to town and bite someone?

The townspeople next to him also agreed: Yes, yes. Master Ren, you can't be so selfish and kill the whole town.

Ryan came out at this time to smooth things out: Master Ren, you saw the situation just now, my master really didn't alarmist. Besides, normal people have been buried for 20 years, and not all are turned into a skeleton. Now the old man's skeleton is still there, too It's not a loss. So, sir, you should mourn and change.

Ren Fa was only excited for a while, but now he calms down a little and thinks of the thrill just now, and even a little scared. It just happened that Ryan's words gave him a step, so he thanked his ninth uncle for saving his life, and hired someone to sort out the remains in the coffin. Afterwards, someone will carry the coffin to Yizhuang, and wait for the ninth uncle to find a suitable Yin house for burial.

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