Siheyuan starts from a good life

Chapter 57, Type 49 Military Uniform

"Good character" Hao Pingchuan's cry awakened everyone from the silence in the artistic conception of this font.

Everyone glared at Hao Pingchuan. Seeing everyone's unkind looks, Hao Pingchuan blushed and muttered.

"The commander-in-chief's words are already good, but he doesn't deserve to be praised."

Everyone chose to ignore his words and did not open their mouths to explain.

After all, explanations are useless. What explanation can be given to a fool who only knows the poem "Goose".

To explain to him is to play the piano to a cow.

However, Jiang Yan still rolled his eyes at Hao Pingchuan, and then rolled it up very carefully and placed it carefully in the box. After feeling that it was completely put away, Jiang Yan let out a long sigh of relief.

When Jiang Yan did this, no one rushed him, they just waited quietly.

When Jiang Yan appeared in the living room, he saw everyone waiting for him and smiled a little sheepishly.

"Now it's as you wished!" Director Luo said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Luo"

Director Luo waved his hand, and then said: "Originally, I wanted to hold a medal ceremony for you. The chiefs took into account your young age and the special nature of your work, which makes it difficult to publicize it in a big way, so they sent us here today."

After saying this, Director Luo suddenly stood up, followed by Director Luo and Hao Pingchuan.

Director Luo's face straightened and he spoke in an extremely serious tone: "Comrade Jiang Yan"


"In view of your great contribution in successfully completing the tasks assigned to you by your superiors when you were a traffic officer, and later turning in materials, Comrade Jiang Yan is specially awarded the second-class merit after consideration by the organization as a token of encouragement."

After Director Luo Yong said this, he took out a medal from the medal box, hung it solemnly on Jiang Yan's chest, and saluted Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan also gave him a military salute that was not very skillful.

After the ceremony, Director Luo Yong said again: "The superiors have also decided to give you a monthly subsidy of 50 yuan for your daily expenses, free of charge for school board and lodging, and specially approved you to join the party. I will be your introducer to join the party. The party joining ceremony will be held now."

As soon as Director Luo Yong finished speaking, Bai Ling took out a bright party flag from her bag and unfolded it. Hao Pingchuan and Zheng Chaoyang held the four corners of the red flag respectively.

Director Luo Yong stood in front of the party flag, raised his right hand and made a fist. Jiang Yan also imitated his actions and stood behind him, and then took the oath.

After the oath was taken, Director Luo Yong solemnly placed a party card in Jiang Yan's hand.

"My superiors asked me to tell you that you are too young now. In the future, you should focus on studying, study hard, master knowledge, and work hard to build the country when you grow up, making our country more beautiful and prosperous."

Jiang Yan felt very excited after hearing these words. After putting it down, he said to Director Luo Yong: "I will work hard to learn cultural knowledge and build this beautiful country in the future."

"I know your kid is smart. From now on, you can use your smart little head in the right place. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Uncle Luo, I understand, don't worry, I promise, I will definitely do it, don't worry, grandma and you are all supervising me, right? If I make a mistake, you can just whip me with your belt."

"This is what your kid said, please remember it."

After saying this, Director Luo Yong turned to the smiling Grandma Lu next to him and said, "Old lady, you can't feel bad when the time comes."

"Don't worry! If you don't feel bad, you won't feel bad. Is this an old saying? This little tree won't be a talent if it's not cultivated!"

As soon as this was said, everyone burst into laughter.

At this time, Bai Ling took out a pen from her pocket and handed it to Jiang Yan. "This pen is a gift from me. You will study hard in the future." After speaking, he touched Jiang Yan's head.

Jiang Yan took the pen with a smile and said to Jiang Yan, "Thank you, Sister Bai Ling."

Then Zheng Chaoyang and Hao Pingchuan took the things and said at the same time: "This is my gift to you."

After hearing what the other party said, the two looked at each other. At this time, Hao Pingchuan said to Zheng Chaoyang: "I've known Xiao Yan for a long time, so I'll come first."

"I won't be happy if you say that. What do you mean we met earlier? We were both traffic officers at the time, and we met much earlier than you. Besides, we are fellow villagers."

Jiang Yan enjoyed watching the two bickering. It must be said that these two seemed to be happy enemies.

"Okay, stop arguing. Chaoyang, you come first." Director Luo, who was sitting next to him, couldn't stand it anymore and scolded the two of them.

"This is the wallet I asked my brother to make for you. Let me tell you, my brother's craftsmanship is extraordinary."

As Zheng Chaoyang spoke, he took out a wallet from his arms. The wallet was made of cowhide and looked pretty good-looking.

However, Jiang Yan knew very well what Zheng Chaoyang said about his brother Zheng Chaoshan. He was first and foremost a doctor, and his other identity in private was the head of the "Taoyuan" special operations team of the Peking Station of the Secrecy Bureau, codenamed 'Phoenix'.

If Zheng Chaoyang hadn't mentioned him today, he would have almost forgotten about him, but how could he remind them?

There is really no good solution for this moment, so we can only take it one step at a time.

Although Jiang Yan had so many thoughts in his mind, from the outside, it only happened in a moment.

"Thank you, Brother Chaoyang. I like this wallet very much. Thank you brother for me." Jiang Yan took the wallet and thanked him again.

"It's my turn, it's my turn." Hao Pingchuan pushed Zheng Chaoyang aside, took out a baggage he had brought, put it down on the table, opened it, and then said to Jiang Yan.

"I specially paid for you from the logistics department to buy you a new set of military uniforms. This military uniform has just been installed and is not sold outside. Let's see how it goes." Hao Pingchuan picked up the military uniform as he said it. The military uniform includes underwear, shoes and socks, and is a complete set from the inside out.

The military uniform Hao Pingchuan brought for him should be the Type 49 military uniform. Different from the national defense green of later generations, the main tone of this military uniform is yellow-green. It is a set of military uniforms for our army to transition from the war period to the peaceful construction period. It looks very atmospheric.

Strictly speaking, this type 49 military uniform is not actually a real standard military uniform, but was specially designed for the military parade at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China in 1949. It also included styles of different arms. Although it was not adopted in the end, type 49 was the later type 50. The foundation was laid for the design of military uniforms.

However, Jiang Yan liked this military uniform very much. After all, the boy had no dream of joining the army.

Jiang Yan also thanked Hao Pingchuan.

Jiang Yan accepted everything, rolled his eyes, and said to Director Luo Yong: "Uncle Luo, let me give you a taste of something good." After saying this, Jiang Yan went through the door in Grandma Luo's house. Men walked into his room and took out several kinds of pre-made compressed biscuits from his cabinet.

Jiang Yan took these compressed biscuits and came to grandma's room.

Putting the things on the table, he said to Director Luo Yong: "Uncle Luo, Brother Hao, Brother Chaoyang, Sister Bai Ling, try it. This is something I spent a lot of money to research, but you can't eat more."

"Just these few pieces, so stingy," Hao Pingchuan said dissatisfied, then picked up one piece and broke it open, and then divided the remaining pieces among them.

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