Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 33 The Book of Truth

Maca took a look inside and found that this not too big secret room has already taken up most of the space by the bookshelves.

Looking down, you can see that there are two metal slide rails on the smooth slate-paved ground—the bookshelf can slide left and right by them.

Because of this, there is only a gap between these bookshelves for one person to pass through, and the other places are close together. If someone needs to search for other bookshelves, they can push the bookshelf to adjust the gap to the position they want.

Why don't you give a traceless stretching spell here? Maca asked suspiciously.

It's hard to believe, but this is Rowena Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets. But here, there is no magic breath at all—the stretching spell is not even used to expand the space, but every inch of space here is used physically, so the whole secret room looks quite cramped.

Didn't I just say it! Within Hogwarts, the space has been reinforced! Bronze Eagle said loudly, 'Reinforcement', understand? All magic related to space cannot be used, unless it is If it is preset at Hogwarts before reinforcement, everything else will not take effect.

That is to say, Maca said while looking at this place thoughtfully, is this place opened up later?

The bronze eagle blinked, flew to the top edge of the bookshelf and stood there, staring at Maca who was flipping through the books for a long time.

It smells like that old guy Salazar, who likes to talk to others when he has nothing to do. It muttered softly.

After a while, seeing that Maca was already standing there fascinated by the book, it said: Don't read those books, you have plenty of time to come here to read later.

Now, come to the desk first. The bronze eagle soared into the air, flapped its wings and landed on a small scaffold on the desk.

Maca reluctantly closed the book after hearing the words, but she held it in her hand and didn't want to put it back.

Sit down, sit down, no one has sat here for a long time. Little Eagle stretched out his wings and said, Open the middle drawer, there is a box inside, take it out.

There was nothing in the drawer but an old wooden box with bronze corners.

What's inside? Maca asked curiously, but didn't open it easily.

Don't worry! It's just a piece of paper. Rowena calls it the 'Scroll of Truth'. Kitty Eagle said, But no one knows whether it's called that.

Maca carefully opened the box, and found that there was indeed only a paper roll tied with a ribbon inside, and a delicate blue flannelette was placed underneath.

Just when he was about to pick it up to see what the secret was, Xiaoying interrupted his movements.

Now you have a choice, it said, to open it, to read it to the best of your ability, and to help your school with a problem left over from the past; or, to close this box and leave that box alone. Please, let it wait for the next candidate to continue this selection.

Maca couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he frowned and asked, What's good about me? Or, what's bad about me?

If I choose the latter, can I still read the books here?

It can be seen that those books are very attractive to Maca. Just now, he just flipped through one of them, and realized how precious these books are.

Of course you can read the book. No matter which one you choose, or even if you don't make a choice, you can come here at any time. But you only have this chance to choose, and you must understand this. Xiaoying replied in a calm tone road.

After hearing this, Maca immediately turned the lid back, but just when the wooden box was about to close again, he stopped what he was doing.

He remembered what Xiaoying said just now: Rowena called it the Book of Truth.

This means that, for Rowena Ravenclaw, what is recorded in this tome can be called truth.

I'm afraid, the sum of all the books here is not as important as this thin piece of paper in the box. He couldn't help thinking so.

What's the trouble at Hogwarts, can you tell me first? Maca hesitated.

The little eagle shook its head quite humanely, and it said: I don't know about that, maybe the broken hat will know! Its master is quick-talking, and he might slip up at some point.

It paused, and changed into a serious tone: But I want to remind you, Rowena never told me the answer to this question, are you sure you want to know?

After hearing this, Maca frowned even tighter.

To be honest, no one with a little brain would choose to pick it up, but Maca still couldn't restrain his curiosity and desire for knowledge. He knew that since he received the Hogwarts admission letter, he had been deeply immersed in the exploration of magical knowledge and could not extricate himself.

Maca was originally a person who liked to explore this kind of mysterious knowledge. It was really hard for him to refuse the Book of Truth that was at his fingertips, even though he already knew that there might be a big trouble waiting for him later.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a long time, he opened the lid again and put his hand in...

In the early morning of the next day, the sun had just emerged, and the first rays of the sun were shining on Hogwarts Castle. Many students were still lingering in their sleep, but Maca had already woken up early.

In other words, he didn't sleep at all last night.

When he was sent back to the door of the Ravenclaw common room, the bronze eagle that fell back on the door knocker opened the door for him, and then he was stared at by Helena coldly for a long time.

He said a lot of good things before he tried his best to appease the ghost lady who had a bad temper. After that, he chatted with her a lot with a smile on his face, and then dragged his exhausted body back to the Hufflepuff student dormitory.

The next test will be when you gain something from your research on the 'Scroll of Truth'. These were the last words of the bronze eagle.

When he was lying on the bed thinking about how long he could sleep, he found that he couldn't fall asleep at all, and his mind was full of the strange words he saw on the Volume of Truth.

Maca had read many books about ancient runes before, but he had never seen anything like that.

The circles and circles of the strokes are a bit like cursive characters, but each character is clearly separated; at a glance, it seems to have been randomly twisted by a child, but after careful comparison, it can be found that the rules are strict, and it is obviously a special kind of character. Text.

What makes Maca even more amazing is that every character in it really contains magic power.

As he gazes, the characters radiate waves of magic and convey a variety of distinct messages to him. Although he didn't quite understand what that message was expressing, it didn't stop him from being fascinated by it.

And the most important thing is: when Maca tried to pick up the quill to copy, he found that although what he wrote looked similar, it was just an ordinary character-he couldn't feel any feeling in it.

He lay in bed thinking for a long time, until dawn, but he didn't think of anything of value.

For the next few weeks, life passed fairly peacefully.

After his last visit to the Chamber of Secrets in Ravenclaw, his life was even busier. Although Hermione still often came to discuss with him a few questions about study, the rest of the time was occupied by various researches.

Should I apply for a time-turner?

One day, Maca was sitting on the reading table in the library, looking at the increasing mountain of books in front of him, he couldn't help but think so. But in the blink of an eye, he was immediately denied by himself.

I always feel that there will be more things to study, so forget it...

Maca shook off the curiosity about the Time Converter in his mind, stretched his waist and regained his energy, and was about to continue to devote himself to the research, but didn't want a voice to come from behind him.

Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?

Maca turned around and immediately saw Hagrid's huge figure.

Hagrid stomped towards Harry and the others not far away, hiding something behind him. He looked out of place in his moleskin overcoat.

Maca saw it at a glance, it was a book about dragons.

Dragon? Maca blinked a few times, with a slightly dazed expression.

He watched as Hagrid lowered his voice and whispered to Harry and the others, and then left. Immediately, after they talked a few words, Hermione went to the place Hagrid just turned around and returned with several books in her arms.

Hagrid has always wanted a dragon, he told me so the first time I saw him, Maca heard Harry say.

But it's against the law, said Ron. In 1709, at the wizarding conference, the law against keeping dragons was officially passed. Everyone knows that. If we keep dragons in our back gardens, it will be difficult not to Let the Muggles notice us.

Ron was talking when he suddenly paused again.

Also, you can't tame them, which is very dangerous. You should really see those burns on Charlie's body. They were left on him by wild dragons in Romania.

But aren't there any wild dragons in Britain? Harry asked curiously.

Of course there are, said Ron, there are common Welsh green dragons and Hebridin black dragons. I can tell you that the Ministry of Magic has a job of hiding the existence of these wild dragons. Our wizards often have to show The Muggles of the Wild Dragon cast a spell to make them forget all about it.

Hermione leaned forward and seemed to want to say something, but before she could speak, she turned her head again.

Maka, do you want to come? she said. Hagrid's cabin.

Maca thought for a while, and realized that it was time for him to take a rest.

Then go and have a look! Maybe Hagrid really got one here, and I think it would be nice to have a chance to observe this powerful creature up close. He nodded with a smile.

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