Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 32: Serial Questions

Ravenclaw College, a college that focuses on erudition and intellect.

When Maca was just enrolled and performing the sorting ceremony, the sorting hat seemed to consider this college first for him. This shows that he does fit in well with Ravenclaw in some ways.

At this moment, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he had to at least find someone to make some connections first. If someone asks in the future, at least there will be an excuse.

Well, by the way, we can also pave the way for Luna before she enters school.

If you want to say who Maca is most interested in in Ravenclaw House. This person is not the Charms professor Flitwick who is also the dean, nor is it any other student at the school, but the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower—Ms. Gray.

This is not only because she has been at Hogwarts long enough, but also because she must be able to get a lot of old secrets about Ravenclaw House.

Ms. Gray is the ghost of Ravenclaw, her real life is Helena Ravenclaw, and she is the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw. She stole her mother's golden crown, but died in the hands of Baro, who had a crush on her. Although she committed the fault of being unfilial and unrighteous, she was still just a simple and vain person.

If you want to get some secrets about Ravenclaw College, it is obviously more appropriate to start here.

Regarding Ravenclaw, Maca read some records about the founder of Hogwarts from some books as early as when he entered school. To be honest, among the four founders of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw and Slytherin may have the highest magical achievements.

And unlike Salazar Slytherin's applied slant, Rowena Ravenclaw is a true theoretical school.

As a scholar of magic, Ravenclaw completed a lot of theoretical research in his life, which is what Maca has been pursuing.

Ms. Gray—Ms. Gray, please wait a moment! Maca asked the ghost of the fat monk in Hufflepuff where she was, and tracked her all the way.

Helena inherited her mother's looks and was once a beautiful woman with curly long hair. Although she has become a ghost now, she also maintains her youthful appearance.

Well, it's just that this beauty is a little transparent, but that's okay.

Ms. Gray, can you wait a moment? Maca found that she seemed reluctant to talk to her.

Helena was called out repeatedly by him, but finally stopped. She turned around, hanging a few inches above the ground, and looked at Maca indifferently.

Beautiful Ms. Gray, Maca quickly stopped, and gracefully bowed, I don't know if I can take a moment of your time. There is one thing I think I need to tell you.

She stared at Maca for a while, then nodded with a little haughtiness.

Maca leaned down slightly again, while expressing his gratitude, even he himself felt that it would be funny for a child to do these actions. But he knew that Helena was a woman who liked others to respect her very much, and his actions might win him some favors.

It's like this. Maca said the prepared speech, When I was looking up books in the library, I found some records about Ravenclaw College, yes, I already know your identity.

Maca said while paying attention to Helena's expression all the time. Seeing her frowning slightly, but not rejecting the topic, he knew that this was a good start.

As for you, I inadvertently heard some past stories from the blood man Baro...

I don't think your choice is wrong. Maca said cautiously, The pursuit of truth and glory is the nature that everyone should have. It represents extraordinary wisdom and supreme pursuit.

Oh, yes— Helena chuckled suddenly, did you think I would say that?

Maca was taken aback when he heard this,

This is what he didn't expect.

Yes, you are right, she went on, I have always thought so, but unfortunately, I have heard similar words.

And I don't want to listen to it a second time. Helena put away her smile and looked at Maca coldly.

Have you heard it once? Who said— Maca thought about it, and suddenly realized that he might have missed something.

I don't know exactly where you heard about that, but I'm sure there wasn't in the library—

Is it Tom Riddle? Maca asked suddenly.

If it is said how Voldemort found the golden diadem, Maca hadn't thought much about it before. But now it seems that Voldemort, like him, chose Helena as a breakthrough.

Helena looked at Maca - she didn't know how Maca guessed it, she should be the only one who knew about it.

Ms. Gray, I think what I want to express is completely different from that person. Maca changed her gentle tone just now and became a little fierce.

Tom Riddle just lied to you to get the golden diadem, but I am different. Maca said, I really think that your behavior deserves the praise of every wizard. But I have no respect for the golden diadem. Any demand, I just want to have some intersection with a beautiful and intelligent woman like you.

Maca could see that Helena's expression changed slightly, which was because she had a sense of approval for her nasty compliment.

I want you to know that a friend of mine will be enrolled next year. I think she will be assigned to Ravenclaw because of her beauty and intelligence similar to yours. Maca decided to hit the iron while the iron was hot and continued to compliment her , You know, you are the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, and your characteristics obviously represent the qualities required for admission to Ravenclaw College.

This kind of half-truthy compliment obviously moved Helena, but Maca himself had already had goosebumps all over his body.

She smiled slightly, and said proudly: What you said makes sense, but my past experience makes me unable to trust you.

Unless— She seemed to be in a good mood, and she dragged her tune out.

Unless? Maca followed suit with a curious expression on his face.

Unless you can pass the Ravenclaw's bronze eagle door and enter the common room by yourself tonight. She smiled. ', I'll wait for you in the lounge.

After finishing speaking, Helena stood up with a smile on her face, and left in a hurry.

I think you have suffered a lot and haven't eaten enough! Maca shook her head secretly as she watched her leaving.

The entrance to Ravenclaw's common room is located at the top of a spiral staircase on the west side of the castle. There, there was an old bare wooden door with only a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

At some point in the middle of the night, there were two knocks on the door out of thin air. Following the sound, a figure suddenly appeared at the door.

The eagle's beak on the bronze knocker opened, and it spoke in a soft, rhythmic voice.

Where do the dead things go? Into nothingness.

Maca thought for a while and then quickly answered, but the door didn't mean to open at all.

After a while, the eagle mouth opened again.

What is born out of nothing?

Isn't it just a question? Could it be that Helena did something wrong? Maca thought to himself, then settled down and continued to think for a while.

Create something out of nothing, deduce everything.

Everything in the world, what is the truth?—After a while, the third question followed.

Maca thought about it carefully, and gradually frowned.

These questions are clearly a series of advancing explorations, not at all like questions to ask students. For the first time, Maca felt that his brain was not enough.

After pondering for a long time, he finally said his answer - he was not sure whether it was right or not.

Material promotes appearance, and spirit deduces rules.

But that nasty eagle beak obviously didn't want to let him go, and it raised a fourth question.

Which will be destroyed first, matter or spirit?

Come on! Who can answer this question? Let's guess in a reliable direction!

Complementary cycle, life and death together!

Maca guessed that he must have a constipated expression now.

Suddenly, the eagle on the bronze door knocker blinked its eyes, flew up with vigor, and landed on Maca's shoulder.

It's rare for that broken hat to make a qualified judgment. You boy is not a bad candidate.

It was the same voice just now, but the tone was no longer sluggish, and it sounded much more agile.

Uh, may I ask... who are you? Maca was a little confused, what's going on?

Me? I am a key left by Rowena, and I am also the guide of the candidate. It smoothed its feathers with a bronze-colored eagle beak, and then said, You have passed the initial test and gained entry Qualifications for the Rowena Chamber. Now, are you ready?

Ready? Maca was taken aback, No, I'm afraid not yet...

The bronze eagle spread its wings and flew to the top of his head. It quacked and said with a smile, I'm just asking.

After all, Macaton felt a whirlwind, as if his body was turned and compressed, this should be the feeling of apparition. But he didn't feel the great sense of oppression and suffocation when he was revealed with his entourage in the past.

Just in an instant, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he found that he had indeed arrived at a brand new place.

The space within Hogwarts has been reinforced by Rowena. Without me, no one can enter here. The bronze eagle quacked and laughed.

Maca nodded, but his eyes kept wandering over the huge neatly arranged bookshelves in front of him.

It was a room that wasn't too spacious, at least not as big as the Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. Maca made a visual inspection and found that this place is at most half the size of a library.

But here, except for the innermost desk and an armchair, the rest of the space is almost completely occupied by huge bookshelves reaching to the ceiling.

Here, one can smell a strong and unique fragrance of ink, which makes Maca, who has been on guard since just now, can't help but relax.

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