Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 66 Godzilla: Enter the Godzilla March! ! !

The Chaos fleet has already seen the two planets that suddenly appeared. This Chaos fleet is not small in size, but it is mainly cruisers. Only one flagship cruiser is larger than the Genesis, and the others are smaller.

"What is that thing?"

A Noise Warrior of the Emperor's Children chapter looked at the distant planet Godzilla, looking confused.

"The subspace channel seems to have been reopened just now."

"Wait, did something fly out?"

The Genesis broke out of the atmosphere and rushed towards the fleet of Slaanesh Space Marines. Some of these Chaos Space Marines of the Emperor's Children were also veterans of the 30K era. They looked at the ship and couldn't understand it.

"It looks like the Corpse Emperor's battleship, but why does it have so many strange decorations and strange temples?"

The temple on the Genesis is not a church of the Empire. The Chaos side can't tell whether it is a ship of the Empire or the Chaos side.

"Send him a signal to ask for their identities."

"The fleet turned to face the other side."

"The landing fleet plan remains unchanged! Continue to implement the plan!"

The Emperor's Children Chapter is more organized than the World Eaters, but that's only for now. If the Noise Warriors enter combat mode, they may be even more HIGH than the Chosen of Khorne!

The reason why they are called Noise Warriors is because when they fight, they use various weapons to emit sound waves that burst eardrums and turn the brain into paste. They are the same type of warriors as the howling banshees of the Eldar.

Their fight scene is like a bar and disco, full of harsh and rhythmic noises.

People with poor mental endurance may be driven crazy by the noise as soon as they enter the battlefield.

This is Slaanesh, sex is not the point, sin is.

"What is the origin of this ship? Looking at the decoration on it, it looks like a ship of the Death Guard (the traitorous Space Marines of Nurgle)."

"Don't know, but whatever he is, he only has one."

Lucius the Immortal has landed on the prison world, and his second-in-command is now commanding the fleet.

The second-in-command's command was very rational.

"Be prepared to meet the enemy."

However, Captain Wade on the opposite side was very irrational.

"Traitor, traitor! Traitor!!!"

Captain Wade let out a loud roar. His mood was as irritable as the machine spirit. With his passionate mood, the engines of the entire battleship began to increase power.

"Reload the main gun and let the enemy feel the wrath of the Emperor!"

At this moment, the workers loading the shells almost used all their strength to load the shells into the huge barrel. The technical priests in charge of the engines and void shields felt as if the oil in their bodies was boiling, and the gears began to rotate faster.


It was all set on fire by Godzilla.

‘Yes, rush over, rush over directly, don’t worry about anything, just fight and that’s it! ’

The Genesis did not slow down at all, much to the dismay of the Chaos Space Marines.

"Damn it, he didn't stop, all members of the fleet are ready for battle! Fire!!!"

With an order, the forward turrets of each ship began to pour firepower towards the Genesis, but all were blocked by the void shield. At the same time, the lizardman priest sitting on the temple woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes.

Her eyes glowed with psychic blue light, and as she awoke, a terrifying psychic blast swept through Slaanesh's fleet.

Suddenly, various instruments of the Slaanesh fleet began to fail.

The Dark Technology Priests are dumbfounded.

They quickly connected to the cogitators on the Slaanesh fleet, trying to restart the ships, but the circuits inside these ships were severely damaged.

It turned out to be an EMP shock!

This is not Warhammer at all! There are not many people who play EMP in Warhammer 40K! ! !

But this is very Godzilla. Planet Godzilla's skills include EMP electromagnetic shock, and he once used this skill to knock down an X-planet spacecraft.

In the temple, the Lizardman Priest fell back to sleep. She could not wake up for a long time, but she had already gained a great advantage for the Genesis.

The Genesis broke into the Slaanesh fleet, and Captain Wade suddenly shouted: "Macro cannons on both sides, fire!!!"

The macrocannon arrays on both sides of the ship began to fire out shells, and those cruisers that could not activate the void shields were immediately severely damaged. Godzilla also began to spit out radioactive rays from the special hangar on the top of the Genesis, and blue beams began to sweep across the surrounding area. starry sky.

At least three frigates and cruisers were cut off entirely.

"Damn it, not a Death Guard ship!!!"

The fleet commander let out an angry roar, the noise almost piercing the eardrums.

"If it's a Death Guard ship, even if it's Mortarion sitting inside, I'm going to give him a punch!!!"

Even the Emperor's Children Chapter felt distressed by the losses caused by this.

Fortunately, the paralysis of the fleet only lasted for less than three minutes. Three minutes later, the ship systems of the Slaanesh fleet began to come back online, and the void shield was activated, preventing further losses.

But the target of the Genesis is not them at all, but the prison world.

"Priest of Isis."

Captain Wade asked Isis: "Are you sure you want to use people in the prison world as living sacrifices? I don't sympathize with them, I just think the blood of those criminals is too dirty. If you can, you can Take my life as a sacrifice."

"Your loyal life still has other uses, Captain Wade. The big plan still needs you."

Isis was not angry at all.

"Ah, by the way, I want to borrow your sound array channel. My god has a unique way of dealing with Slaanesh's noise warriors."

"Of course. As long as you can kill more traitors, you can even let me die."

Captain Wade still remembers the battle to clear out the Word Bearers on the ship a few years ago. Those traitors had already betrayed the Emperor! No matter how you kill them, you can't atone for their sins!


Isis put her hand on the sound array channel, and ancient sounds came from the Genesis' sound array channel.


It was a dull sound like footsteps. Although the vacuum could not transmit the sound, the noise warriors who were some distance away from the Genesis still heard the sound.


The rhythm began to quicken, from a single footstep to a continuous drum beat.

Godzilla heard it too.

‘Who can play the BGM for me? Isn’t this the Godzilla March? ’

In this vast starry sky battlefield, the sound of Godzilla's march began to sound. The ancient war song from the 2K era had an unspeakable magic. The workers loading the shells became more and more brave, and the operating efficiency of the servitors was even higher. Start getting faster.

The machine soul of the Genesis was in great joy, and Captain Wade could detect the excitement of the machine soul from the joints of his body.

"Praising the Emperor, this feeling is so great"

'marvelous! ’

Godzilla could feel the power in his body rising inexplicably.

He sprayed out radioactive rays from his mouth again, and the blue beam bombarded a sword-class frigate. This small frigate was only one kilometer long. Generally speaking, Godzilla was not enough to break the frigate's void shield.

But this time, after a few seconds of confrontation with the void shield, the sword-class frigate's void shield was broken through by Godzilla and cut in half by the radiation ray.

‘Can my little brother still add BUFF to me? ’

[Subspace blessing, 伱 can be understood as that under the influence of BGM, part of your power can return. 】

‘That’s so cool! ! ! ’

When the Genesis approached a Slaanesh cruiser, Godzilla jumped out of the gunfire-filled docking area and climbed onto the outer wall of the Slaanesh cruiser.

"Did you see it?"

"Ah, I saw it."

The two second-in-commands of the Slaanesh fleet were stunned. They were as surprised as when they saw the Warlord-class Titan engaging in a space-hopping gang battle.

"That big guy must be Godzilla."

Hearing this, the second-in-command was no longer calm.

"The Godzilla who killed six secret keepers in the Demonic Domain of Jihuan Castle?!!!"

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