Du nodded calmly:"I understand this, otherwise, your dragon elf wouldn't be the first in so many years! But if your report is correct, we will try."

He still Believe Kaguya's report, after all, before Kaguya, few people knew about the existence of fairy elves. He still believed in the words of the Alliance's registered scientific researchers. Even if he failed, it would be hard to say anything. After all, there was only one dragon elf so far, so the difficulty must be huge. Their Yulong clan has a big business and can afford it!

"By the way, can I ask how the incident was resolved?!"Accepting the mini dragon sent by Watari, Kaguya was also happy to put the matter aside for the time being.

He was very satisfied with the apology from the Pokémon school, but the culprit didn't seem to express anything.

Watari smiled lightly:" This is of course no problem, after all, this happened because of you. Because of this incident, Xiji was removed from his position as the teaching director of the Pokémon School and became an ordinary teacher. CJ, the person in charge, was expelled from school, but this guy plans to collect badges from the Kanto region on his own to participate in the Quartz Conference!"

"This works too! ?"Kaguya was a little shocked. He did receive good compensation here, and even this compensation exceeded his previous imagination.

Du smiled helplessly:"After all, this is a human society, and that guy Shiba still participated in the end. Go in, he asked me to say sorry to you."

Kaguya was silent. It seems that the king of Shiba has also come forward, which makes him unhappy to some extent. If he was hit by a powerful force and killed and silenced, I'm afraid they will cover up the truth then, right?!

"Hiba was also helpless, but there was something he had to do!"Du hesitated for a moment and took out a card:"This is my personal phone number. If you have any difficulties or have anything to ask, you can come to me!"

Although Kaguya didn't like this kind of thing, he still accepted the card handed over by Watari. He felt that although the other party was very polite to him, he did not put him on an equal footing, but this seemed to be natural. His status and strength are not yet there.

Next time, he will make everyone look up to him.

"Team Rocket has been taking a lot of action recently, and something seems to be brewing. You should be careful when traveling outside. I'll leave first!"After saying that, Du left in a hurry without waiting for Kaguya's reaction.

Kuailong flew very fast, and their tracks disappeared from the sky in almost the blink of an eye.

"That was just now! ?"Xiao Huang looked at Kaguya curiously. She rarely spoke actively when outsiders were around.

Kaguya touched the dissatisfied Xiaobu with her hand and looked at the direction Du Yuan was going:"That's what I have to do. Someone who transcends!"

"You can do it for sure!"If we want to talk about Kaguya's number one fangirl, it must be Xiao Huang!

Kaguya nodded and said to the dragon spirit:"Sooner or later, you will be able to defeat it easily!"

"Yi! (I think so too!)" The dragon elf always felt that the power in his body could not be used! Otherwise, that fat guy would definitely not be his opponent.

"Let's go back! Please help me pay attention to this mini dragon's egg when you have time!"Kaguya took the dragon elf back. This guy eats, sleeps and upgrades every day. The outside is not suitable for it. As for the mini dragon's egg, it is definitely the safest to put in the small world.

"Hasn't that bad guy been arrested? ?!"The bad guy of course refers to CJ.

Kaguya nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly,"Maybe we will become opponents at the Quartz Conference!"

"I want him to look good then!"Xiao Huang waved his delicate fist to express his dissatisfaction with CJ.

A confident smile appeared on Kaguya's face:"That's natural! If I can't even compare to him, it will be all for nothing!"Not only Xijie, but also Shiba, Watari, and Kaguya must surpass them as soon as possible. First, his strength will be equal to theirs, and then let them look up to him!

Without strength, you will never get respect.

"Hmm~" Chenglong, who was playing in the water beside him, also encouraged him at this moment.

"To Come! You will be my main force in defeating him from now on!"Kaguya touched Chenglong's back. The lack of a champion in the Kanto region has a lot to do with Kona. No matter how powerful Du is, he can't defeat Kona. This is how Du went to the Chengdu area to compete in the King Challenge.

"Well!"As expected of Chenglong from Xiao Lan, he was not afraid at all and nodded confidently.

Champion?! Isn't he the champion?! I will surpass you sooner or later!

Kaguya snorted coldly and picked up the phone. After calling Dr. Ohki, now that she has received unexpected compensation, Kaguya still needs to express her gratitude to Dr. Ohki, even if he is very dissatisfied with the result.

"Hey, Kaguya!"Dr. Ohki still looks like a scholar wearing a white robe.

"Well, Dr. Omu, King Dutian has already come to see me!"Kaguya said to Dr. Ohki.

A wry smile appeared on Dr. Ohki's face:"I didn't expect him to be so anxious?! Did you get that apology?!"

Kaguya nodded:"I can barely accept it.……"

Dr. Ohki knew that Kaguya was more or less dissatisfied, but he had nothing to do. Even if corruption was investigated in this world, as long as there was enough power to protect it, there wouldn't be any big problems.

"Alas, I disappoint you this time!"Dr. Ohki could only say that this is society's fault.

But Kaguya shook her head:"Actually, it's nothing. I don't think he can chase me!"

"Then come on, among these trainers, I am the most optimistic about you! By the way, I heard that your Charmander didn't listen to you after he evolved into Charizard! ?"

"Yes, the evolution is too fast, and I am a little helpless!"Kaguya said that he was very distressed. Charizard has too much potential and has always been in X shape. What can he do!?

"Pokémon and trainers still need to develop in a coordinated manner, and you need to spend more patience to cultivate the relationship between the two parties. You can't just think about improving their strength all the time."Dr. Ohki is doing this for Kaguya's own good. After all, Kaguya's previous confidence was a bit too psychedelic.

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