Anyway, under the night, Enzo continued to take a bath with Mona, and then did not shy away from doing exercises that were beneficial to the body and mind. Afterwards, they lay on a big bed together as usual.

Mona: "Next..."

Enzo: "I want to go to another place. Don't let me stay with the black-haired kobolds."

Mona: "But you can speak Akijin and fly a plane."

Enzo: "So what? I really don't want to continue to have any communication with the underground resistance forces in the Takagi Kingdom."

Mona: "Isn't it okay if you can make money?"

Enzo: "Mona, the black-haired kobold's mathematics level, no, the entire education is notoriously poor. In their country, women do not have the right to receive education, and they are not allowed to do anything in public. The issue of women's education arises. Except for soldiers, basically only nobles have the right to receive education. And as you can guess, not everyone can enroll in their noble colleges. From the very beginning of its establishment, the Takagi Kingdom used forged history books as the basis for its own education.”

Mona: "It's like they always think that our Queen is an ugly, fat ball?"

Enzo: "Almost."

Mona: "Speaking of this, this is actually a problem passed down from their history. In the past, they used to slander His Majesty the Emperor of other countries and give other countries excuses for war. In addition, they also like to come out to fight and kill. They looted the people on the borders of other countries and were expelled from the Edsa continent in one fell swoop. They were determined not to allow any of their members to continue to exist on the Edsa continent. "

Enzo: "Those who violate the rules will be killed without mercy. Regardless of whether they are alive or dead, they will be skinned alive and beheaded in public."

Mona: "You want to do the same?"

Enzo: "Do you think I can't do it? Or don't you think I can do it?"

Mona: "You wouldn't say it easily even if you did it."

Enzo: "Yeah. In short, I still don't want to have any communication with the black-haired kobolds. What's more, there is the shadow of the pig-headed man behind them."

Mona: "Sure enough."

Enzo: "Let me go and have a good communication with the Clorode Empire. At least my father and the others won't be too worried, and you will feel relieved."

Obviously, Enzo was helpless when he said this.

Because the black-haired kobolds are not kind and are obviously aggressive. In addition, the black-haired kobolds have long been shadowed by the pig-headed men of the Akijin Empire.

Especially this, Enzo himself was very careful.

In his own opinion, the threat of the pig-headed men was no less than that of the demons. There were even times when he was very suspicious that the pig-headed man had already become a servant of the demon clan. It's just that compared to other intelligent races with glowing eyes, the pig-headed people should have some technology that can always ensure that they have an independent mind.

And such technology must be superior to the neurotoxins of the Orchid Republic.

But compared to these, what really worries Enzo the most is that pig-headed people are a race that cannot control the lower body. No matter where they go, they need physical comfort. So Enzo looked at Mona, whose body he could never tire of looking at. Not to mention that he held Mona in his arms many times and had her holes grouted, allowing Mona, who was getting plumper and more attractive every day, to give birth to five children for him.

In this regard, he will never allow the pig-headed man to have any possible contact with the women of the Negan Empire.

It would be best not to even have a chance to see the photos, completely eliminating the imagination of the pig-headed man. What's more, the Rimai women have used various suicide methods to show everyone how terrible the behavior of the pig-headed people is that they can't control and never want to control the lower body.

At the same time, Zelen, who suddenly woke up in his chair, looked haggard.

Regarding his elite armor, although there is the first set of field-installed models (of course the one he wears is a customized model, the protection capability is enough to make a pigskin wearing armor or a black hair with no armor drool with envy) . But he is not satisfied with pure armor or armor. He needs to equip the armor with additional weapons.

But here comes the problem. The weapons he really wants to install on the armor are non-live ammunition energy weapons. However, he has never been equipped with suitable weapons, not to mention that the captured wave energy weapons cannot be directly used by his soldiers.

Especially when your own country has not yet mastered the secrets of wave energy weapons.

In addition, in his heart, he actually hopes to equip himself with equipment made in his own country, and he has always been quite obviously resistant to foreign trophies.

Of course, Salo's six-barreled beam gate cannon can actually be improved twice and turned into a three-barreled beam gate cannon model. However, this thing requires the cooperation of Savanqi Arms Company, otherwise it will be meaningless.

At the same time, in order to better deal with different types of enemies, such armor must be equipped with weapons that can be used to attack fortresses.

In general, what he wants is an all-round exoskeleton armor for land combat.

But for now, he needs more time to complete.

But compared to his idea, Colonel Cash felt lucky the next morning when he looked at the list of rescued prisoners.

Guillermo: "I didn't expect that the more direct artillery fire or weapons such as time bombs were used, the easier it would be to rescue these prisoners of war."

Cash: "In this way, the next action cannot be delayed, and the Northern Expedition should be accelerated. Prepare more explosive equipment, as well as artillery, especially multiple rocket launchers."

Guillermo: "Understood."

Just like that, Guoinz was naturally bombarded for three consecutive days. And what gave him a headache was...


The Japanese prisoners who were locked in the biochemical reactor for stable power output were making trouble everywhere in the city.

Adjutant: "General."

Guoinz: "Listen to me! All the troops responsible for protecting the reactor must protect the reactor for me! Don't let the Japanese continue to make trouble! There are many facilities in our city that require huge power supply. Without power, our defense system is equivalent to scrap! And if it really doesn't work, if it can't be protected, then blow up the reactor! Kill the prisoners inside too!"

After giving orders to his men, Guoinz was annoyed. The areas occupied by the Akijin Empire have quite heavy production tasks to ensure the normal income of the Akijin Empire. Therefore, under the recommendation of the allies and to completely solve the problem of prisoners of war, the biochemical reactor naturally became the main source of electricity for the Akijin Empire's occupied areas.

After all, they are not that stupid. After capturing the prisoners, they had to waste time feeding them, and even send them to the mainland.

Why waste time doing other complicated things that can be solved on the spot?

So with such a thought, Guo Yinz naturally couldn't help shaking his head.

The Japanese are a fighting race, and it is notoriously difficult to make them surrender.

So much so that during the invasion war, the pig-headed people used various biological and chemical weapons to make the Japanese resistance less intense, and successfully captured many prisoners who were in a coma or seriously injured.

But it was because of the strategic thinking of solving the problem on the spot that Guo Yinz now regretted why he agreed to the advice of his allies.

Of course, he didn't expect that once the biochemical reactor was blown up, the prisoners inside would regain their minds and continue to fight against his Akitsu Empire.

In this regard, he could only say that his allies were too pitfalls.

Although the imprisoned power generation function of the biochemical reactor can ensure that the imprisoned prisoners can remain absolutely still and tirelessly generate electricity without any resistance.

However, the prison cabin used for power generation also has the function of maintaining the normal vital signs of the prisoners, so if the prisoners are not under any control...


The explosion outside is the best proof.

When Guo Yinz came to the outside of the headquarters, he saw dozens of prisoners who came out of the biochemical reactor and got various weapons and equipment in some way and started street fighting with his troops in the city.

Although he has tsunami tanks here that can effectively suppress these guerrillas who mostly have light weapons, his infantrymen are not so lucky...

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