Otherwise, the Krolod Empire will definitely not develop well, and may even experience a regressive economic development phenomenon of bartering.

This is definitely not something that the Krorod Empire can see.

Exchanging things for things is something only intelligent races in primitive times would do. After all, the Krolod Empire is a country that has sworn to become a powerful nation since its founding.

What is a strong country?

This not only means strong military power, but more importantly, economic and cultural independence.

In fact, if it weren't for the text unification agreement, the Krorod Empire would definitely create its own text.

But there is no need for this now.

Because compared to words, military independence is the best talisman.

After all, there is an Orchid Republic on the other side of the northeastern ocean of the Krolod Empire. This country has fought a 100-year war of independence against foreign enemies, and has achieved more than 500 years of peaceful development through the sacrifice and dedication of several generations of soldiers and civilians.

If it were Zelen, he would also hope that the Crurod Empire could do the same.

It's just a pity that the Krurod Empire did not get the support of more than a dozen countries to deal with one country like the Orchid Republic back then, and even faced attacks from various intelligent races that could not resist mind control.

Anyway, after seeing the Sage semi-automatic anti-tank gun that uses the gas-guided automatic principle for automatic loading, Zelen continued to focus on the soldiers' armor.

Although Zelen also knows that with the future military development, the breakthrough ability of the spear will temporarily be better than the defensive ability of the shield; but he still hopes that he can make some contribution in reducing the casualties of soldiers in this regard.

"It seems he..."

"As long as he maintains this work attitude, there is nothing we can do. So, aren't you willing?"

"How is that possible? I just feel that he is becoming less and less like His Majesty the Emperor."

"Oh? So what does His Majesty the Emperor look like in your mind?"

"I won't get up every day until the sun is shining the brightest. Then I have to hug a few, preferably five..."

"Stop. Anyway, we will sleep with him in the future. You can talk about this later. Now, go back and recover."

Obviously, even though Zelen now has Qin's close surveillance, there are actually other monitors watching in places that he is not aware of for the time being.

However, while he was being monitored in various ways, Pierre and the scouts continued to march north for the large army and sneaked into a city controlled by pig-headed men.

Mailin: "This..."

Pierre: "Don't be in a daze. Write it down first."

As everyone guessed, the purpose of the Akitsu Empire's invasion of the Krurod Empire was to occupy more territory and seize more resources that their country was extremely lacking.

Therefore, in the city, there were many factories and expatriates performing their duties like machines, and Pierre himself couldn't help but admire the scene of providing various supplies to the army.

What does it mean to feed war with war?

This is.

What is local collection?

This is.

What does a successful occupation mean?

This is.

In order to quickly increase the national power of their country, the Akijin Empire did not hesitate to recruit more black-haired kobolds to serve as front-line cannon fodder to ensure that its controlled areas would not be attacked by outsiders for the time being.

But now, the Akijin Empire definitely has no way to continue to maintain such a development strategy. Especially in front of Pierre, a group of black-haired kobolds were arguing with pig-headed soldiers.

Although Pierre couldn't understand what the two parties in the dispute were talking about, judging from the fact that they had picked up guns and pointed the muzzles of their spears at each other...

Why don't he, Pierre, do him a favor and let both parties to the dispute shoot directly?

Naturally, Pierre discussed this with Mailin and the others, and then Pierre took a seized semi-automatic pistol and installed a silencer.

Finally, target the arm of one of the black-furred kobolds.


So under the guidance of Pierre's gunshot, a certain black-haired kobold suddenly felt pain and pulled the trigger of the rifle in his hand.


The crisp and loud gunshots instantly made the scene extremely chaotic, because the fallen pig-headed man immediately became the reason for other pig-headed people to immediately fight back. The black-haired kobold, who had no time to figure out what was going on, would have to find ways to find cover and fight back as long as the unlucky guy who fired the gun didn't turn into a hornet's nest in an instant.

It's just a pity that the equipment of the black-haired kobolds is not as good as the wave energy weapons used by the entire pig-headed army. The wave energy rifles used by the pig-headed soldiers alone shoot out blue-white light bullets, which can completely suppress the black-haired kobolds' swivel rifles that shoot and pull.

Even if the black-haired men who came from behind finally had a few armed with fully automatic lances to support them, this did not change the result that the pigskins stepped over their dead compatriots and the black-haired corpses that would never move again and started to pursue them. .

Therefore, Pierre put away his pistol, and then followed other comrades forward to clear out a building where no pig-headed soldiers were stationed. Of course, in order to ensure that he could get his money back in one dispatch, Pierre did not let go of the weapons and equipment left by these guys who killed each other.

Take what is due, and ask for what is needed.

This is the style of their scouts.

Therefore, Colonel Cash, who was at the rear headquarters, felt a sense of solemnity as he watched the transport planes transporting various supplies and various valuable trophies back.

If nothing else, the pig-headed equipment, even the simplest dagger, has quite sufficient technical content.

Cash: "Guillermo, look, there's no magnetism whatsoever."

Guillermo: "What does this mean? The big deal is that it proves that the pig-headed man's knife-making skills can be used without steel. After all, you know that there are still some backward countries in the world that still use bronze swords."

Cash couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard this, for no other reason than that iron, as one of the common metal resources in the Crurod Empire, was a raw material needed for currency.

Only after the Krolod Empire's subsequent trade exchanges with other countries and some conflicts with indigenous forces, iron ore became a material that was controlled and had restricted circulation channels to a certain extent.

After all, the importance of steel to a country or a civilization far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. Therefore, Kash and Guillermo were not slow to understand that the Akitsu Empire, which was short of iron, tried their best to search for iron resources everywhere, and even came up with a hot light knife that was obviously not made of ordinary steel, but was as strong as steel or even stronger. Strong fighting weapon.

Cash: "Don't fight with those idiots who usually have nothing to do and only think about whether they have done something contrary to the teachings of the gods today. With these uncivilized minds, they don't know magic at all, let alone what gods and demons are. If we communicate with each other, the average IQ of our race will continue to decline. Although few of these guys can count due to education issues, we Rimai people should not have regular contact with them. Better."

Guillermo: "Even if they're so smart that nine times eight equals seventy-four?"

Cash: "That's right. After all, they never think there is anything wrong with math, and under the influence of mind control, their intelligence is getting worse and worse."

The so-called nine times eight equals seventy-four is one of the jokes created by some primitive countries in the past that emphasized theocracy and completely ignored the development of other undertakings.

Therefore, in history, the Crurod Empire has often used such methods to make profits. After all, the opponent's arithmetic level is too poor, which can easily lead to some "unexpected gains".

This is why the Krorod Empire later had a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in stock.

Guillermo: "If you have time to worship gods, you might as well find time to think about improving civilization... But that's impossible now."


It's impossible.

According to the information currently available, all intelligent races in the world that do not have the ability to resist mind control are all under the control of an invisible mind control energy and have become "walking zombies" with glowing eyes.

Can these controlled guys still have a will of their own?

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