At night, in front of the computer.

After typing the last period on the keyboard, Lu Liang rubbed his sore neck.

The current trial data of monoclonal antibody drugs such as Sulfurex has been compiled into a paper by Lu Liang.

I don’t know how many source points the system can provide for this article submitted to Nature.

Lu Liang thought as he moved his gaze towards the system.

However, when he saw the source given by the system to this article, Lu Liang couldn't help but take a breath.

[Source point +1]!

1 source point!

Lu Liang couldn't calm down anymore. This was the first and only time that he directly gave a full source point.

Lu Liang has never seen the system be so generous.

Compared with the previous articles, the source points given by the research paper on Shuyoulile Drug are quite high, which is almost equivalent to the sum of the source points of the previous two articles.

Is this the value of articles submitted to Nature?

The source points given by the system are based on the gold content of the article.

Sure enough, if you want to write, you should write high-quality articles, and if you want to be a high-quality man, you should.

Lu Liang couldn't help but sigh.

After checking it carefully to make sure there were no typos or other errors, Lu Liang opened his mailbox and sent the paper to Ji Hong.

Ding dong.

Not two minutes after the paper was sent, Lu Liang received a message from Ji Hong: I have seen the paper and should be able to finish it tonight.

Lu Liang grinned. It was already past one in the morning, and Ji Hong was going to sleep in the office again.

By the way, Xiao Lu, let me tell you something. Ji Hong sent a message.

What's the matter, teacher? Lu Liang asked.

Two or three seconds later, Lu Liang received a reply from Ji Hong: As for the corresponding author, I plan to add Teacher Song Ke's name. Do you think this is okay?


Lu Liang thought for a moment and said he had no objection.

Because Song Ke really helped him a lot during the sampling and testing process.

Compared with this, what Lu Liang is really concerned about is when the drug can start phase three clinical trials.

Teacher, when can the Phase III clinical trial of the drug start?

Now the monoclonal antibody drug has been sent for pharmacokinetic and pharmacotoxicology testing. When these two test reports are released, the third phase clinical trial can begin.

Ji Hong had already prepared for this.

After learning about the current progress, Lu Liang felt relieved. Naturally, Lu Liang hoped that Shuyou Lile would be launched as soon as possible.

After all, after Shuyoulile was launched, Xia Qunxing's sister Xia Wen's disease was able to be treated in time.

It is even possible to ask Xia Wen to directly sign up for the Phase III clinical trial of the drug.

After finalizing the Phase III clinical affairs, Lu Liang began to think about another important matter.

That's the source point.

Lu Liang doesn't have many source points now. It cost Lu Liang 5 source points to analyze the drug Shuyoulile.

He wiped out all the wealth he had just accumulated.

Coupled with Shu Youlile's high-quality article, it brought him a source point.

He now only has 1.6 source points left.

Therefore, how to quickly accumulate source points has become Lu Liang's top priority now.

When Shu Youli Le had not yet been put on the market, the only way Lu Liang could think of to accumulate source points was to write papers.

But the problem is that he doesn't have enough data now to write a experimental paper.

What should I do? Write a review?

This idea was quickly rejected by Lu Liang.

Because writing a review requires reading a lot of research, it takes too long. If you rely on writing reviews to accumulate source points, it will take many years and months.

In this case, there is only one last resort left.

Do experiments around the drug Suyoulile, and do many, many experiments!

This means that he needs a lot of manpower, but where can he find so many people to help?

Then we can only ask Ji Hong to find a solution.

Lu Liang told Ji Hong his thoughts.

After listening to Lu Liang's words, Ji Hong fell into silence for a while.

After a long time, Ji Hong sighed: Maybe you can ask Teacher Song Ke for help with this kind of thing. He has many students and can help you conduct experiments.

Early the next morning, in Song Ke's office.

Come on, student Lu, have a drink of water.

Song Ke poured a glass of water with a smile on his face and handed it to Lu Liang. Lu Liang quickly took the glass with both hands.

After sitting down, Song Ke asked: Classmate Lu, did you come to see me today for something?

Lu Liang put down the water glass and said, Teacher Song, this is it. I want to do some more in-depth and detailed experiments around the monoclonal antibody drug Suyoulile.

After listening to Lu Liang's words, Song Ke nodded with sudden realization: So, what do you need me to help you with?

Lu Liang scratched his head and looked a little embarrassed: Teacher Song, look, can you ask your students to help me carry out the experiment? I can't do it alone.

Song Ke was very generous: It's okay, classmate Lu, tell me how many people are needed to help you.

Lu Liang coughed dryly: Let's put it this way, Teacher Song, how many students do you have?

After hearing what Lu Liang said, Song Ke suddenly felt something was wrong.

He looked at Lu Liang and asked tentatively: No, classmate Lu, how many batches of experiments do you plan to carry out?

Lu Liang grinned: Not many, just seven or eight batches of mice for testing!

In the end, Song Ke agreed to send all his students to help Lu Liang.

Because of this, the mouse experiment went more smoothly than Lu Liang imagined.

Among Song Ke’s students, there are experienced second-year graduate students such as Wen Yong and Shang Peng.

People like Wen Yong and Shang Peng have done these tests before, and they are already familiar with all the test procedures.

Now it's just equivalent to doing it all over again with a different drug.

Therefore, during the experiment, Wen Yong, Shang Peng and others were extremely skilled and there was no need for Lu Liang to worry at all.

Seeing that all the experiments were being carried out in an orderly manner, Lu Liang was slightly relieved.

At first, he was a little worried that if he opened so many batches of tests, it would be a mess.

But now it seems that these worries are completely unnecessary.

At the same time, while the experiment was ongoing, Lu Liang also ushered in the first day of school.

Lao Lu, happy New Year!

When Cheng Ming walked into the dormitory carrying his two huge suitcases, he was as tired as a cow and panting, but he still didn't forget to say hello to Lu Liang.

After the water and power supply was restored in the dormitory, Lu Liang naturally moved his things back to his dormitory.

Cheng Ming put down his suitcase and wiped the sweat from his forehead: I'm so tired.

I told you not to bring so many things back, you don't believe me. Lu Liang couldn't help but shook his head after seeing Cheng Ming's state.

Cheng Ming shrugged and did not dwell on this topic. He asked: I thought I would be the first to come, but I didn't expect you, Lao Lu, to be here earlier than me. When did you arrive?

I said I came here on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. Do you believe it?

Lu Liang said with a smile, with a joking tone in his tone.

Believe it, why don't you believe it? Cheng Ming shrugged and said.

This was a little beyond Lu Liang's expectation: Do you believe such an outrageous thing?

Cheng Ming said very calmly: Come to school on the fourth day of junior high school. It may be outrageous to do this to others, but I think it is normal if it is done to you, Lao Lu.

After all, not many outrageous things happened to you in the past year?

Lu Liang's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that he already had this image in Cheng Ming's mind.

Let's go, Lao Lu, sign up.

Amid Cheng Ming's shouts, Lu Liang took his student ID card and walked towards the student work group.

The days after school starts are extremely busy.

Between class meetings, classes, experiments, and writing papers, Lu Liang felt that his life was extremely fulfilling, almost to the point of being filled to the brim.

There seems to be endless things to do every day.

Lu Liang couldn't wait to split another one of himself to help.

It's a pity that it can't be done.

Finally, when things ended one after another, Lu Haohao could not easily breathe a sigh of relief.

Nearly a month has passed since school started.

In the library.

Lu Liang stared intently at the half-written article on the computer screen.

He is now thinking about which literature to cite to support his views in this article.

More than half a month after the start of the school year, Lu Liang's eight batches of mouse experiments were nearing completion.

Because the test cycle of each batch is not the same.

Therefore, the test data does not come out all at once, but a batch of data comes out every two or three days.

However, Lu Liang does not intend to wait until all the data from the eight batches of mouse experiments are released before starting to write the paper.

That's something only procrastinators do, and Lu Liang doesn't have the habit of procrastination.

He didn't like the feeling of having things pile up on his hands.

Because if there are too many things on hand, his thinking will be like a headless fly, unable to find a suitable breakthrough.

Therefore, once the data comes out, Lu Liang will immediately organize the data into a paper.

Just when Lu Liang was thinking about how to continue writing, the phone dinged, interrupting Lu Liang's thoughts.

Lu Liang picked up his phone and took a look and found that it was a message sent to him by Wen Yong.

The data from the last batch of trials are out, and the results are pretty good. Do you want to come over and take a look?

When he saw this news, Lu Liang raised his eyebrows. Did it come out so soon?

Save, shut down, and unplug the power, all actions were done in one go. After stuffing the computer into his backpack, Lu Liang took the backpack and left the library quickly.

After walking out of the library, Lu Liang ran straight towards the teaching building.

On the third floor of the teaching building, in the study room.

By the time Lu Liang arrived at the study room, Wen Yong was already sitting in front of the computer analyzing the batch of data.

Brother Yong, how are you? Lu Liang came over and asked.

After Wen Yong saw Lu Liang coming over, he replied: The results of the test are good. The half-life of Shuyoulile in mice is longer than expected.

A long half-life means that the drug Sulfuret takes a long time to work in the body.

This also means that Sulfuret does not need to be injected frequently like coagulation factor VIII injection.

An injection of Sulfuretide can allow hemophilia patients to stop taking medication for a week or two.

Wen Yong closed the document and then opened his Penguin account: I will send the data directly to you.

Lu Liang nodded: Also, Brother Yong, please call everyone and take everyone to have a meal. You have worked hard during this time.

Wen Yong smiled and said: That's right, and you've invited us to dinner a lot during this period. No matter what we say, we must be worthy of these meals!

After every batch of experiments, Lu Liang would ask Wen Yong and others to have a meal. This is also an old tradition of the research team.

But because Lu Liang carried out too many experiments, and they all ended during this period, Wen Yong and others' lunch was almost taken over by Lu Liang.

Wen Yong was almost embarrassed after eating this, so he could only experiment harder.

Lu Liang waved his hand. The money for a dinner was nothing to him. As long as the data came out, everything would be easy to talk about.

By the way, Brother Yong, please discuss with everyone and give me a list for each batch of experiments, and I will fill in your names when the time comes. Lu Liang said.

After hearing Lu Liang's words, Wen Yong was stunned for a moment: You mean?

The second author. Lu Liang nodded and replied.

Among these batches of experiments, the work of Wen Yong and others cannot be ignored.

If it weren't for the help of Wen Yong and others, Lu Liang would not have been able to obtain so much data.

Therefore, the second and third authors naturally belong to Wen Yong and others.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Liang also has his own plans.

The second and third authors are not important at all to Lu Liang, they are the same to everyone.

But if it is given to Wen Yong and others, Wen Yong and others will definitely be willing to come and help next time they do experiments.

Why not do this kind of thing?

Sure enough, after listening to Lu Liang's words, Wen Yong's breathing suddenly became rapid.

First of all, you need to know that the second and third authors of ordinary journals or water journals are worthless.

Journals of this level are also dispensable to Wen Yong and others.

But these batches of trials are different. These batches of trials are all trials of the new drug Sulfuret.

Wen Yong knew very well that although it was impossible for every article written on these batches of experimental data to be published in the first SCI.

But issuing a second-district SCI is definitely more than enough and there is no problem at all.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back, the worst thing you can do is at least be a core journal!

Therefore, even if it is only the second or third author, it is something valuable.

This is something truly valuable to Wen Yong and others!

This is not something that can be compared with just a few meals!

What's more, Lu Liang has more than one article to publish here, there are seven or eight articles here.

And listen to the meaning of Lu Liang's words.

Give them the second and third authors of these seven or eight articles!

Thinking of this, Wen Yong almost knelt down on the spot.

Brother. No, foster father!

Wen Yong's excitement could be said to be beyond words: Brother Lu, isn't this too polite? Is there something you want me to do?

If he didn't do something, Wen Yong felt that the second and third authors had uneasy conscience.

It's okay. Just remember to come and help me next time you do an experiment. Lu Liang said with a smile.

Wen Yong hurriedly patted his chest and said: Don't worry, your experiments will be my first priority in the future!

Ahem, it won't happen, it won't happen.

Lu Liang coughed dryly and waved his hand: Then let me know when you can give me the list.

Okay, no problem. I will discuss it with everyone later. It will probably take two days to sort out the list. I will send it to you then.

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