The Dharma God of All Realms Begins with Harry Potter

Chapter 1,283 The Ability Of The Wild Boar Man

When Eldara found Ye Ting the next day, she found that his magic tent was filled with a wonderful little device.

It was a small but sturdy metal creation, composed of a metal lever with a shaft and a rounded stone.

She noticed that in addition to the strange shape of the metal lever, there were also rough jagged teeth on the stone side. The round stone seems to be shaped by magic, and simple magic runes are painted on the stone.

"This thing is..."

Since he has been away from magic for too long, even a druid of Eldala's level knows nothing about magic runes, and cannot even understand the purpose of small devices.

Ye Ting did not answer her question, but picked up a small device and pressed down a section of the lever.

There was just a "click" sound, and the rough saw teeth on the other end of the lever quickly scratched across the pebbles, flashing a spark, which became "zero one seven" in size, and finally turned into a small flame.

The flame burned for a few seconds and then slowly extinguished.

"It's a... ignition device."

Eldara immediately understood the purpose of the small device, and her eyes lit up.

"Whether it is a wild boar or a centaur, starting fire has always been a troublesome thing, especially those stupid wild boars. Their careless character often makes them unable to keep precious fire. Such a simple and quick method The lighter is indeed a precious gadget to them, but the Emperor’s possession of this small collection will not pose much of a threat to you.”

Ye Ting nodded, indicating that her analysis was correct.

But what Eldala did not mention is that the biggest advantage of this gadget is its convenience in production compared to humans and its non-imitation for indigenous races.

The latter one is easy to understand. To put it bluntly, it means that the technical processing level of the indigenous races is too poor.

As for the former, it must be attributed to Ye Ting's clever design.

The principle of the ignition device is actually very simple. It is to process the original flint and add a mechanical structure to increase its ease of use.

What's special about it is the mechanical structure and the role of magic runes.

In terms of mechanical structure, considering the source of the craftsmen in their expeditionary force, Ye Ting simply designed it to be a flint-activated structure similar to a dwarf flintlock musket.

The craftsmen in these armies used to be responsible for making ordnance. This kind of structure is not the simplest, but it is the most skillful lighter for them to make.

As for the magic rune, it is just the simplest rune for strengthening flames. Its function is only to turn weak sparks into flames.

This function is really simple, but it effectively makes up for the shortcomings of the flint and steel sparks being too small and requiring repeated attempts to actually make a fire. At the same time, this simple magic rune does not require magic power to maintain. It can be drawn easily by the enchanter and is convenient for batching. Production.

Definitely, this is not the only product prepared by Ye Ting.

Ye Ting found a large amount of cloth and wine from the expeditionary force's Warehouse. According to Blue Star's experience, these are also the favorite products of the indigenous races.

It’s not that these indigenous races don’t know how to weave and make wine, but due to their limited technology, the quality of their cloth and wine is very poor——

Most of the cloth was made from dried plant and vine fibers. Not only was it rough in texture, but the fabric was too loose, which led to their clothing being mainly leather.

Most of the wines made by indigenous peoples are simply and crudely made by leaving fruits and grains for a long time. This kind of wine is not only rich in impurities, but also has no stable taste, and can even easily develop odor.

On Ye Ting's side, the quality of the cloth and wine he chose from the expeditionary army's material reserves was not high: the cloth was the cheapest coarse cloth, and the wine was the poorest ale, but compared to these indigenous races whose civilizations were in the clan and tribe stage Much stronger.

It is conceivable that the quilboars and centaurs will not be able to put it down after trying it.

After preparing the supplies, Ye Ting set off with the supplies.

Because he wanted to make friends rather than start a war, except for the translator Eldara, Ye Ting only brought a few drivers driving freight carriages, not even guards.

On the one hand, it was to show goodwill, and on the other hand, Ye Jian was confident that he could protect the supplies in front of these indigenous races by himself.

Their first target was the quilboar.

Considering Eldala's mood, Ye Ting did not choose the previous wild boar tribe, but took a detour to the door of another wild boar tribe.

I have to say, these wild boar people are really big-hearted...or are they lazy?

In short, there seemed to be no sentry near their tribe. It was not until the convoy arrived at the gate of the tribe that it was discovered by the wild boar guarding the gate.

Two wild boar men holding bone spears immediately surrounded them and blocked the front of the carriage.

I saw them waving bone spears and humming in their mouths, as if they were saying something...

"They are asking who we are and why we come to the territory of the Steelmane clan." Eldala translated for Ye Ting.

Ye Ting nodded and said to Eldara: "Help me tell them that we are not enemies, but guests from afar. We have gifts to give to the Steelmane clan."

Eldara turned to the wild boar guards, gestured to them with dancing gestures, and made a wonderful humming sound in her mouth.

The language of the wild boars is very rudimentary. The words and sentences are mainly nasal and the vocabulary is too small. Therefore, body language must be used to express the meaning perfectly.

Seeing the beautiful elf lady Proxima Midnight having to imitate a pig's snort in order to translate, Ye Ting had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

This is why Ye Ting "forgot" the existence of the [Language Proficiency] spell and needed someone to act as a translator - the pronunciation of some languages ​​is really too ridiculous, and he didn't want to communicate with another "pig" like a pig. .

Eldara didn't know that this man whom she liked very much had such thoughts.

After some exchanges with the wild boar guards, she returned to Ye Ting and told him: "It's okay, they agreed to let us in."

At the same time, two quilboar guards moved out of the way, opening the gate for them.

"They...actually believed it?"

Ye Ting felt incredible for such a result.

"They are too stupid...I mean they are naive, they don't verify it? 3.0 Aren't they afraid that we are liars?"

"They definitely know that we are not liars," Eldara smiled bitterly, "because they have smelled the aroma of the wine coming from our carriage."

Ye Ting suddenly realized.

This reason was beyond his expectation, but it was also reasonable.

According to a study in a previous life, animals like pigs have a better sense of smell than dogs. As descendants of Agamaggan, it is not surprising that the wild boars have a keen sense of smell. Perhaps this can also indirectly explain why they did not place too many sentries.

With such a sense of smell, it is not easy for the enemy to raid or sneak into the quilboar tribe.

All races that can last for thousands of years must have their own way of establishing themselves. Even races like the wild boars cannot be underestimated.

With this emotion, Ye Ting's motorcade slowly drove into the tribe under the leadership of the wild boar guards. .

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