The new gods of the Apocalypse Star are very confident in the mother box, and they feel that at the level of earthlings, even with the help of Victor, it is impossible to resurrect a normal superman with the mother box.

Eventually, they will pay for their actions.

"Let's make the stupid humans in those worlds happy for a while, and it will be their end soon!"

On the other side, Steppenwolf, who had already obtained the two mother boxes, connected to the Apocalypse Star of the Infinite Universe and successfully met with Disard.

The black stele in front of Steppenwolf carrying the mother box took the form of Dissad.

"Have you completed your conquest?"

"Not yet, Dessard. Steppenwolf said as he took a few steps forward and looked up at him.

"I have new news that before the all-knowing Darkseid ascended the throne, he searched the entire infinite universe for the ultimate weapon, the anti-life equation. "

"The key to controlling all life, all wills throughout the multiverse. "

Steppenwolf stuck the axe in his hand into the ground and said in a firm tone:

"I've found that primordial planet, the only planet where the great Darkseid has failed, is Earth!!"

"The anti-life equation is engraved on the surface of this planet!!"

Steppenwolf's voice was full of antiquity, and seeing his expression, many people thought that Darkseid had sent him to Earth.

However, the next dialogue made countless viewers completely refresh their impression of Steppenwolf!

With Dissad's summoning, the Apocalypse Star Demon behind Steppenwolf suddenly seemed to sense something, and knelt down in unison in the direction of the black stone tablet.

The next moment, the entire stele changed, and Darkseid's figure suddenly appeared!

Seeing his appearance, Steppenwolf's pupils contracted, he took two steps back on the spot, the armor on his body also subconsciously faded, and he knelt down facing Darkseid with a pop.

Those cold and cruel eyes also moistened at this moment.

This situation made many viewers in the world who didn't know the reason stunned, and said puzzledly:

"It's... Steppenwolf ???"

"Am I right? Is he going to cry?"

"Didn't Darkseid send Steppenwolf?

"Oh my God, is this the Steppenwolf who snatched the two mother boxes??

Seeing Steppenwolf so loyal and pitiful, and even a little miserable, I don't know how many people were stunned, and felt a huge sense of contrast.

In the DC cinematic world, the Amazons, the Kingdom of the Seven Seas, the Kryptonians, and even Diana and Clark themselves all seem to have a question mark on their faces and question this scene.

And in the universe, Steppenwolf, who saw this scene, felt the same way, and even knelt down, and took a video to the chat group, attaching the text:

"The Great Dark Lord, your humble servant Steppenwolf, will always serve your greatness!"

Deidara: "What the hell am I stupid, this is Steppenwolf??"

Usopp: "Good Wolf, don't hold Darkseid's stinky feet, he's not in the group!"

Jiraiya: "You have to arch the fire upstairs, right? Can't you watch the inventory video well?"

Disard: "No matter which cosmic ant this Usopp is, if you dare to insult the great Darkseid, you will pay the price for your words and deeds!!"

Diobrando: "Hehe, Dessard, you haven't been in the group for long. "

"I suggest you go and see the video of Frieza and Anlan for yourself,

Even the Emperor of the Universe and the King of Immortality have been sprayed, I advise you not to come to find trouble,

Just wait for the inventory video to announce your victory, otherwise you won't be happy to win, and you will be sprayed to death. "

Disard: "Frieza and Anlan, just two ants, how can they compare to the all-knowing and all-powerful Darkseid?!"

Straw Hat Luffy: "!!Niubi, Diobrando is obviously saying this in the arch fire, you actually believe it??"

Naruto: "Oh, if you dare to say something like that, things are starting to get interesting. "

War Machine: "Anlan is now the only one in the group who has authority, and his status is transcendent, and he is also the only one in the entire chat group with a personal signature. "

"Don't you want to think about why? You dare to say that about him, you are really brave. "

Quill: "My brother Anlan seems to have been sprayed, but he is finally in charge of the group, we all have to look at his face, I'm afraid you haven't been beaten." "

Big barrel peach style: "I can only say one word about this." "

The messages in the chat group popped up one after another, and Di Sard was a little stunned for a while, and then in the next second, a prompt box came in front of his eyes and the interface of the chat group:

[User Disard, who has been banned by the Immortal King Anlan for thirty days, will unconditionally receive all Aite messages in this group that mention him!]

After a brief silence, Dissad's mind exploded like a tsunami, and dense messages poured out of his mouth like a tsunami.

In addition to the people who stinked his mouth, there were also disrespectful words towards Darkseid, which made his scalp tingle for a moment.

Deidara: "Tut, 30 days of silence, I can only be scolded, I can't talk back, I think it's terrifying." "

In the depths of the Perfect World, An Lan's face was calm, and his expression was neither happy nor sad, "The king must not be humiliated." "

Four words, in an instant, spread throughout the foreign land!

In the Apocalypse Star Palace, looking at Disard, who staggered out of thin air, all the new gods who had not joined the chat group looked over in puzzlement.

"What's wrong with you?"

Desad's face turned green at the time, and he trembled: "I... I let An Lan plot !!"

At the same time, in the video, the appearance of Steppenwolf also caused an extraordinary program effect among the heavens and worlds.

With tears glistening in his eyes, Steppenwolf bowed his head completely and began to salute, and the armor of his entire upper body faded with it.

"My master, I am your humble servant, Steppenwolf. "

This scene, many viewers in the chat group who originally supported Steppenwolf subconsciously ridiculed.

"My wolf treasure is so humble in front of him?"

"You said that the Steppenwolf in the video, did you know that Darkseid was once beaten by Ares?"

"I don't know, how could someone as decent as Darkseid go back and hype it up?"

"Yes, the Dark Monarch is very strong, and it can be called the second place under An Lan. "

"After all, the multiverse overlord, the aura is still there. "

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many people are stunned.

Because Darkseid in this perspective is really too similar to Sanos.

"Did you really find it?" Darkseid asked.

"Yes, the only Supreme, it is on the earth of my world. "

Darkseid sighed, clenched his fists,

"Very well, go find the third mother box, Steppenwolf,

When the power of unity is re-formed, open the blast channel, and I will come to your world to retrieve the loot I deserve!"

Hearing this, Steppenwolf burst into tears on the spot, "You... You're going to be there on earth in this world??!"

Darkseid slowly raised his head, not knowing what he was looking at, and said in a deep voice:

"I once smashed more than 100,000 worlds to ashes in search of the anti-life equation, the old gods who had robbed me of their glory.

This time, I will step over their bones and bask in the light of the anti-life equation,

When the time comes, everything that exists will belong to me!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the major worlds did not react at the first time, and some worlds even felt that Darkseid was a bit of a middle two.

But in the DC movie world, many races that have existed in the universe for many years are terrified because of these few words.

"Where is the Green Lantern Corps??The earth has become like this, why don't they go yet??"

"Earthlings can't beat Steppenwolf, won't they still run?"

"Send someone to drive the Kryptonite starship to the universe, find the Green Lantern Legion, and let them take the third mother box and run around the universe!!"

"It's over, this time it's not just the earthlings who will turn to ashes, the entire universe will be finished. "

Many of the races that feared Darkseid despaired,

In the picture, Steppenwolf looks up at Darkseid's posture with adoration in his eyes and tears in his eyes.

Until Darkseid disappeared, he remained on his knees, maintaining this movement with great respect, and said in a trembling voice:

"I... I'm finally able to go home!"

Countless people's mentalities exploded, and they felt that Steppenwolf's previous tall image had completely collapsed.

In the chat group, someone said something like this:

"Brothers, should I say it or not, although I don't stand on the side of Steppenwolf and earthlings, but now I want to ask those earthlings who spray Steppenwolf a question,

What's wrong with him, Wolf, he just wants to go home, what's wrong with him?"

"That's right, the evil earthlings haven't surrendered yet, delaying the time for Wolf Bao to go home, how vicious must their hearts be, why didn't anyone spray them?"

Usopp: "Because the earthlings have won many inventory videos in the past, there is no such thing as surrender in our blood!"

Big Barrel Peach Style: "Inferior creatures, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Starting from the three-body world, then to Sanos, and then to the present,

The time has passed when you earthlings won the inventory video,

It's time for the other races to teach the earthlings a lesson!"

Seeing Steppenwolf's words, many viewers in the Heavenly World who did not stand on the earth suddenly woke up,

Then they thought about it and realized that it was indeed the same as Steppenwolf.

From the three-body world, to Sanos snapping his fingers.

There were many times during this period, and the Earth camp gave them the illusion that humanity could win.

But humanity eventually lost.

"Don't tell me that's really the case, gone are the days when humanity won!"

Many viewers of the other races in the heavens, who hated the earthlings from the beginning, had a look of surprise on their faces, and their worries about Clark's resurrection were also invisibly reduced.

In the video, the camera changes to a suburban cemetery in the small town of Smallville.

The Zhenglian five-member team drove the black van, and Barry sneaked out of the car and looked around.

"Tap to take things down and let's go. "

Barry said in a low voice, and Victor gave him a strange look:

"You don't have to be so careful, I have a detection system on me, which can detect biological information, and there are almost no people around here for half a kilometer. "

"Whew. Barry let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.

In the heavens and all the worlds, countless viewers looked at the posture of several people, and their eyes were stunned.

"This is, to dig Superman's grave?"

Clark himself was a little stunned, and then he remembered that he was buried in a coffin, and there was no way to resurrect him directly with the mother box.

In the video, Barry is holding a shovel and digging Superman's grave with Victor one by one, and says while digging it back:

"Brother, to be honest, I can do this in a nanosecond by myself.

The reason why I dug at a normal pace was because I felt that digging his grave was a bit disrespectful, like digging the grave of Jesus. "

Victor nodded, "It's a bit disrespectful, but there's no way, we really can't win without digging Superman's grave." "

There is no doubt that these words are strange to the ears of the people,

But what everyone cares more about is the content of Victor's words.

Above the Apocalypse Star, a group of new gods were stunned:

"What, these filthy earthlings, do they really think they can resurrect a Kryptonian who is exactly the same as before?"

And many Steppenwolf fans can't help but frown,

"Make no mistake, is he dreaming? At this point, does he still think that there is any hope of victory on the earth's side?"

At this moment, the major worlds, whether they support the existence of Steppenwolf, or the side that hates the earthlings, or the members of the chat group who simply look at the earthlings are unhappy, all begin to look down on this scene.

However, the next picture completely subverted their worldview and refreshed their cognition!!

The scene changes, and the group takes Clark's body to the Krypton spaceship, hangs the mother box above the amniotic fluid tank, and sinks Clark into the pool.

Victor prepares and begins the countdown to Barry.

When the last second was counted, all of a sudden, Victor's face changed drastically, and he seemed to see a picture of the future in front of him!


When the third mother box was fully activated, an extremely bright light erupted from where everyone was standing, and swept the world in an instant.

The entire earth was reduced to ruins, burned by endless fire.

Darkseid's face sitting on the throne, overlooking the infinite universe, appeared in the deepest part of his mind.

The next moment, the pupils of countless people in the heavens and all worlds contracted,

In the vision of the future that Victor saw, Diana had turned out to be a corpse, placed on a coffin board, and placed in a blazing fire, ready to be burned into ashes.

The entire earth has become an endless purgatory, and the fleets of the Apocalypse Star army have descended overwhelmingly.

All those who resist have been reduced to dry bones!

The Amazons, the Terrans, have lost all their free will and have become servants of Darkseid.

And at the bottom of the sea, the last few resisters of the Kingdom of the Seven Seas also lost their lives.


Two streaks of scarlet light erupted from Darkseid's eyes, streaking through square trajectories, tearing through the body of Aquaman's master Vico with a tearing oppressive force, turning it into a dry skeleton in an instant!

At this moment, countless people seemed to have fallen into the abyss, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"It's... This Darkseid, how can it be so much stronger than it seems in ancient times?!!!"

"Could it be that the earth of our world is really going to fall completely?!!

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