Seeing the new bottle of red wine, Rao was so excited that he just said, Li Tian couldn't help but be silent.

In other words, except for a few bites of food from the beginning, this little brother didn't even move the food

at the rest of the time? The third bottle is here!

" "Come on, brother, a toast to our friendship!" Liu

Xiao directly poured tons of wine glasses for the two.

Accidentally, he sprinkled a lump on the table.

Liu Xiao carefully estimated it.

Well, there should be a wine or two.

"!" Li

Tianyi gritted his teeth and poured it directly into his mouth.

If you can get the money invested by Liu Xiao today, let alone the third bottle, even if you have another bottle, it will be done!

I can't bear the wolf for the child, and I can't

bear the money for the red wine!" "Brother, what do you say about the character of the elder brother?"

This glass of wine was in his stomach, and Li Tian felt that his head was already a little dizzy, so he quickly took this opportunity to continue to ask.

"That must be no problem, leverage!" "

Then do you think you can believe what my brother said?"

"Then you must be able to believe it!" Liu

Xiao followed Li Tian's example and thumped his chest.

"Brother, then you just listen to my brother, this business is invested!"

"Uh... Brother, I still want to be conservative......

" "Poof!"

Li Tian almost squirted out a mouthful of wine.

He just said in a dry mouth for half an hour, and said it all in vain

, "But brother, I can also simply invest a little bit in, I will definitely not be able to take five million alone, the risk is too great."

Liu Xiao hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"There is a sentence from the elder brother, which means that the elder brother really is not wrong!" Li

Tian was immediately moved when he saw Liu Xiao's appearance.

It is true that Liu Xiao is conservative, but for the sake of his eldest brother, he is still willing to draw a sword to help

! See, this is a true friend!

For a while, Li Tian even felt that he was a little embarrassed to calculate Liu Xiao.

"Five million must not be let you take it alone, the total investment is five million, and the money can't be earned by you alone, right

?" Li Tian pretended to laugh:

"It's like this, half of our brothers, but two and a half million is not good, in this way, I will vote for 251, you will vote for 249, and the profits will be divided equally at that time, how about it?"

"Two million."

Liu Xiao touched his chin and thought carefully.

Looking at Li Tian's current state, it is estimated that the cash flow in his hand is really not much.

Although I can't guess for sure, seeing that Li Tian has already rushed into this state, it is estimated that he will have a maximum of 500,000 in his hand.

In that case, he can already set Li Tianxia?

I thought for a while.

"I really think it's quite risky to invest, and my brother doesn't plan to do it.

"But brother, since you are short of money for these projects, then my brother can't help but support it, right?"

Liu Xiao said:

"That's it, brother, you see if this will work, let alone one person and half, brother, I will lend you 5 million directly from the company, and the interest will be calculated at seven percent, and you can pay it back to me within ten days."

"Lend me five million with seven percent interest?" Li

Tian was stunned, but then he was overjoyed.

The interest rate of seven cents can be said to be extremely low, and the general interest rate of the pallet companies on the market is between one and two to one and a half of the money, and a few relatively high-quality large companies can get a loan of about eight cents.

Like the five million loan he gave to the Wu family, the interest went to five cents, which was an absolute usury.

Maybe it's not obvious to say this, but if you look at it in another way, it's more intuitive.

Five cents of interest actually means five percent of the monthly interest.

If you use 5 million for a month, you will have to repay 250,000 yuan in interest alone.

If you borrow for one year

, the single interest will be 3 million, and the comprehensive annualized interest rate will be 60 percent! At present, the highest personal online loan is actually about 25 percent annualized, and the interest on the bank's loans to enterprises is less than 3.0 percent, and the interest rate is only 10 percent less.

If it weren't for the fact that he really couldn't find the money, Wu Qianqian's family would not have borrowed this money.

And the seven percent that Liu Xiao said means that the monthly interest rate is 0.7%, and five million is used for a month, and it is only 35,000 when it comes down.

And if you only borrow for ten days, this number has to be divided by three, and the interest is not much at all.

Li Tian secretly summed up in his heart, this thing is really feasible.

At present, he is not enough liquidity, but these projects and projects under his hands are all there, and the company system is also sound, as long as the project is paid, he can immediately get millions of cash, and the previous batch of projects, it is estimated that ten days and half a month will be in the end.

Even if there is no payment for this batch of projects by then, he can directly withdraw his five million from the Wu family and return it to Liu Xiao, and there is no risk in horizontal and vertical.

And taking advantage of these ten days, he can also continue to threaten Wu Qianqian to get down to business, isn't it beautiful?

Seeing Li Tianyi's moving appearance, Liu Xiao took a sip of wine and chuckled lightly in his heart.

With his current financial strength of hundreds of millions of yuan, if he wants to run Li Tian to bankruptcy, it is actually very difficult.

After all, Li Tian's money is all physical and has not been circulated in the capital market.

Even if Li Tian's capital chain is broken, he only needs to shrink his business, at most, the company will become a little smaller, and he can't do anything with Li Tian.

But as long as he borrows the five million from him and takes this debt on his back, then he has a way to bring down Li Tian.

And with this condition given, Liu Xiao is confident that it is impossible for him to refuse.

In line with the idea of drinking more if he can, Liu Xiao drank red wine quietly on the side, not in a hurry at all.

If Wu Qianqian was not his own woman, Liu Xiao would naturally choose to be friends with Li Tian, after all, villains also have his value, but Li Tian first hit Wu Qianqian, and Li Yun hit Gu Yuexi with his idea, so Liu Xiao can't be blamed for being ruthless.

In his heart, the Li family had already been sentenced to death.

And Liu Xiao's principle of doing things, either don't do it, or if you do it, you will destroy all the other party's means like a storm, and don't give the other party a chance, to do this, the layout is necessary.

Li Tian thought carefully for five minutes on the side, and Liu Xiao drank half a glass of red wine into his stomach.

The corners of Li Tian's mouth twitched.

He knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer, and if he continued to hesitate, whether he could afford the 300,000 yuan on him was two words.

"Brother Liu Xiao, if you lend the money to the elder brother, you will take such a little interest, the elder brother is unbearable!" Li

Tian said pretendedly.

"What does it matter, they're all friends.

Liu Xiao waved his hand angrily.

"That's it, brother.

Li Tian drank some wine, and he was indeed a little moved by Liu Xiao's atmosphere.

"Brother, since my brother invests in the industry, it must be profitable, and your interest is not seven percent, I will give you the highest interest rate on the market, one and a half points!"

I've eaten more than 200,000 yuan for this dinner tonight, and he still cares about this?"

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

Li Tian also slapped the board suddenly, and called the company's business on the spot to ask him to work overtime to get a contract.

Of course, Liu Xiao's side is also very cooperative in borrowing.

About half an hour later, Zhao Ke informed Liu Xiao that he had transferred the money over there.

At the same time, Li Tian's mobile phone also lit up, showing that the company's account had received 5 million yuan.

Seeing that the money had arrived, Li Tian immediately became excited.

Look, look!

True brothers do not stop at words, but in true feelings.

Five million, without saying a word, it will arrive in the account.

What do you mean by

a brother? This is called a brother!

"Good man!" both

of them looked at each other, and they couldn't help but think in their hearts.

"Brother, come, do it!" "

Waiter, one more bottle!".

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