Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 29 Defensive Training

On the training ground, the Sampdoria reserve team is conducting a full-court defensive practice under the eleven-man competition system. A total of 22 people participated, using the entire stadium for training.

The purpose of this training is to let the players learn to defend as a team under normal game conditions. The offensive team wears a red vest, and the defensive team wears a blue Sampdoria jersey instead of a training vest. Whether it is defense or offense, it is the same as in an official game, fouls will be whistled, and there will be offsides. Except for one thing - for the purpose of teaching convenience, the game can be stopped by the coach at any time for adjustments and lectures.

Assistant coach Alfredo Cascilio works part-time as a referee on the court and is also responsible for specific training instructions. Coach Bruni is on the sidelines and also has a whistle in his hand. When he thinks it is necessary, he will also blow the whistle to suspend training.

In the past, the team would conduct separate defensive training for various situations, either limiting the area or limiting the number of participants.

But now it is directly placed in the entire stadium, and the staffing is carried out according to the official competition, which is to combine various previous individual trainings for training. Especially when training on the entire court, the requirements for defense are higher. After all, when the defense line is opened, there will be more space and the difficulty of defense will naturally increase.

Conducting comprehensive defensive training throughout the court is to ensure that the team can form a tight defense line when defending, so as not to be like a sieve, which will be penetrated by one hit.

I didn't expect Mr. Manager to pay attention to our ordinary training? Coach Bruni stood on the sidelines and said to the sports manager Doriano Tosi who had just arrived.

Of course, there are two geniuses here! Tosi said with a smile.

Icardi has shown his quality with five goals in his last six reserve games. The Sampdoria club is already negotiating with the Barcelona club to buy him out. Anyway, no matter how good Icardi performed, Barcelona will never take him back, neither in the first team nor in the B team. Sampdoria is tantamount to picking up a bargain, but if the bargain is not completely put into their own pockets, there is still the possibility of chicken flying eggs.

Although Gao Zheng has not played in the reserve team yet, his talent has already aroused the club's expectations.


Since it was a defense practice, Bruni specially instructed the attacking team to train with them before the training started, asking them to try their best to score goals.

Gao Zheng and Icardi are in this offensive lineup.

Although Icardi has proved his super scoring ability with five goals in six reserve team games, on the field, the defenders of the reserve team are still willing to spend more troops to defend Gao Zheng instead of Icardi. Cardi.

So when Gao Zheng got the ball, Icardi was in a good position instead.

Gao Zheng passed the football without hesitation!

Icardi was a little surprised that Gao Zheng passed the ball to him, but he still caught Gao Zheng's pass and sent the football to the goal.

It feels so good in front of Icardi's goal! Tosi said cheerfully.

The defense is leaking. Bruni said coldly.

No way, Gao and Icardi partnering together will always make the defense lose sight of the other... Tosi said with a smile.

Bruni glanced at him, and he fell silent.

Assistant coach Cacilio stopped the training and pointed out to the defense the problems in the defense just now. Too many people defended Gao Zheng, but Icardi was ignored. He asked that in the next training, the defenders on the back line should pay special attention not to miss people and keep the back line intact.


On the court, Icardi looked at Gao Zheng, although he scored a goal, he frowned.

He was very dissatisfied, because Gao Zheng's pass reminded him of the conversation he had with Gao Zheng on the motorcycle in the morning.

He thought Gao Zheng was avoiding the war.

Is that why you don't want to compete with me?

What are you running from?

Afraid of losing?

Icardi didn't ask Gao Zheng to clarify, he has his own way - if Gao Zheng turns a blind eye to his competition, then he will keep using better performance to make him unable to turn a blind eye, or have nowhere to go escape.


Gao always has to run out and retreat... I remember he is a center? Tosi asked suddenly after observing for a while.

I found out too. Bruni nodded. Maybe it's because I don't want to fight with defenders in the penalty area. After all, I have suffered serious injuries, so I will definitely pay special attention to this aspect...

He stopped suddenly when he said this, because Gao Zheng's performance gave him an inspiration.

Although Gao Zheng has not played in the reserve team game yet, Bruni has been thinking about how Icardi and Gao Zheng can coexist on the court.

What can be done to make two talented centers make one plus one greater than two, instead of holding each other back?

After seeing Gao Zheng pull out frequently and assist Icardi with a goal, Bruni was inspired.

He still has a vague idea now, and when his thinking matures, he plans to have a good chat with Gao Zheng.

Tosi didn't care about Bruni's sudden silence at all, and continued to say: ...I just feel sorry.

What a pity? Bruni recovered from his momentary distraction.

Tosi said: High shooting skills are very good. Although staying away from the goal can allow him to avoid some confrontations, it will also make him miss more opportunities to score, which will inevitably reduce the number of goals. I think this is why pity.



The players in the defensive group also performed very well, keeping no goals for a period of time.

It wasn't until Gao Zheng stood up that he broke the deadlock on the field - after he pulled out of the penalty area and received a pass from his teammate, he pretended to stuff the football in, shook the defender away, and shot a low shot directly on the spot .

The football ran straight to the far corner of the goal against the turf. The goalkeeper Tozo was blocked by the dense crowd in the penalty area. In addition, he did not expect Gao Zheng to shoot so decisively and suddenly. Football, but did not change the trajectory of the football, the ball still rushed into the goal.


Beautiful! Tosi on the sidelines praised Gao Zheng's performance, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Bruni, There is no problem with the defense, right? I think the defenders have performed well enough. They stopped Location……

Only one person to defend the high is the biggest problem. Bruni said in a deep voice.

But Icardi got a chance because there were too many defenders defending high...

The number of defenders is limited, what about the midfielders? After speaking, Bruni blew the whistle in his hand, interrupted the training, and then walked onto the field.

As he walked, he pointed at the midfielder of the blue team and yelled: When defending, what should the midfielder do? Are you watching a show on the spot! Push it up!

He strode forward and grabbed Gao Zheng's jersey with one hand.

Let's get started! Are you usually so gentlemanly in defense in games? Then why are you so polite to Gao?!

Gao Zheng also waved to the others: Everyone, you're welcome...

Bruni glared at him, but he was cheeky and smiled at the manager.

Bruni had nothing to do with him, he just yelled: Cheer up, treat training like a game, if you concede three goals in half the game, you can see what the consequences will be!

After speaking, he turned and left the field.

When he walked back to Tosi, the assistant coach Cacilio blew his whistle: Continue training!

You said just now that Gao might not want to fight hand-to-hand, now you are looking for someone to fight hand-to-hand for him, Luciano. Tosic said.

When it comes to the official game, no one cares whether he likes physical confrontation. Bruni snorted.

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