While Porusalino was taking the "Basic Theory" class taught by General Zeffa, time had not stopped in the Ultraman Tiga world. Due to Porosalino's previous bad taste, some major changes occurred. happened.

TPC Far East Base, Victory Team War Room.

"...This is the decision of the top management, team member Dagu,"

Captain Hui Jian looked at Dagu in front of him and said with a complicated expression, "I'm sorry..."

Hui Jian is the captain of the victory team and has some connections with the top management. Although she strongly opposed it at previous meetings, she was still unable to compete with the opinions of other TPC representatives.

——She was ashamed of such decisions and plans.

"...Using my genes and the power of SPARK LENCE to create more giants...what do they think of me and the giants?!"

Dagu's body was shaking with anger, which made Lina on the side look very worried.

"The senior management said that they are worried about the personal threat of force. Okay, then I will hand over the SPARK LENCE on my own initiative and apply for use when I face the monster. After destroying the monster, I will immediately hand it over to the TPC for safekeeping - isn't that enough?!"

"Da Gu is right, Captain!"

Xincheng couldn't help but said, "This plan of the senior management is so ridiculous! Didn't the director stop it?"

Dagu immediately looked at Captain Hui Jian: "Captain, let me see the director!"


Captain Jia Jian Hui bit his lip, lowered his head and said, "Director Sawai has been arranged to temporarily rest at home because he firmly opposes this plan..."

"What...Director Sawai, he..."

Dagu felt a little unbelievable for a moment - the amiable top leader of the TPC Far East Base who recruited him into the victory team... was dismissed so easily?

How many big shots are supporting this ugly plan?

Dagu was still angry, but he felt a deep sense of powerlessness - a feeling of powerlessness that was far more despairing than when he faced a powerful monster.

At this moment, the door to the war room was opened. Three people armed with laser guns, wearing all-black high-tech uniforms with the word "TPC" printed on them, and even wearing black shiny helmets on their heads walked in.

"who are you?!"

Team member Horii subconsciously placed his hand on the Victory Hypa gun on his waist.

"Stop it, Horii!"

Vice Captain Munakata hurriedly stopped Horii.

"Captain Jianjian Hui, we received an order to take away the experimenter Yuan Dagu."

The leader in black uniform said, his voice sounded quite young and he was a man.

After saying this, he did not wait for Captain Hui Jianhui to respond, but looked directly at Dagu and said: "Captain Yuan Dagu, come with us."

"Why do you do that?!"

Dagu clenched his fists.

The man didn't say anything when he saw this, he just waved his hand. The other two men in black uniforms directly raised their guns and pointed them at Dagu.

Upon seeing this, the other members of the Victory Team immediately took out their guns and pointed them at the three men in black uniforms. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the war room became tense.

"Put it down, put your guns down!"

Captain Hui Jian quickly ordered his team members loudly.

"Captain, but they are going to shoot Dagu!"

Lina said loudly while aiming at the leader's black uniform.

"team leader!"

The rest of the team members had the same attitude.

"Don't you obey my orders?! I order you to put down your guns!"

Captain Hui Jian shouted loudly, "They won't shoot!"

"No, Captain Hui Jian. If Team Yuan Dagu continues to resist, I will order the shooting,"

The leading man said calmly, with a haughty tone, "The senior management gave me such rights."

"So are you sure you want to resist? Team member Yuan Dagu. Not only will you die, but your teammates will also be implicated."

"Of course, a friendly reminder, after you die, your body will also become part of the experiment - in order for humans to firmly grasp the power of giants against monsters, your sacrifice is necessary!"

"Make a decision quickly, team member Yuan Dagu. The senior officials have limited time, and so does my time. I'll give you ten seconds."

Porusalino, who has not yet fallen asleep, knows nothing about the major changes that have occurred in the world of Ultraman Tiga. He has just finished his first basic theory class and went with Sakaski after class. have lunch.

But to be precise, he and Sakaski were not the only ones - Sakaski's number one fanboy Ghost Spider and his number one pawn Stoloberg were also with him.

Considering that these two people are members of their group, this mode of action is actually okay and not too strange.


When he thought that he might never be able to dine alone with Sakaski again, Porusalino felt a little unhappy - not that the two of them had any forbidden feelings, but that if there were outsiders At the scene, Sakaski always looked like he was paralyzed, which was really boring.

Sakaski didn't know what Porusalino was thinking, but he instinctively frowned and said to the ghost spider walking on his right: "Excuse me, could you please go to my left? "

"no problem!"

Ghost Spider is very excited - he has looked at the right side of Sakaski's face for so long, and now he can finally look at the left side! really! He also has the same strong appearance...

The four of them came to the navy canteen, and Stoloberg naturally took everyone to his private room - his father is a powerful lieutenant general in the navy headquarters, and his grandfather also works in the navy. He is now retiring within the government, so he can It is said that Ghent is growing very red. The decoration of this private room was not inferior to that of an ordinary lieutenant general's exclusive room. It was one of the privileges brought to him by his family background.

"Stoloberg, please take the order. We have never been here before and have no experience."

Porusalino said this in the Japanese-style private room decorated with a luxurious feel.

——He and Sakaski really haven't been here much. They followed Lieutenant General He to her exclusive private room a few times. Lieutenant General He was also in charge of ordering food and everything. As for the ghost spider...

This big brother who looks very fierce (actually very fierce) is not wearing casual clothes. Although the navy uniform he wears is ordinary at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the cuffs and other places have some wear and tear. …

In fact, this is the true portrayal of nearly 70% of the current navy's sailors - most of them have poor backgrounds, either children of poor fishermen's families, or simply orphans.

After all, this is not the Rabbit Country on Earth before Porusalino traveled through the world. Here, as long as the family conditions are decent, which parent is willing to send their children to fight pirates? You know, even if we don’t count the dangerous great sea route, nearly four figures of sailors in the navy die in the line of duty every year in all four seas alone.

In short, Stoloberg nodded clearly to Porusalino's arrangement, quickly browsed the menu, and said to the waiting canteen staff:

"Four 'Offshore King' extra-large set meals, trouble."

"OK, just a second."

ps: Readers who have read the first volume and followed it up to now should know it well and are used to my writing style with rich plots. I will not go into details about why I got involved in the world of Ultraman Tiga. Hehe (if you are confused, you can read the explanation I gave in the chapter at the end of the first volume)

ps: But having said that, the Showa series doesn’t feel like it yet, but since the Heisei series, almost every human organization on earth in Ultraman will make trouble with a moth that possesses the power of a giant.

ps: Someone asked about putting it on the shelves. Generally, the number of words on Dianniang’s shelves is around 200,000 words. This book should be about the same. Once it’s put on the shelves, please rest assured that updates will definitely not drag you out.

ps: Hahahahaha, the offshore king package is here!

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