Pirate Merchant

Chapter 60 Driving into the Upside Down Mountain

Miss Nami~A report of love! There is a large rain cloud ahead! It must be a storm!

Sanji on the observation deck loudly reported the situation on the voyage ahead to Nami who was reading a newspaper on the deck.

It seems that we have returned to the original route, and we should almost see the Red Earth Continent.

Nami looked at the nautical chart snatched from Bucky and analyzed it.

Hey! Guys! We've got a current! The rudder won't move!!!

Usopp at the helm shouted loudly. In his shouting, everyone entered the cabin, and Sanji took the initiative to go to Usopp to help him move the rudder.

In Nami's serious explanation, everyone generally has a basic understanding of the great route.

Basically what I said! Feed your sails now! Don't fight this current! Follow it into the canal of Upside Down Mountain! Or the Merry will be wrecked on the cliffs of Upside Down Mountain!!!

Nami, who commanded Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp loudly in the rainstorm, once again told them the danger of the great route.

I'm going to hit it!!!

The Mei Li, which was drifting with the current in the turbulent sea, was shaking constantly, and a towering cliff appeared in front of it, and the top of the mountain could not be seen at all, blocking the front.

And in the middle of the cliff blocking the sea, a canal with seawater rushing upwards appeared in front of everyone.

Ahhh! The rudder is broken!!!

Just when the Merry was barely able to enter the upwelling canal smoothly, Sanji and Usopp, who were moving the rudder, broke the rudder in the turbulent current, and the Merry crashed headlong into the canal. The huge stone arch.

Leave it to me!!!

Luffy, who was the first to come back to his senses, jumped and landed in front of the stone arch. His body inflated instantly and turned into a huge balloon that blocked the gap between the Meili and the cliff, and forcibly ejected the Meili into the canal. .

Yo Shrimp!!!!

Before falling into the sea, Luffy grabbed Zoro's palm extended to him, and after falling into the Meili, he raised his hands high and cheered loudly like a winner.

And the Meili also rushed towards the top of the mountain along the straight forward current amidst the cheers of Luffy and the celebration of Sanji and Usopp shoulder to shoulder.

Now you just need to rush to the top of the mountain in one breath!!!

Nami excitedly raised her fists and cheered, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she saw her dream approaching.

Hmph, is that what Kuina saw before? It's not bad.

Zoro, who pulled Luffy back to the deck, sat on the deck with three swords in his arms, his eyes lit up with the ambition to challenge Kuina and defeat her. This straight-forward ocean current seemed to be guiding him to improve his state of mind.

Shhh, be quiet, everyone is so happy, why don't you go out to spoil the fun?

Mu Qian held a video phone bug in his left hand, and pinched the throat of Eric who sneaked into the cabin of the Meili with his right hand.

At this time, he couldn't see his face clearly in the dark cabin, hiding in the darkness of the cabin like a BOSS hidden behind the scenes.

Can you swim?

Mu Qian, who opened the rear window of the cabin, looked at Eric who was holding his arm with both hands, and his eyes were full of fear and pleading.

With a layer of ice crystals condensed on his arm, he completely ignored Eric's sharp nails scratching, and asked the idiot who couldn't breathe at all after his throat was stuck by himself.

It would be a shame if not.

Mu Qian, who froze Eric's throat and made him unable to speak, lightly threw him, who was constantly struggling, into the turbulent sea current with ease.

I really don't understand why your strength is so weak, but your self-confidence is so overwhelming that you dare to take revenge on this ship, especially when you know that I am on this ship, it is rare to really think Can you sneak attack successfully?

Mu Qian looked at Eric who disappeared on the sea, covered his head and felt that he was just a fool complaining.

Well, but it can be regarded as definitely sailing into the great route, next

Mu Qian closed the window as casually as if chasing away a bedbug, and after the Meili followed the canal current and penetrated the clouds, he also took advantage of the opportunity to look outside the cabin door where the sun was shining instantly.

It's a spectacular sight. I have to say that the rainbow on the top of the inverted mountain is really beautiful. Everyone, hurry up and stand up. Let's take a photo to celebrate the moment of the great route we are about to enter!

Mu Qian, holding a video phone bug with a camera function in his hand, walked out of the cabin, and saw the top of the inverted mountain where four streams of water collided and splashed together to form a circular rainbow.

Oh! Come here!

Luffy Monkey hurriedly ran to the sheep's head of the Mei Li, and gave a Y with a smirk.

Oh, you really have a lot of strange things.

Zoro stood up and walked towards Luffy with half-closed eyes and a smile.

Miss Nami! Let's take a group photo for the first time!!!

Sanji, on the other hand, turned into a wolf, and cheered with his hands wide open as if waiting for Nami to throw himself into his arms.

Ooooh! It's the first time I've seen a video phone bug! Hey! You idiot move aside!.

Usopp, who saw a new gadget for the first time, happily walked to Luffy's side, and quarreled with Luffy for the C position.

Remember to take a pretty picture of me, if not, I will complain to your caravan~

Nami tidied up her clothes, handed over the raincoat to Sanji, like a servant, and stood in front of the camera, posing in a sexy and charming pose.

Hahaha, it's also my first time taking pictures, I don't know if it looks good or not.

Mu Qian put the video phone bug at the door of the cabin, and after setting the delayed shooting, he walked to Sauron and stood up. Because it was the first time to use the video phone bug, he said to them nervously.


However, at the moment when the video phone worm's eyes burst into flashes to take pictures, the turbulent current suddenly shook, and the violent shaking made Nami, who was posing in a sexy and charming hair-raising pose, screamed.

With Sanji's envious and jealous expression on his face, Nami who didn't stand still screamed and fell into the arms of Muqian who was frightened by the sudden scream and stretched out his arms to her in panic.

And the video phone bug in front of the hatch is pouring Nami into Muqian's arms. Sanji is so jealous that he yells at Muqian. The moment when I was flustered and couldn't help laughing at the first sight was recorded.

Supported by the wonderful sight of several ring-shaped rainbows colliding with the four ocean currents that overturn the top of the mountain, this photo full of smiles is extremely cheerful and warm. The six people gathered together are as close as brothers and sisters.

“What a nice wind”

Mu Qian, who didn't know why Nami fled back to the cabin, was a little bit disappointed because the soft and fragrant girl in his arms left.

But when the Mei Li flew over the top of the mountain and went down to the sea.

After Mu Qian, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji looked at the sea that shone like golden light under the sun, the ambition in his heart swelled infinitely.

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