Pirate Merchant

Chapter 34 Am I Too Indifferent?

You want us to dig for you on the bottom of the sea? Get pearls? Fish?

The evil dragon frowned and looked at Mu Qian who was sitting on the ice crystal chair opposite him.

The feeling of being invincible when facing that damn ugly vice admiral made him dare not act rashly.

What do you think we are? We are pirates! Are you too self-righteous?

Although the evil dragon didn't express anything, the kissing mermaid Jiu behind him scolded Mu Qian angrily.

I'm not self-righteous. My principles are fairness, equality and respect. Mr. Dragon, I respect you. You are the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea. There is no pirate group in the East China Sea that can fight against you. That's why I brought this lucrative 'business' to you.

Mu Qian raised his hand slightly, in the sudden extremely cold wind.

The blond murloc with protruding lips was instantly frozen by the ice crystals, his eyes were white and he fell into a coma, straight up on the ground like an ice sculpture.

Although I respect you, Mr. Evil Dragon, and you also respect me, Mr. Evil Dragon, it seems that the other brothers here don't respect me.

After freezing the kissing mermaid Chiu, Mu Qian glanced at the murlocs who drew their weapons and cursed.

While he was scanning, the ground around him instantly turned into a bubbling magma lake.

The sea beside the Dragon Park Plaza was covered with solid ice, freezing the murloc pirates inside.

Respect is the basis for business to continue. If both parties do not have the most basic respect, then the business will never be able to continue.

Mu Qian stepped on the bubbling lava, sat on the cool ice crystal high chair, and taught the group of pirates who didn't know how to respect respect.


The evil dragon looked at the ground that was rapidly melting and spreading with a livid expression, and the sea surface that was constantly freezing and extending.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was already scared when he fled back to the East China Sea from the great route.

Then, Mr. Dragon, when the pirates under your command don't respect me, you who respect me will definitely be able to give me a satisfactory answer, right?

Mu Qian interlaced his hands on his lower abdomen, and asked him after his eyes fell on the evil dragon.

But his gentle and smiling expression, in the eyes of the evil dragon at this time, is as terrifying as a demon that beat him to the bone and sucked his marrow.

It's even simpler than I imagined. It's just a bully who is afraid of being a softie.

On the way back to the lucky number, Mu Qian sighed happily after getting what he wanted.

Please save our village! Our village is occupied by the dragon pirates! Mr. Antonio! Please save our village!

Heart-piercing shouts sounded from behind, and Nami, who had been following Mu Qian, suddenly knelt on the ground, crying heart-piercingly, buried her head on the ground and begged Mu Qian loudly.

I can't save your village, Miss Nami, do you think there are no more hateful pirates in this sea area besides the dragon?

Unexpectedly, Mu Qian, who did not expect Nami to kneel down suddenly, hurriedly helped Nami who was crying into tears.

But...but everyone! It's been hard enough for everyone! We've had enough! We we

Nami, who was helped up by Mu Qian, was paralyzed by Mu Qian's rejection, looked up and cried loudly. Seeing the hope, the hope in her eyes was shattered again.

It is not me who can save the village, and it will never be anyone. Only you can save yourself. Although you want to save your village, your village has not yet wanted to save itself.

Mu Qian looked at the girl who was so limp from crying that her shirt was wet with tears in her arms.

Taking a deep breath to slightly thaw out his frozen thoughts, he patted her shoulder softly to comfort her.

This world is extremely cruel. I can protect you for a while, but it is absolutely impossible to protect you for a lifetime. I will always die of old age. Once you get used to my protection, the final result will only evolve into being ruled again. Although it is cruel, people always need to experience pain before they can protect themselves.”

Feeling the sound of Nami's crying gradually getting quieter, Mu Qian raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

He who looked at things from the perspective of a bystander for too long, sighed inaudibly, and lamented whether he was sometimes too indifferent.

Okay, it's time to go back, believe me, it won't take long for your village to be redeemed, and the villagers will naturally know how to protect themselves, and all I can do is teach everyone how to resist, how to to resist

Mu Qian cooled his mind again, smiled and supported Nami's shoulders and gently pushed her away, assuring her very seriously.


Nami lowered her head and sobbed softly. When Mu Qian walked away, she raised her head playfully, sticking out her tongue and making faces in the direction of Mu Qian's departure.

What, there is nothing in the wallet, only business cards? An empty wallet is still on you?

Nami opened the wallet hidden in her hand, looking at the wallet with only business cards, she pouted and muttered dissatisfiedly.

Only save yourself

Silently closed the brand new wallet, put it in his pocket that he was going to throw away, and then stepped forward to chase after Mu Qian who had gone away.

Nami! I never thought that oranges could be sold for so many Berries! More than twelve million Berries! More than twelve million Berries!

After Nami returned to the orange orchard, the excited Nuo Qigao immediately ran over and hugged Nami, hugged Nami's cheek tightly and cheered happily.

Hehe, Miss Nuoqigao, the appearance and taste of the oranges in your garden are very good, but unfortunately the quantity is a bit too small, so I am happy to invest 20 million Berry in four batches to let you expand the orange orchard , of course, the requirement is that your oranges can only be sold to me.

Mu Qian smiled and waved to the sailors in the distance.

And following his wave, several sailors immediately walked over with a large box of berries. A box of gold coins worth three million berries caught the eye of the surrounding residents.


Nuo Qigao, who hugged Nami tightly, couldn't even close his mouth.

The shining gold coins in the box made her tears flow out of her eyes, and she covered her mouth and began to cry.

It turned out that this orange orchard was really the treasure that Bermer said.

I will take your silence as your acquiescence. I am very happy to cooperate with you. Then, as a partner, I will leave you a farewell gift.

Mu Qian smiled and raised his hand slightly.

What's wrong?! What's wrong?! Was there an earthquake?!

What happened?!

Run away! Run away, everyone!!!

As Mu Qian raised his hand, the violent vibration made the surrounding residents start to run away in panic.

However, the towering lava wall that suddenly rose outside the orange grove blocked the way for all of them to leave.

Please be sure to use this money to build a simple port and hire good staff. For the next transaction, we will only collect oranges that have been picked at the dock.

The feat of wrapping a large piece of land where the orange orchard is located in a lava wall with a single hand terrified the residents, as well as Nami and Nokigo.

In their shocked and terrified expressions, Mu Qian left the orange orchard with the sailors who had finished loading.

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