This is not New York.

Not the Madison Square Garden Arena.

So, naturally, there were no cheers.

The whole arena.


Everyone's face has frustration written on it.


Not only lost the battle for the second place in the East.

At the same time, it is also branded as a loser.

They were the team that hand-gifted the Knicks to a 21-game winning streak.

also made Wang Feng realize his original promise.

"I don't like to share the same honor with others. "

Wang Feng's passage was regarded as a joke by fans across the United States.

In an instant, it became a reality.

The Air Canada Center arena was not applauded.

But Wang Feng felt.

Compare to cheer and silence the opponent.

It seems like a cooler thing.

Anthony played until the last minute.

Today, he finally shouldered the responsibility of the team boss.

Saw Anthony coming over.

The first one was walking towards him.

Wang Feng smiled.

Gave Anthony a hug.

"Well done, I know you can do it. "

Wang Feng patted Anthony on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"You're the best coach I've ever had. "

Anthony also said.

At this time, JR, Shambaught, Whiteside, Dragic and others also came over one after another.

Everyone was celebrating each other.

This moment.

They will all go down in history.

Fourth straight win in history.

And it's the only team!

Especially for the trio of Rose, Mirotic, Moore.

It's a special feeling.

Players are traded.

It would have been a not-so-pleasant thing.

Playing well, suddenly changing the environment, everything unfamiliar, unknown possibilities.

How many potential newcomers, originally the data was stable in growth, but after the transaction.

And it sank from then on.

However, did not expect in the winning streak of the Knicks.

They all made it to the rotation.

And in the first game of coming to the Knicks, he ushered in a 21-game winning streak that went down in history.

This feeling.

How wonderful is it?

Post-match press conference.

"You don't have to ask, Wang Feng is a great coach. "

As soon as JR opened, it was amazing.

And then in the interview.

"The man named Hansbru, you can tell him that I will be waiting for him next time I come to New York. "

Anthony clearly remembered the previous events.

After watching the video again in the locker room.

If Valanciunas hadn't slipped and hit Hansbru.

Anthony will definitely get injured and may even threaten the question of whether or not the season will be reimbursed.

Other players who attended the press conference.

also said that Wang Feng is a great coach at the historical level.

Of course, although there is a certain suspicion of sycophancy.

But now Wang Feng is already a coach with NBA historical honors.

Rivers, Rambis, the Smiling Assassin and the others were now shocked and angry.

Naturally, Coach Casey wisely turned off his phone.

Several people wanted to be sarcastic on Twitter.

But Wang Feng is in the limelight now, and it is undoubtedly boring to provoke now.

"Great? I don't think so. "

Unexpectedly, a new face denounced Wang Feng.

This person is none other than Pierce.

He is a member of the Green Army's 19-game winning streak.

"In fact, the last time the Knicks faced our Wizards, if we hadn't put some water in the final quarter, he could have lost by 30 points. "

"If Wang Feng can stand up to greatness, I think Randy (Wizards coach) should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. "

Pierce tweeted three times in succession, expressing his disdain for Wang Feng.

At the beginning of the season, the Knicks lost nine in a row.

One of them was the Wizards, who lost a game.

That loss was ugly.

As Pierce said, without the Water Cooler Patronus, the Knicks could really lose thirty points.

This recommendation was quickly supported by the coaching circle.

The fans also divided into two groups and began a polemic (anti-spray).

But anyway.

The Knicks made history after all.

And this time.

The All-Stars are also voting for the All-Stars.

Anthony quickly pulled a large number of votes with yesterday's tough performance.

Even in the East, the call is already on par with James.

This made Wang Feng a little unexpected.

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