National Island: I Build a Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle

All People's Island: I Build a Home on the Back of a Giant Turtle Chapter 21

Now, it has been 20 days since he arrived at the island world.

10 days to go, 1 month.

After one month, the island world will have a big crisis for newcomers.

After this crisis, the remaining island owners will also usher in an assessment.


What Chu Chen was thinking about was whether to start construction on Turtle Island now, or wait.

Turtle Island is now 600 to 700 meters long, it looks quite huge, but in fact there is still considerable room for growth.

At this rate, by the end of the first month, the island should grow to about a kilometer.

In the assessment after the end of the first month, the number of buildings is not the key, it is mainly based on income. In addition, Turtle Island itself is not the same as ordinary islands. In this case, wait until the end of the first month. Let's start a large-scale construction, and just save a little more money.

Chu Chen has a plan.

Thinking of this, Chu Chen gave up his plan to start large-scale construction now.

Instead, he continued to focus on increasing the number of giant shrimp and the evolution of all his contracted creatures.


Chu Chen is recruiting again, I really want to go to see his Turtle Island.

After you are eliminated, you can go and work for Chu Chen.

Have you seen the forum? Zhu Ziming is said to have built more than a dozen fishing boats. Although it is estimated that they are small fishing boats of about 20 meters, the daily fishing volume can reach dozens or even hundreds of tons, right?

I'm so envious... I hired more than a dozen craftsmen and spent tens of thousands of dollars to build a small fishing boat of about ten meters.


When he was bored, Chu Chen would also look at the group chat.

In the class group, there are a large number of people discussing the progress of the island construction, etc. Every once in a while, there will always be people who care about Chu Chen's situation and Zhu Ziming's situation.

After all, Chu Chen and Zhu Ziming, one is a scholar and the other is a descendant of a billionaire, they are both the most famous among the students in Gaoping City.

Among the people who entered the island this year in Gaoping City, there are also a few children of rich people. From time to time, they post some of their achievements in building the island on the forum, which also attracts some attention, but those children of rich people are not as good as Zhu Ziming.


In this way, the next time, Chu Chen's daily life is simple and busy.

He spends some time every day talking to Caiwei, the little mermaid, and then watching the killer whales, and feeding the seagulls himself.

Naturally, Chu Chen also cares about the mining of combustible ice, which is related to his current money bag.

To sum up, there are two things, one is evolution, and the other is making money.

Both of these things are going on in full swing.


After the killer whales signed the contract, their growth rate also accelerated. They would hunt in the waters near Turtle Island every day. Of course, Chu Chen specifically instructed them not to prey on giant shrimp.

Otherwise, giant prawns are good food for them.

After the evolution points were allocated, the food intake of the killer whales became abnormally large. Fortunately, there were many fish in the nearby waters.

Moreover, the giant shrimp also attracted some marine creatures. These marine creatures are not small, but they are not big, and some are not found on Earth.

They just happened to be the food of killer whales.


As for giant shrimp, after the two female shrimp were bound by the breeding evolution contract, the growth rate was a bit surprising.

These two shrimp mothers have become a calving machine, giving birth to a wave of calf every day.

Of course, even if these cubs are also affected by the breeding evolution contract, they will not grow up so fast. Now the first batch of giant shrimp cubs only grow to a dozen centimeters long.

Chu Chen estimated that it would take about half a month for a batch of cubs to grow into giant shrimp.

This speed is naturally much faster than the speed of natural growth.

After all, his hundred-fold evolutionary talent can actually increase the breeding evolution contract!


Not in a hurry.

The little mermaid Caiwei still goes out for a long time every day, she is still looking for giant shrimps for Chu Chen, but this is not her main purpose anymore.

Her main purpose is to find some treasures under the sea for Chu Chen.

After this time of combustible ice, Cai Wei probably understood that what was useless in her eyes might be of great use to Chu Chen.


In this way, in the constant evolution and making money, time flies by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another week has passed.

There are only three days left in one month. .

Chapter 36

There are more moons in the sky.

As time got closer and closer to a month, Chu Chen discovered that the number of moons in the sky was quietly increasing.

In his position, at ordinary times, looking at the moon in the sky, there are only 8 fixed ones.

But now, five more broke in, and every night that passed, there would be one or two more.

Chu Chen, who already knew a lot about the island world, knew that this phenomenon, in the island world, was called the moon gathering phenomenon.

I don't know how big the island world is, and, in the understanding of many people, the entire island world seems to be an authentic round sky.

The sky is round and the earth is square.

This is how the ancients understood the earth and the stars.

No one knows how many moons there are in the island world.

Because some moons are in a constantly changing orbit, their position in the sky is not fixed.

It is said that once there was a case where the moon fell from the sky into the island world.


Every other year, a large number of moons will gather over an area, and the position of this area is not fixed, but will shift to the side every year.

This is Moon Gathering.

The direct impact of Moon Gathering is... the tides!

In other words, giant waves!

The area where the moon gathers will usher in a wave of tides!

And the monthly gathering area every year happens to be the annual... newcomer area!

That is to say, the tides caused by this Moon Gathering have also become a crisis for the new island owners!

It is a crisis, in itself, a test!


The time for the newcomers to enter the island world is calculated, and the moon gathering will happen just one month after the newcomers enter the island world.

Of course, this time is not particularly accurate, sometimes it will be a few days late, and sometimes it will be a few days early.

Moreover, the impact of the moon gathering is not a one-off, but will gradually rise as the moon gathers, and then, it gets bigger and bigger, until after a peak, it will leave again with the moon running over this area. , will disperse.

It lasted almost half a day.


As time approaches, these five running moons have made the waves near Turtle Island a lot bigger.

Now, some other island owners who have built fishing boats dare not go out to sea to fish.

Instead, we are fully prepared for the next crisis!


I'm going. My workers have all taken leave. I'm alone on the island now. I'm so scared. I knew I would have cooperated with others.

No way, this crisis is against us, of course workers have the right to take leave.


In the class group, recently all the news about monthly gathering.

The forums in Gaoping City were also full of news about this matter.

In fact, the focus of attention on the entire planet now is the test of the Moon Gathering and the island owners.

A large number of island owners will be eliminated in this wave of Moon Gathering.


Islander... The sisters want me to ask you... Will you continue to work in the next few days?

On this day, on Turtle Island, a supervisor appointed by Chu Chen found Chu Chen and asked carefully.

Now, on other islands, there are not many workers left.

Many workers took the initiative to take time off.

If you don't ask for leave... The island owner will also put others back. After all, if the crisis cannot be sustained, the island owner can leave the island world through the island owner watch and lose the qualification of the island owner.

The workers can wait until the crisis arrives before they want to leave, but the speed of the crowd will definitely be slow. If a worker is injured or dies in the island world, the island owner will have to pay compensation.

Some island owners who have no money and lose their qualifications may lose their fortunes!


However, Chu Chen didn't mean to stop work at all. No matter how big the waves were every day, the mining was still going on.

These waves have no effect on giant shrimp at all... After all, shrimp living in the sea can't be afraid of waves, right?

For the turtles... it doesn't matter.

This turtle is usually silent, but it is also quite stable.

Such a big turtle is really not afraid of the waves brought by Moon Gathering.

His workers were also interesting, Chu Chen didn't mention it, and they kept silent. Until now, it's only three days before the Moon Gathering... They finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Chu Chen looked at the supervisor. This was a young woman in her twenties, and she didn't know if she was married.

Chu Chen said: If you want to ask for leave, you can ask for leave now. I will grant the leave and pay for your round-trip travel expenses. If you are willing to continue working, from today until the end of the 'monthly gathering', you can all get triple your salary.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, the supervisor was a little surprised.

Okay, I'll go tell them.

main pipeline.

Chu Chen nodded.

Island owner...I want to ask again, such a big turtle...'Moon gathering' shouldn't have much impact, right?

The supervisor asked cautiously.

Chu Chen said: It won't have any effect, don't worry.

Okay, thank the island owner, I'll go tell them.

The supervisor went down.


After a while, she came again: Islander, the sisters are willing to stay and continue to work.

All willing?

Chu Chen was a little surprised.

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