Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 90 Forbidden Forest Harvest

Between practice sessions, Lane asked Betty why she was taking the initiative to teach him these things. This can't blame Ryan for being suspicious. After seeing the general blockade of knowledge in the wizarding world, Ryan doesn't believe there is a free lunch at all.

After hearing Ryan's question, Betty said solemnly, Because we need more comrades-in-arms, follow me and you'll know why.

After finishing speaking, Betty took Ryan to the ground of a giant tree and waved, and the giant tree stretched out a branch to form a circular platform. The two walked onto the platform, and the platform slowly rose to the top of the tree.

After reaching the top of the tree, Betty pointed in one direction and said, Since this place is called Emerald Dreamland, then there are bad nightmares. And our centaur tribe lives in the forbidden forest, and a very important task is to eliminate the existence of nightmares. .

Lane looked at the place Betty pointed to, and found that the woods in that place were very different from other places. The woods elsewhere are green and full of life. And that piece of wood was dark and dead.

That's it? Ryan asked Betty, pointing to the unusual woodland.

This story has to start from the beginning, from our centaur society. Betty began to tell the story of the dead forest.

We centaurs are the only resident intelligent creatures in this forbidden forest. Since ancient times, in which forest we live, we must maintain the natural balance of the forest. The male centaurs in the tribe are often responsible for hunting and gathering or going out. You humans can generally only see them. But in fact centaurs are matriarchal society, female centaurs generally do not leave the village, they are responsible for the safety and health of centaurs. At the same time, because male centaurs sometimes behave unreliably , so the leader of the tribe is a woman.

The most important thing is that, unlike male centaurs who are good at divination and fighting, women are good at communicating with nature, and can master natural magic and communicate the emerald dream more proficiently than male centaurs.

Seeing Ryan's eyes full of doubts. Betty stopped and said understandingly and asked, Little pony, is there anything you don't understand that you want to ask?

Maybe it's a bit presumptuous, but the most I read in the textbook said that you centaurs were good at healing magic, archery, astronomy and divination. It never said that you were good at anything else.

Haha. Betty shook her tail disdainfully and said, Most wizards see other creatures as blind, and they are never willing to explore the truth of the matter. As far as I know, your Ministry of Magic still has A funny centaur liaison office. But no centaurs have ever been there since it was established.

After mocking the stupid Ministry of Magic, Betty continued: We originally lived quietly in this forest, and there was no big problem for hundreds of years, but something big happened nearly forty years ago.

A major event? What major event? I only know that this period is also the dark period of our human wizards, does it matter? Ryan asked curiously.

Probably so, because it's a dark creature that's causing the trouble: the giant eight-eyed spider. They're multiplying very quickly here. You know, they have no natural predators in this wood, which has caused their numbers to grow exponentially. ... followed by devastating damage to the local ecological fabric.

Having said that, Betty began to dig the ground unconsciously, looking very angry. The earliest traces of the eight-eyed giant spider were discovered by our parents, but there was only one at the time, so everyone didn't take it seriously. But then I don't know why another one came, and it matched the original one. We By the time they were discovered, there were too many of them to be wiped out.

The more she talked, the more angry Betty became, but when she realized that Ryan was by her side, she slowly restrained her temper and calmed down and said, You know, even if the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts are the largest group in the UK , but we only have more than 60 people. We can't cope with hundreds of giant spiders.

So we can only choose to limit the range of spiders and shoot all spiders that are out of range.

But even so, this circle of scope is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, the dark breath and destructive hunting on them killed that piece of nature and projected it into the Emerald Dream, which is the dead forest you see.

Why didn't you tell Principal Dumbledore? I think Mr. Principal should be able to solve this problem. Ryan said with some puzzlement.

This is a matter of natural balance. It is a matter for us centaurs or those who are recognized by the Emerald Dream. We should not bother other wizards to intervene. Not to mention the agreement we signed with the wizards, the castle and the venue belong to the The school, the forbidden forest belongs to us. Neither side should meddle in what happens in the other's domain.

Well, this kind of political issue is really not good to continue discussing. But when Betty said that it was the eight-eyed giant spider who caused trouble in the Forbidden Forest, Ryan suddenly felt that today was his lucky day, and he hurriedly said to Betty:

I want to make a certain magic item now, but the materials are not available. So I thought about it, and only the eight-eyed giant spider in the forbidden forest can provide the materials. At that time, I thought that only they were not native protists. .Killing them won't upset the local balance.

Oh, really? As far as I know, you humans often have the strongest motivation driven by interests, so you mean that you will join the eight-eyed giant that destroys the ecological balance of the forbidden forest. In the spider war, right? Betty said happily.

Yes, ma'am. Ryan nodded to confirm this, and then Betty added: But as a second-year little wizard, I'm curious what cards you have to kill those pesky eight-eyed giant spiders with confidence. After all, I also know what you human wizards are generally like at your age. I don't think that average can be of any use in this conflict.

Well... Ryan thought for a while and decided to show some cards to guarantee cooperation.

Last time you saw that I can summon some magical plants, in fact I can summon far more than the last time you saw. Give me time, I can even set up an army of plants, except that I can't move, No big problem.

Betty nodded when she heard this: When we first met, those plants of yours gave me a very dangerous feeling. I believe they should have fighting power.

Seeing Ryan's expression a little hesitant, Betty said, I know that your ability may arouse the jealousy of others, but in the Forbidden Forest, whether it's us centaurs or the unicorns we found this time, they're different from humans. We will never spy on everything about our allies, and we will never be jealous because of their strength. We can swear in the name of nature that no matter what we see, we will not reveal it to the outside world, nor will we spy on your things.”

As soon as Betty's voice fell, Ryan felt that this oath had a close connection with the Emerald Dream, and he could feel that if he violated this oath, he would be naturally backlashed.

Ryan felt embarrassed: Ma'am, this...

Betty was very free and easy: As our first human ally in the past 50 years, this is the only way to make everyone feel at ease. Besides, as long as you don't break your oath, isn't there anything wrong?

Ryan was very moved. He felt that the biggest gain from coming to the Forbidden Forest this time was the friendship of a centaurus friend.

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