My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 31 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

The competition venue is actually not particularly large, but because it is connected to a desert canyon, the terrain is countless times more complicated.

With the radar turned off, Kashiwagi could only use a compass to find enemies.

His current position is still very dangerous. Before the map is closed, a flashing red dot is displayed, approaching in his direction.

If nothing else, that person should be coming for him.


Hope not.

"No further forward, please change direction."

Suddenly, the aerial shot of Rotom descended, providing Kashiwagi with a piece of information.

There is actually a teammate in this direction, and they should not be far away.

Otherwise, he would not be prohibited from continuing to walk.

Will the target red dot meet teammates? I hope this teammate is strong enough to handle it. Even the logistics system is not ready for this game.

Once in trouble, you can only rely on the help function on the bracelet to call for help. If you don't call, it won't come. The follow-up Rotom flew away when he saw the contestant defeated, not caring about the contestant's life or death.

People outside the field cannot interfere inside the field.

Coupled with the rule that no surrender is allowed, it can be said that the organizers are worse than animals.

Kashiwagi and the vigilant Kokodora looked at each other and decided to go to the location where the battle just happened.

If a teammate wins, the worst possible outcome is that they will be stopped and have to change direction; if the opponent wins, the situation will be worse depending on that person's condition.


You have to pay attention to whether other enemies are attracted along the way.

"Let's go."

He greeted softly and headed in the direction he remembered.

Viewed from a high place, this desert canyon is magnificent and beautiful. The rugged rocks are like eternal guards, eroded by wind and sand, guarding the desolate land.

Unfortunately for Kashiwagi, he prefers the green color that represents vitality and vitality, so every time he sees this desolate scene, he can't help but miss the great rivers and mountains of his previous life.

"Do you like sand? Or rocks or iron?"

Kashiwagi turned to ask Kokodora, and the lower volume was almost drowned by the buzzing sound of Rotom from the air.

But the latter obviously heard it. He lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then looked around, and then trotted over as if he had discovered something.

His eyes followed Cocodora's movements, and he soon discovered the other party's target——

I don't know whether it is withered or just a gray-yellow weed.


Kokodora looked at Kashiwagi with shining eyes, like a dog seeing its beloved toy.

If it had not had a tail, it would have been wagging very happily.

"You like grass? Plants?"

Kashiwagi looked at it in surprise. As a rock and steel-type Pokémon, it is a rumored industrial pest that does not like delicious iron ore and likes weeds that are not worth mentioning.

Any hobbies?

Seeing Coco Dora nodding wildly, he began to think about whether he should use a whole pot of grass to raise Coco Dora, or maybe flowers?

keep going.

In order to preserve his energy, he would definitely not go climbing. If he encountered a dead end, he would find a way around it.


When Kashiwagi was about to cross a corner, there was a sound of wind rushing into his ears, mixed with a subtle cry for help. When he stopped and raised his ears to listen, the cry for help gradually became louder and became a bit sad.

So close...

Not a companion?

He turned his head and glanced at the Aerial Rotom. Seeing that it didn't react at all, he quietly leaned forward and carefully observed it.

About two hundred meters away from him, he saw a naked boy clinging to the top of a huge bamboo-shaped rock that was pointing straight up into the sky on the canyon walkway that was blowing sand and dust in the breeze, crying endlessly.

"He lost?"

Kashiwagi frowned. This person was undoubtedly one of his fourteen teammates. Although he was not familiar with him, he actually fell into such a tragic situation.

Not only did he take off his clothes, he probably had something wrong with his legs. His ankles were swollen like balls, and he was trapped in that place, making it difficult to reach for the bracelet and call for support.

More importantly, where is the Dog Team member who took this guy down?

He looked at Rotom again. Although this guy didn't fly out, the whirring sound of the four small propellers was quite clear to him, and he might still be able to hear it even if it was covered by the wind.

He was a little worried that he had been exposed, so he pointed to the ground at Cocodola.

Kokodola understood and quickly dug a hole to lurk underground.

Turn around.

Kashiwagi held the smoke ball in his left hand, took out the elf ball in his right hand, and looked around calmly.

I will not move until the enemy is immovable.

There are only ten minutes left before the next radar is turned on. By then, whether that person has discovered him or not, there will be a conclusion.

Of course, the possibility that the other party is also waiting cannot be ruled out.

While thinking like this, a new sound came from the team members, like the sound of hooves hitting the ground.

Kashiwagi poked his head out again and saw a vicious dog team member sitting on the back of a wind-speed dog under the bamboo-shaped rock.

The billowing smoke and dust raised on the way meant that within two seconds of its arrival, the other Rotom, responsible for following the shooting, flew behind it, circling around like a fly.

The other party walked around the giant rock twice with his head raised, and looked around again, which made Kashiwagi immediately shrink his head, and his heart began to beat.

But unexpectedly, the other party didn't notice him, nor did he hear the sound of the propeller of his aerial Rotom. He just turned over and fell to the ground, and said: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, find a way to get him down."


What does it mean?

Wasn't he the one who killed his teammates? Or maybe you gave up when you saw you couldn’t catch any fish?

No matter how.

The appearance of this person meant that there were no other Dog members ambushing nearby, and they spent a long time fighting against the air.

Kashiwagi lay down and tapped the ground. When he saw Kokodora peeking his head out of the hole, he handed the smoke ball to it and said in a low voice:

"Dig deeper, touch it quietly, and stay a little further away so as not to be discovered. When I call for battle, bite off the ring on this thing and hit it in front of that person. When it is in place, lift up the soil a little."


Kokodola nodded to express understanding, retracted and started to act.

Hope it goes well.

Kashiwagi put down his backpack to lighten his burden, and quietly observed the distance. He saw the wind speed dog looking back and forth, as if looking for a place to stay and how to bring down the naked opponent.

Are there no Pokémon that can fly?

This is definitely good news for him.

After all, things like smoke balls can be solved by flapping the wings of the bird Pokémon a few times. The main function is to confuse the opponent, make him panic, and temporarily interfere with the wind speed dog's sense of smell.

Nearly two hundred meters.

If it weren't for the existence of Rotom, Kashiwagi would definitely try to shorten this distance.

After all, even if the human physique of the Pokémon world is extraordinary, if they exercise seriously, they can become a first-level sprinter. The best can easily surpass Bolt, but two hundred meters is too long.

I have to find a way to find a good time...

While he was observing, a handful of soil suddenly protruded from the feet of the vicious dog team member.

I wipe it!

Why are you so close! The location is not well controlled!

Kashiwagi was almost so frightened that he opened the elf ball and rushed out. Fortunately, the other party paid more attention to the quicksand team members on the giant rock and did not notice Cocodora.

At this time.

The wind suddenly became louder, and flying sand and rocks disturbed the view.

Opportunities will follow.

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