Inside the ship, Batman's voice cuts through the din of battle.

"Ready. We have to activate it now or it's all over.

"Do it, Batman."

With a final command, Batman activated the device.

A beam of pure and concentrated energy shot out from their spaceship, piercing the void and heading straight for the Shadow Planet.

The situation of the battle changed in an instant.

The commander of the Shadow Clan realized the seriousness of what happened and let out a provocative roar.

"Retreat!" he ordered.

Batman's bold strategy reaches its peak.

The beam is a concentrated torrent of solar energy, designed by the geniuses of the world's greatest superheroes, slamming into the Shadowclan planet with relentless force.

When the beams make contact, the planet's atmosphere ignites in a spectacle of light and heat.

Intense energy began to work, ruthlessly evaporating the planet's water source.

Oceans boil, rivers turn to steam, and lakes disappear into the garden.

The air becomes dry and moisture is sucked away instantly.

On the planet's surface, Shadow Tribe executives of immense power and cunning watch in horror as their world changes before their eyes.

The Shadows, their greatest ally, began to retreat, leaving them exposed and vulnerable.

"God of Darkness, what happened?"

one of the executives exclaimed, his voice a mixture of shock and anger.

"Our world, our power - it's being taken away!"

"Convene the Council. We need a countermeasure now."

For the first time in their long and storied history, the Shadow Clan find themselves in chaos.

Their planet, once a bastion of darkness and secrets, is now a barren wasteland, stripped of its defining elements.

In their fortress, the executives gathered, worry etched on their faces.

The prophet's eyes were still fixed on the dark sphere, which now shone dimly, speaking in a heavy voice of foreboding.

Commanders accustomed to relying on the power and invisibility provided by their shadows find themselves overwhelmed.

"Evacuate to where? Our ship cannot withstand a direct attack from a superhero."

Someone's voice was filled with despair.

The strategist, her mind racing through various (ajde) scenarios, came up with a bold plan.

"We need to use the chaos to our advantage. Launch a feint, get their attention, while the rest of us coordinate our evacuation."

The plan was launched with frantic urgency.

A portion of the Shadow Clan fleet, battered but still powerful, engaged the superhero's defenses, drawing their attention.

At the same time, the rest of the fleet began the arduous task of evacuating the planet's inhabitants.

Above the planet, superheroes watch the transformation unfold.

Batman's eyes never leave the monitor as he reports: "Moisture levels are declining rapidly. The planet's ecosystem is collapsing.

Superman, hovering beside him, added: "The Shadowmen are retreating. But they're launching a counterattack. It's a distraction.

Wonder Woman holds the lasso tightly in her hands and looks at the planet with a victorious mood.

"We won, but at what cost? Their world is being consumed."

Green Lantern's ring emits a bright light, ready to respond to any threat.

"Not yet, they are still dangerous."

As the battle raged on, the Shadow Clan carried out their mission.

Ships filled with civilians began to rise from the planet's surface, escaping the dying world.

Commanders, weighed down by the loss of their homes, supervised the operation with grim determination.

The prophet's eyes were still locked on the now faint sphere, and he whispered his final prophecy.

"This is not the end. Our shadows may be gone, but our will remains. We will rise again in a new world, in a new darkness."

Back on the superhero's ship, Batman monitors the situation, his attention already shifting to the next challenge.

Faced with the loss of their home and the "Anti-Life Equation" that Batman and his team were about to capture, the Shadow Clan made a desperate and devastating decision.

As the evacuation of the Shadow Clan planet progressed, a secret plan began.

Deep within the planet, hidden from the prying eyes of the superheroes, the Shadows have planted a series of neutron bombs

Weapons with unimaginable power can destroy their entire world.

The prophet of the Shadow Clan issued his final orders.

"It's a stark choice, but we have to make sure the Anti-Life Equation never falls into their hands. Just do it."

The commander's hand rested tremblingly on the detonator, hesitating for a moment, the gravity of the action weighing heavily on him.

Then, he silently prayed to the God of Darkness and pressed the button.

In an instant, a series of dazzling explosions erupted on this planet that was once full of life and shrouded in mystery.

Each neutron bomb detonates in perfect sequence, causing a chain reaction of destruction that tears the planet apart.

The earth opened up, spewing out a cataclysmic inferno that swallowed everything in its path.

On their ship, Batman and his team watch in horror as the planet disintegrates before their eyes.

The scene before me is the end of the world——

A world that was once vibrant was now a rapidly expanding mass of debris and flames.

Batman clenched his jaw angrily and slammed his fist on the console.

"damn it!"

His voice was a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"They destroyed their own planet. . . . Let's take that out of the equation."

Superman's eyes reflected the planet's fiery demise as he solemnly added, "These damn bastards are so crazy.

The Flash's usual jovial demeanor disappeared and he muttered: "So many lives lost... just like that. It's unbelievable."

As the remnants of the planet continue to scatter across the universe, the superheroes grapple with the scale of the event.

Green Lantern, his ring glowing faintly in the dim light of the ship, too.

"What now, Batman? The Anti-Life Equation is gone, and so is the world.

"More importantly, how should I explain to Lin Ke!".

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