And the use of such a means is equivalent to directly proving that the semi-illusory figure in front of him is exactly what Lin Fan is looking for!

That being able to materialize one's own spiritual power!

And with that kind of voice that came directly from the depths of the heart, the existence that called itself a wanderer turned out to be windless and automatically moved forward!


Like a breeze blowing through the wilderness, the wanderer actually penetrated the heavy porthole and entered the command room!

In this scene, the wanderer is like a creature existing in another dimensional space, able to ignore the collision on the physical level!

This ability, Lin Fan knows, is only possessed by a mutant called 'Phantom Cat' among the X-Men!

I didn't expect to see it at this moment!

"Bold maniac! How dare you be rude in front of the Supreme Highness!I, Ebony Throat, will make you pay!".

The immortal blade in Ebony Throat's hand seemed to be controlled by an invisible palm, tearing the air in an instant, slashing at the wanderer with a piercing sound of breaking the air!

In fact, it was not only the physical attack of the Immortal Blade, but also the space around it was already filled with invisible telekinesis, locking the wanderer's surroundings like a huge net!

However, in the face of the attack of Ebony Throat, the wanderer with the image of an old man has no sadness or joy on his face!

Immediately after, both the telekinesis and the immortal blade passed directly through the wanderer's body, as if through air.

It's still a physics collision that doesn't work!

Ebony Throat's face darkened, and he was about to unleash a dark spell to kill the wanderer!

"Let me do it! This guy is just trying to restrain your abilities!".

The voice of the supergiant next to him made the ebony throat pause!

Then, the supergiant in the white cloak had already stepped out, and his two index fingers were stretched out and pressed against his temples!


A circle of visible ripples of spiritual power reverberate, and the spiritual power of the worship turned into an angry dragon and rushed out towards the wanderer!

This time, the wanderer who has always been in a no-man's land, this is the change in his face!

The next moment, a strange golden stone appeared in the palm of the wanderer's hand!

The angry dragon transformed by spiritual power broke away from the control of the supergiant star the moment the golden stone appeared, and was swallowed up by the golden stone in an instant, like a long whale absorbing water!


The supergiant star spit out a mouthful of blood directly, and the spiritual level was greatly impacted!

"The spiritual power cultivation is good! But it is not enough!"

The wanderer smiled slightly, and crossed the position of the supergiant, which was already less than ten meters away before reaching the throne!

"That's what it is...... Mind Gem?".

In the darkness, Lin Fan's voice sounded above the throne!

"That's right! This is the Mind Gem! Actually, I'm here to make a deal!"

If this one loiter wasn't lying!

So in the strict sense, this is the first time Lin Fan has seen the real Infinity Stones!

Moreover, the words that came out of the wanderer's mouth also surprised Lin Fan!


Who will trade Infinity Gems?

Unless the other person wants something more precious than the Infinity Stones!

But seeing that he was already a wanderer close at hand, Lin Fan was not in a hurry to make a move at this moment!

Because what is happening now has not appeared in the original movie plot, Lin Fan is also curious about the origin of the special existence of the wanderer!

"Wanderer!funny guy, say what you want and listen!".

"What do I want......


A hint of confusion rose in the wanderer's eyes, and he muttered to himself......

However, when his voice sounded halfway, suddenly, a dazzling light pierced the confusion in his eyes!

The light that shot out of the wanderer's eyes was like two materialized lightsabers, and it directly sank into Lin Fan's eyebrows with an incredible speed!

At the same time, the Mind Gem held in the hand of the wanderer actually released endless golden light, directly turning into a miniature golden sun!

"What I want...... It's your body! After so many years of waiting, I finally found a body that I was satisfied with! Hahaha! I'll just accept it unceremoniously!".

At this moment, the wanderer revealed his intentions like a dagger!

More than a Soul Gem, the Wanderer wants a powerful body with true life!

In fact, this earth-shattering conspiracy has been carried out by the wanderers for a long time!

However, the creatures that once appeared in front of the wanderers were ignored by the wanderers because they were not strong enough!

Therefore, the Wanderer did not kill the interstellar pirates who had strayed onto the Death Star, in order to get the other party to pass on the message of the Mind Gem, which could be used to attract powerful enough creatures to come here so that the Wanderer could carry out the Soul Snatch!

And the first time the wanderer saw Lin Fan on the throne, he knew it...... This is the most perfect body in the universe, and it is also the body that meets all his requirements!

This time, the wanderer couldn't hold back himself anymore and directly launched his soul snatching!

And it is also blessed with the power of the Soul Gem, in this universe, there are probably very few creatures that can resist this kind of Soul Snatching Attack!

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