"A dense nuclear radiation zone!"

Luo Chen's eyes showed anticipation, and then he surfaced. After determining the direction, he quickly swam towards the South Pacific in the sea.

Since north and south are diagonal, Luo Chen needed to swim for a long time.

When he was tired, he found a place to swim. Take a rest in the underwater cave.

When you are hungry, you can catch sharks and large fish.

When you are thirsty, there is no such problem.

While honing your skills, it is also evolving towards being a land creature, at least it is amphibious. After all,

Luo Chen can't fly. Unless he steals a large cruise ship heading to the South Pacific, it will take at least half a month at the current speed and there is no way to identify it. Location.

You can only rely on feeling and sonar to identify the general direction. In addition, the nuclear test in the United States is a nightmare for ordinary human residents, but for Luo Chen, the intense nuclear radiation is the greatest nutrition, maybe delicious food!

Hunting powerful monsters and monsters directly will gain more power.

However, if you accumulate enough radiation, Luo Chen can quickly grow into a terrifying and powerful beast.......

I don’t know how many fishing boats and cargo ships I have encountered.

When a strong 'special' smell wafted from the surrounding sea, Luo Chen knew that he was almost reaching his destination.

Nowadays, the archipelago in the South Pacific has become the largest nuclear pollution area. The organisms in the surrounding seawater are polluted to varying degrees. Most organisms die directly, and some organisms suffer a large proportion of genetic damage.

Through the transmission of radioactive materials among the food chain, more and more marine organisms ingest plants and small prey that have been exposed to nuclear radiation. The pollution is like a bottomless pit, devouring intact lives, and the pollution area continues to expand until all affected Radiated organisms gradually age and die.

The contamination lasted for years, leaving the entire sea lifeless as an archipelago of nuclear tests.

It's better to arrive early than to arrive late. Just as Luo Chen was about to stop on a certain island, he noticed that an extremely dazzling light suddenly erupted from an island several kilometers away, destroying its vision.

"Boom~boom boom boom!!!"

With the release of the terrifying power, the sun was spinning, and blazing air waves were impacting. The sky seemed to be on fire, the twisted air rose with thick smoke, and the terrifying moment of the atomic bomb explosion interfered with the surrounding light.. Raging fires burst into flames, and countless creatures in the deep sea fled wildly.

Among them, Luo Chen saw some starfish with dozens of legs, strange fish with particularly huge heads, and eels with strange bodies. These were caused by radioactive substances. The genetically mutated creatures also began to twist and scurry around.

Although the seawater near the island was evaporating, and although the poisonous gas and radiation had swept in,

Luo Chen was not only not afraid at all. On the contrary, I was extremely excited

『High concentrations of radiation detected......Being absorbed!』

『Radiation value: 55...67...103...189!』

『Activate new ability: Radiant Flow...!』

The unstable gas generated by the radioactive reaction bag in Godzilla's body reacts with air friction when it is sprayed out, producing a high-heat mist-like flame, while the dorsal fin flashes and glows.

『Activate new talent: Super Vision...!』

Godzilla activates super vision, including night vision, heat sensing, eagle eye, hunting vision, etc., and also evolves into a film to protect the eyes

『It is detected that the host has absorbed too much radiation and is about to enter forced evolution.......』

Seeing some warships floating on the land and sea, with American flags hanging on them, and the soldiers began to move in an orderly manner, carrying boxes back and forth, they probably wanted to conduct another nuclear bomb test.

Without thinking much, Luo Chen dived into the sea.

Slowly approach from the bottom of the sea, then find the area where the leaked nuclear radiation is rich, and slowly lie down under the rock.

At first, the roar and aftermath of the nuclear bomb would cause some discomfort in Luo Chen's body.

But later.

With the influx of rich warmth, the G cells in Godzilla's body have completely evolved, and he no longer has to worry about any threat to the body caused by nuclear radiation.

People who eat too much will easily become sleepy.

The same goes for Godzilla. The main reason is that his body needs to evolve significantly. Any extra consumption is unnecessary. Luo Chen, who was feeling sleepy, quickly closed his eyes in the deep sea of this archipelago.

Time passes slowly.

Luo Chen woke up from time to time and began to eat around, and then continued to absorb radioactive materials. Now his body has a dorsal fin and a coral-like ridge extending to his tail. When Luo Chen was sleeping, huge energy flowed from time to time on his back, which was a rare source of light in the deep sea. At the same time, his skin covered with sea sand and lime-like substances became dark and mottled.

Nuclear tests are becoming more frequent and more powerful.

A few months later, researchers at the US military's nuclear weapons laboratory finally couldn't help but want to try the long-awaited heavyweight weapon"hydrogen bomb."

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