
Previously, it was impossible to cool down on land, and had to continue to evolve to the next form in the sea.

Today's Godzilla's legs can already support heavy loads and have become thicker. Logically speaking, his hands have become shorter due to no need for melee combat, but this is not the case with Luo Chen.

Luo Chen has human living habits and still likes to use his forelimbs.

Therefore, what is slightly different from the common Godzilla is that Luo Chen's evolved forelimbs and claws are stronger and sharper.

The long and domineering tail becomes stronger and more powerful, used to maintain body balance and can be easily lifted above the head.

Its height and body are nearly twice what it was before it evolved. Even though it has become so powerful, it still retains the habit of turning its eyes to be wary of its surroundings, so its eyes are sharp and compelling.

Not only that, super vision has also evolved a structure like a crocodile's waterproof membrane to protect the eyes. Countless tiny teeth are intricate. The black skin on the whole body is like the product of interlaced collagen fiber bundles. The energy generated by the atomic furnace in the heart makes it The subcutaneous parts of various body parts glow red.

It relies on blood circulation and dorsal fin heat dissipation to prevent excessive body temperature, and can freeze itself in an emergency to shut down the biological atomic furnace.

The epidermis is extremely strong, recovers extremely quickly after being injured, and can evolve and self-reproduce indefinitely. The cells cannot be killed without destroying all of them, and the fallen cells can grow new individuals.

New individuals are called"subspecies".

Godzilla cannot reproduce, he can only divide.

This kind of cell division allows Luo Chen to have the most loyal subordinates, but division and self-proliferation consume a lot of physical strength. Under normal circumstances, Luo Chen would not do this.

Unless they are injured and have to split some subspecies to act as guards to protect themselves.

Today's data.

Height: 118.5 meters

Length: 333 meters

Weight: 92,000 tons

Belongs to the fourth form of Godzilla - True Godzilla (a perfect creature similar to God, Godzilla of Gods)!

In terms of historical settings, this Godzilla also beats all previous Godzillas, and can be called the strongest Godzilla in history (not counting Planet Godzilla).

The range and power of the ray are also the strongest in history.

It can also emit a large number of ray beams from its back, and even its tail can emit ray beams.

Even if it stops moving after all the rays are emitted, it can freely attack everything around it.

As long as there is water and air, you can survive anywhere.

Form changes can be made freely.

The length of the tail is also the longest in history, and the hardness of the body exceeds that of all previous Godzillas.

The appearance is even more terrifying.

With a dark appearance, a dark red blood-like substance emits a faint red light around its chest, limbs, tail and even neck. At this time, it is sleeping on the seabed and lights up red from time to time with the sound of its heartbeat, which is particularly scary..

As for the fifth form above this form.

Luo Chen didn't have any clue yet, but his intuition told him that the process of evolution would be extremely difficult.

Of course, the fifth form will also be ridiculously strong. at this time.

Suddenly there were trembling sounds from Skull Island.

The explosion of the bomb, the roar of King Kong, the earthquake waves that shook the earth.

Wave after wave, again and again.

It came layer upon layer. finally.

When the last roar ended, the terrifying giant beast sleeping in the deep sea suddenly opened its terrifying eyes.

Luo Chen woke up.

As if he hasn't reacted yet.

It lay on the bottom of the sea and froze for a few seconds, and then sensed the situation on the island. what happened?

Why has King Kong's temper become so bad?

What is it fighting?

What was the shock wave just now?

Driven by various questions, Luo Chen decided to stand up and go to the island to take a look at the situation.

Think of this.

The mountains stretching from the deep sea suddenly stood up. It was Godzilla's giant tail. At this time, the gray sea sand was thrown away, revealing a ferocious and terrifying dark appearance.

Then, the terrifying sharp claws and forelimbs supported the upper body, slowly stood up from the bottom of the sea, and then swam towards the sea surface.


The sea surface was rough, and as the waves rose, a huge dark back surfaced.

Then, Godzilla swung his giant tail, pushed aside the waves on both sides, and swam toward Skull Island.

The shock wave came from the other side of the island.

Godzilla's position is in opposition to King Kong.

After the last fight with King Kong.

The forest to the east became King Kong's territory.

The swamps and sea to the west became Godzilla's territory.

To the south are lakes and tributaries.

To the north is Death Canyon......

"Emergency call, emergency call, repeat, is anyone still in the air?!"

In the rainforest, the expedition team used walkie-talkies to constantly confirm the situation.

"Everyone, all killed!"

A man replied at this time. He calmly used a telescope to watch King Kong leave silently after destroying everything. He whispered:"We are now in the south of the island. There is a river a few kilometers away. If we follow the Keep moving forward to reach the extraction point in the north."

"But our helicopters are gone!"

"But there was still a boat. We sent out a distress signal on the boat, and someone came to search and rescue."

The man's words made other people look at each other. It seems that this is the only way.

At the same time, on the western island, Godzilla also began to swim towards the shore.

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