Marvel: Collecting Shinra Tensei at the beginning

Chapter 55 Returning the Mind Stone

For the development of this game, Han Yu still has many ideas that have not been realized. Although the game industry in the Marvel world is underdeveloped, the computer technology is far from what Han Yu could compare with in his previous life. It is at least a hundred years ahead of him. Year.

He is not worried that the sales of GTA game will not be good because of the memory of the game, it is simply because the current game is too bad and does not need a very good computer, so computer players in this world do not buy a very good computer.

"Boss, regarding the copyright issue of the Avengers, how did you get their copyright, or should we solve it by force?"

Ultron has a fist bigger than his own sandbag. One of the DLCs in GTA is based on the Avengers. If you want to make it and send it to the public game, you need the permission of the other party.

Regarding this question, Ao Chuang actually didn't think much about it. If the other party doesn't give it, then call it.

Ultron is very confident now. The previous generation of Ultron and the Avengers have been unable to win. Now this body is mostly made of Ulu metal, and it is even more impossible for the opponent to defeat him.

Han Yu said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot about this matter. I only remembered it when I could solve it. I have to go to Stark first."

Ultron asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

"Return the thing." Han Yu pinched his fingers in the air, and the yellow soul gem appeared in his hand. "I don't need this thing, so return it to him, just to help him make another thing."

The Infinity Gems are of no use to him, they are collected to complete system tasks, except that the Reality Gems do not need to be exchanged, and the Mind Gems can be returned to Stark, allowing him to complete what he was supposed to do.

What he said refers to the vision that should have appeared in the first place, which is a super-intelligent robot that combines the thinking of Stark, Banner, the Mind Stone, and Ultron.

In the Marvel comics that Han Yu knows, Vision is a very powerful Avenger, and his strength in the Avengers is definitely not weak, but in the movie, it is cut so that it can only shoot lasers through walls, which is very annoying. People are speechless.

Ultron nodded. Because of Han Yu's intervention, the creation of illusion had not yet started, so he didn't know there would be such an existence as Ultron.

After briefly explaining the small details of the game DLC, Han Yu drove to the Avengers Building.

"Well, no one answered?"

On the way, Han Yu took the time to call Stark, but no one answered.

When I came to the Avengers Building, because I had been there before, the security guard at the gate already knew Han Yu's identity, and greeted him politely.

"Hello, I want to ask if Mr. Stark is up there?" Han Yu asked the security guard.

"Mr. Stark? Haven't seen him for several days."

Han Yu said his thanks and drove back. He was going to Stark's residence. If he wasn't in the Avengers Building, he might be at home.

When he came to Stark's house, the light inside was on. Han Yu knocked on the door for a while, but no one answered. Finally, he used the ability of the green light ring to pry open the door without damage, and walked in swaggeringly.

The door that walked down Stark's underground studio was also opened by his same behavior.

Walking into the underground studio, a strong smell of alcohol hits the face.

"Stark, why are you lying here?"

Han Yu saw a hand behind the work chair, walked over to take a look, and saw Stark lying there in a mess.

"Oh, Han Yu, hello, why are you here? Are you also here for the party..."

Stark was obviously drunk, the studio was quiet, there was no trace of a party.

"Stark, you're drunk, come on, lie down first."

Han Yu moved him to an open place, took a blanket next to him and covered him, in order to prevent Stark from suddenly getting drunk, Han Yu directly knocked him out, and he couldn't sleep until tomorrow It is impossible to wake up in the afternoon.

"Jarvis, what happened to him?"

The best way to know what happened to Stark is to ask his artificial intelligence, Jarvis.

Jarvis knew that Stark had bought an energy source in his shop, and his wisdom was not just that of artificial intelligence. He could analyze some things like a human, including whether Han Yu was an enemy or a friend.

"After the Sokovia incident, because Mr. Stark's behavior caused a lot of property damage, he blamed himself very much. Not only did he lose the soul gem, but also caused such a big incident, so he drank heavily all day long, Drink away your worries."

Jarvis answered truthfully.

Hearing this, Han Yu fell into deep thought, the Sokovia incident and the loss of the Soul Stone, this kind of responsibility is really not something ordinary people can afford.

Although Stark usually looks heartless, but after the Battle of New York in which aliens invaded New York, Stark rushed to the wormhole with a nuclear bomb alone, detonating all the aliens. .

Since then, a psychological shadow has been left in his heart.

Because he saw countless Chitauri giant worms and Chitauri people appearing from that huge spaceship, if something like that happened again, Stark really didn't think the opponent's offensive would be the same as this time.

So Stark desperately wanted to find out how to deal with it. He was just a mortal, and he didn't have the energy to deal with that kind of horrible attack many times. That's why he came up with the idea of ​​creating a super-intelligent robot to deal with similar aliens in the future. attack.

Looking at the sleeping Stark, Han Yu was silent. He had indeed taken on too much, and it was not out of his own selfishness to create the hallucinations, but with his mortal body, he really couldn't bear so many things.

It's okay to deal with those little gangsters on the earth, but the cosmic forces outside the earth are a little bit more than enough.

Han Yu took out the Soul Gem, used the green light ring to transform into a box and put it in, setting it so that only Stark could open it, and no matter how hard others got it, they couldn't unlock it.

Immediately afterwards, Han Yu sat in front of the computer, entered all the thoughts about the vision in his memory into the computer, and then placed it in the most conspicuous place on the desktop, and told Jarvis that he would tell Stark when he woke up. him about it.

"Ao Chuang's consciousness will not compete with you for this body. Presumably the vision can be born smoothly. I hope this vision can be useful and not so useless."

After Han Yu left these things, he left. The rest of the matter, good or bad, is up to Stark to decide. It is really the greatest favor that he can return the Soul Stone.

It's not that S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't expect to come to snatch back the Soul Stone, but they also saw the Sokovia incident, and Han Yu's strength and power are not at all what the Avengers can deal with.

As long as such people have the slightest sign of friendship, they will never turn against each other, otherwise it will be a matter of minutes to destroy them.

Stark woke up the next day and received the instructions from Han Yu, and he was stunned when he saw the thoughts about vision in the computer.

The illusion here is similar to his previous idea, but the improvement of each ability value is completely beyond Stark's previous design. The illusion created in this way is definitely very strong!

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