Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 69 Shisui, Haori wants to thank Danzo (24)

Telling Setsuna Uchiha about the attack on him was the best way Haori could think of to eliminate suspicion.

After all, if you think about it with normal thinking, you have done something evil, how can you still tell the story about your encounter with this person?

Of course, it’s not that there are no such things, and it’s not that everyone doesn’t do things that are dark under the light.

It's just that Yuzhi did it more thoroughly. He took away all the corpses. It's not a big deal if he kills them and refuses to acknowledge them.

What's more, Uchiha Setsuna's treatment of people cannot be said to be virtuous and respectable to him, or at least he is disgusted by people.

If we really push him into a hurry, he can use some forceful methods at worst!

But for the main mission, we still need to keep a low profile, at least with some reasonable excuses.

If the main mission requires him to replace him, then he must cherish the feathers, and the scapegoat and the culprit must not appear on him.

Otherwise, he could have tried things like hanging himself thirty centimeters above the ground or choking to death after drinking water and bleeding from all his orifices.

It won't take long. The next clan meeting may be the best time to take action!

Yuzhi silently muttered in his heart that he kicked the light out to try to understand and integrate into the family. After taking a look at the recent rumors, he also began to enter the meditation mode.

He still has a lot of room for growth, he has just opened the Kaleidoscope, and Susanoo has not yet understood it.

In addition, he obtained the pupil transplantation technique, but he never had the opportunity to use this technique.

Uchiha Hikari had a kaleidoscope, but considering the actual impact, he did not 'attack' Hikari.

And he has not yet determined what will happen to Zhishui's side. He doesn't even know whether Zhishui has a kaleidoscope.

But I should try it on Uchiha Fugaku this time, but I'm not sure what his pupil technique is.

In fact, no matter what Uchiha Fugaku's pupil technique is, he is not another god anyway, so two pairs of kaleidoscopes can definitely kill him even in the face of the unknown!

There is also Bai Zetsu's arm and the other half of the space talent obtained from Obito. This also needs to be absorbed and understood.

It can be said that there are really many things that Haori needs to explore, comprehend and understand now.

Fortunately, while he was working hard, the light coming out brought him some good news.

And he didn't expect that someone would find him at this moment——

Still not found?

In a secret room within Uchiha, Uchiha Setsuna asked with a solemn face.

There were several gray-haired old men beside him, all of whom belonged to the elders of the Eagle Sect.

They have now encountered a very important thing, that is, Uchiha Yashiro has disappeared!

Ever since he carried out a secret mission, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had evaporated from the world.

They spent a week without finding any valuable clues, and the only information came from Haori.

To be honest, Setsuna Uchiha even suspected that Haori had secretly done something wrong!

After all, they were the only ones who met that night.

There is no news yet, Mr. Elder.

The young Uchiha ninja who was responsible for the report shook his head. He looked a little uneasy.

And this matter has spread a little bit, and many people in the family know about it.

Shut up, I know.

Uchiha rubbed his brows in annoyance for a moment, naturally this matter could not be concealed.

Uchiha Yashiro is the squadron leader of the police department, and his disappearance is visible to the entire police department!

Setsuna, I wonder if it's Orochimaru.

At this moment, an elder suddenly whispered a reminder.


Uchiha Setsuna frowned slightly when he heard this, because it was indeed possible.

I don’t know why, but now there are rumors all over Konoha that Orochimaru is doing human experiments.

With such intensity of spreading, even if the Hokage wanted to suppress it, he could no longer do it.

For the Uchiha, this is a good thing!

Even though they have so many internal differences and fight so fiercely with each other, they all still long for one thing——

Get back the Hokage that belongs to Uchiha!

Therefore, they are fully supporting Uchiha Fugaku, whether they are hawks or doves.

Whether Orochimaru's incident is true or not, it will cause great damage to him, because Naruto cannot be stained!

So, this may be the result of Orochimaru giving up on himself?

Although it feels a bit outrageous, it all seems logical.

Orochimaru is basically certain that he will no longer be the Hokage, and with Kakashi as a successful example, anything is possible for him!

if it is like this

Uchiha whispered in a low voice for a moment, and his eyes instantly became firm the next moment.

No, this is the fact. Spread this matter first so that the whole clan, not only the whole village, will know!

At the clan meeting in a week, we will have a good chat with the clan leader.

We really need to have a good chat.

The other elders instantly understood what Setsuna Uchiha meant, and they all smiled.

Kakashi's eye caused such harm, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Orochimaru has no chance. The clan leader's chance can be greatly enhanced, which also requires our help.

I think the patriarch should know how to choose.

Haori didn't expect that he originally wanted to blame the Dove Faction and Uchiha Fugaku to make them fight harder.

Orochimaru was just a fallback path he left for himself. He never thought that Orochimaru would become the ultimate scapegoat without even showing his face.

But the development of things has not deviated from the planned track, and it is even foreseeable that the quarrel between them will become more fierce——

Senior Haori, please forgive me for disturbing you.

While Uchiha Setsuna and others were plotting, Haori looked at Uchiha Shisui in front of him with a strange expression.

He knew that Shisui would come to him, after all, he had already triggered a mission.

But when exactly it will come, Haori is really not sure, not to mention that he hasn't even accepted the mission yet, which means he may have missed some other missions.

For example, when he was attacked by Yashiro Uchiha before, normally he should be able to get a side mission.

But he didn't pay too much attention, after all, he didn't think he could get anything good from that guy.

Hello, Shisui-kun.

Yuori nodded, looking at Shisui with curiosity.

This is not the first time we have met, but it is our first communication, right?

Haori knew that Shisui was the kind of person who had a village and a family in his heart.

To deal with such a person, his personality is very useful. Now he plans to see what this kid's attitude is like.

Ashamed to say it, it is true.

Shisui was silent for a moment after hearing Yuzhi's words, and then he sighed.

I have never visited my seniors, or even had the opportunity to talk to them on the front line. I am too arrogant. I need to apologize to my seniors.

Is this really arrogance of yours, Shisui-kun?

Haori asked curiously, but this sentence made Shisui feel a little embarrassed.

Although you are young, I think you understand some things and there is no need to blame yourself.

After all, we are a family. Tell me, did you come to me today for something important?

A family?

Shisui was speechless for a moment when he heard this. They were indeed a family.

But no matter how you look at their current situation, they don't look like a family.

Senior, actually I came here this time to ask for advice from senior.

Although Shisui sighed inwardly, he quickly calmed down, but he was interrupted by Yuori before he could finish his words.

You want to try my skills and leave me a deep memory if you can, right?

Senior, you.

Don't worry, because I have received similar tasks, but I didn't carry them out due to various reasons.

Seeing Shisui's astonished look, Haori explained simply.

Let's go, I know a good place, let's go there.

With that said, Yuzhi turned around and walked forward. Shisui looked at his back and was a little silent for a while.

It turns out that Haori-senpai also had such a mission, but he didn't carry it out.

Is it because he feels that everyone is family?

Shisui already had a slight affection for Haori. After all, Haori was still a great hero of the village and had a lot of good friends in the village.

It's just that for various reasons, they can't be contacted at all.

But now, Yuzhi's few words directly penetrated his heart, which made his good feelings begin to explode uncontrollably.

This guy's attitude is okay. So far, he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards me.

Haori didn't know what Shisui was thinking now. He started studying the system while walking.

However, while researching, he also remained vigilant at all times. Although he was not sure, he had to pay enough attention to other gods.

As for the choice of the current task, Haori thought about it and chose the latter.

Although this kid is prone to getting sick, after all, he is not a lunatic like the two Arrogant and Filial Heroes.

[A new side mission has been obtained. 】

[Facing Shisui’s challenge, defeating him and leaving a deep enough impression on him]

If you want to impress him, should you give him a Millennium Kill shot?

Yu Zhi was complaining a little. At this time, they had come to a forest. This forest was also where Yu Zhi practiced alone on weekdays.

bring it on.

Haori smiled casually. Although he was very cautious in his heart, on the surface he still seemed very relaxed.

Please give me some advice, senior.

Compared to Haori's relaxed look, Shisui looked much more serious at this time.

After bowing slightly to Haori, he took out his short sword, his eyes turned scarlet, and he looked at Haori in front of him with a stern look.

Haori also opened his Sharingan instantly, but neither of them made a move first, and both seemed extremely cautious.

Are you so careful?

Yuzhi secretly thought to himself, if that's the case, he wouldn't mind taking the lead.

He pulled out a large number of kunai from his ninja bag, and in less than a second, he shot these kunai at Shisui!

Clang, Clang, Clang——

These kunai collided with each other in the air, changing their respective flight trajectories.

In just the blink of an eye, it was like a large net that spread out, covering Shisui overwhelmingly.

But Shisui was not a vegetarian, and he also moved the moment Haori made a move.

His speed was as fast as thunder, and in the blink of an eye a cold light would pass across Yuzhi's neck!

so fast?

Although Haori knew that Shisui's speed was ridiculous, he could even create phantoms using the teleportation technique.

If you want to truly experience the terror of his speed, you really need to fight with each other!

Fortunately, although Shisui was fast, Haori didn't give in too much.

The moment the dagger was about to hit him, he had already ducked out of the way, and the kunai in his hand quickly swung out, hitting Shisui directly in the abdomen.

Senior is that fast?

Haori felt outrageous, and Shisui felt even more stunned.

Although he usually seems humble, as an Uchiha, he naturally has his own pride.

His speed is one of his prides, because so far he really doesn't have many people who can catch up with his speed!

Now that he encountered Haori's speed, Shisui was stunned and had a stronger fighting spirit.

After all, the Uchiha clan is also a warlike clan!

Senior, be careful!

Shisui quickly dodged and distanced himself, and the next moment he formed seals with his hands.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Art fire escape ho fireball!

When Haori saw this, he directly formed the seal without hesitation. He was not afraid of fighting Ninjutsu.

And the fireball he cast was obviously bigger than the one cast by Shisui!


With a harsh roar, the two fireballs collided in mid-air.

In an instant, thick smoke billowed and flames ignited all the surrounding vegetation, but Haori's fireball was still heading towards Shisui.

Is the chakra concentration gap between me and senior that big?

Zhisui was somewhat dazed when he saw this scene, but he quickly moved aside to avoid it, but at this moment Yuori had already arrived in front of him!


The kunai pierced the sky and stabbed Shisui's neck hard.

Shisui immediately took out the short sword in his hand, and the three magatama quickly rotated, and he faced the kunai and gently picked it.

He immediately pushed the kunai away, then turned the blade and slashed towards Haori without hesitation.

But just when his ninja sword was about to hit Yuori, his expression changed slightly, and then he quickly twisted his arm to make the ninja sword go in another direction.

You're slow, Shisui.

Haori in front of him turned into a stone with a 'bang', and Haori's figure quietly appeared beside him.

Before he could react, Haori had already grabbed his knife-holding wrist, and at the same time, the other hand stabbed him with a kunai!

But at the moment when the kunai was about to stab Shisui, Haori suddenly stopped, then he turned around and said with a smile.

You learn quickly, Shisui.

It's just a poor imitation of my predecessors.

Behind Haori, Shisui's figure appeared, and the previous body had already turned into a pool of soil. It was obviously an earth clone.

However, he still maintained a fighting posture at this time, and he did not relax at all.

Okay, Shisui, the battle is over.

However, Yuzhi shook his head, pointed at the surrounding environment and said.

If the fight continues, this forest may be on fire.

I understand, senior.

Shisui glanced around, and then he still longed to continue, but in the end he nodded.

Thank you, senior, for your teachings, which gave me profound insights.

I didn't teach you anything. Your talent is unimaginable. You will definitely become a powerful ninja in the future.

Haori shook his head, and then he used an earth escape to extinguish the flames on the scene before he continued to speak.

Also, don't be so polite. As I said, we are actually a family.

A family.

Hearing this sentence again, Shisui was also in a daze. After thinking for a while, he made a decision.

Senior, can I have a few words with you?

Can we chat for a few words? That's okay.

Although he didn't know what Zhisui was thinking, he had no need to refuse. He just pointed at Zhisui's wrist and smiled.

Remember to take it off. It can be dangerous if you're not careful.


Zhisui was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his wrist. He was stunned for a moment.

Because there is a detonating talisman attached to his wrist.

4K second update, please order first

PS: There are two more updates that may be a little later, but they won’t be too late.

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