Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 28 Uchiha Wuming’s information, Haori’s decision! (Seeking for further reading)

As expected, grandpa saved me, thank you.

In the dark basement, Obito finally figured out the situation after some communication with Uchiha Madara.

Obito originally thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that he was still alive, which made him feel excited.

As long as he is alive, only alive can he be with Lin and Kakashi again!

To him, being with the two of them was all that mattered.

Although the old man in front of him spoke strangely, Obito was still filled with gratitude.

It's too early to say thank you.

However, Madara shook his head slightly when he heard this sentence, and he looked at Obito calmly.

Don't worry, you will repay me in the future.

Um, later?

Obito was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly asked worriedly.

Is it possible that grandpa is going to let me stay as a servant to take care of you?


Madara nodded calmly, he wanted to see Obito's reaction.

No, I can't stay here forever!

Obito was a little discouraged when he heard this, but he still spoke.

“The war is still going on in Konoha, and my companions are still waiting for me.

I finally opened the Sharingan, and this time I can finally protect my companions better!

Better protect your companions?

Madara shook his head slightly and sighed quietly.

With your current body, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue being a ninja.

Moreover, why do you feel that your companion needs your protection?


Faced with Madara's questioning, Obito's face was clearly unconvinced.

How can this be done? I will definitely recover.

I finally opened the Sharingan, and I believe I can have better coordination with Kakashi!

Look at the reality. There are unsatisfactory things everywhere in this world.

But Madara remained calm, seeming to have a little disdain for Obito's words.

The longer I live, the more I feel that reality is filled with only depression, pain, loneliness, and betrayal.

what do you want to say in the end?

Obito was a little irritated by Madara's chatter. He really didn't understand what this old man who looked like a psycho meant.

What I want to say is very simple.

Madara didn't care about Obito's emotions, his voice remained low.

“Everything in this world is the same. Where there is light, there must be darkness. As long as there are winners, there must be losers.

Likewise, where there is love, there will be hatred, and where there is trust, there will be betrayal.

It is precisely because of your serious injury that someone will be rescued, but will your efforts really pay off?

Will the people you save really remember you in their hearts?


Obito was silenced by Madara's question, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

But Obito quickly snorted, stared at Madara and shouted loudly.

I don't care what you want to say, no matter what, I have to get out of here!

I'm grateful you saved me and if the war ends, I will come back.

Let's talk about things that took so long later.

Madara interrupted Obito, and he slowly turned around and walked aside.

If you want to leave, that's up to you, but I hope you remember.

You and I are both betrayed and forgotten.


I never expected that the Uzumaki clan was once so glorious.

As the sun set, Kakashi and Haori left Kushina's house together.

It's just that Kakashi was still a little emotional along the way. Perhaps because he was still young, he didn't know much about the Uzumaki clan.

He had only seen some in textbooks, and learned some from his father when he was a child, and later from his teacher.

But today, he could be considered as accompanying Yuzhi to learn about the Uzumaki clan.

Yes, the Uzumaki clan was indeed very glorious in the past, but the ending was a bit regretful.

Yuzhi nodded. Although he said he was sorry, he was very excited inside!

This time when they visited Kushina Uzumaki's home, in the end they didn't discuss too much about sealing techniques.

Because with Kushina's agreement, Haori began to carefully read the history books of the Uzumaki clan.

He looked at it in detail and seriously, and his approach also aroused Kakashi's interest.

Although Kushina found it a little strange that an Uchiha like Haori would be interested in her family's history.

After all, Uchiha and Uzumaki have not dealt with each other historically, and the two sides have fought against each other many times.

But just as she said, it's not a bad thing if someone is willing to remember the history of the whirlpool, even if it's a former enemy.

So an afternoon passed like this, and l Yuzhi also found the information he wanted in that seemingly random browsing!

Although it was more than a hundred years ago and the records are very vague, the contents of the records are very interesting.

According to the records, the Thousand Hands Clan led other families to find the Uzumaki Clan, and eventually they all set off together.

Who their target was was not written, and the amount of losses was not clearly stated, but in the end there was one sentence that caught Haori's attention.

Operation Akizuki Valley was finally successful and dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Uchiha clan.

In terms of time, this is relatively close to the record in the Uchiha Clan's file, and there is also an interesting supporting evidence.

Before this, neither Senju nor Uzumaki had any significant results against Uchiha, but this time it is written like this.

It’s hard not to arouse Haori’s strange associations!

Yeah, it's such a shame, no wonder Kushina-sensei would say that.

While Haori was thinking, Kakashi sighed, and then he asked curiously.

Haori, do you like reading history?

“I quite like it”

Haori shrugged. As a time traveler, history was a subject he had to learn.

“Understanding history allows us to understand the development and changes of the world, and thus understand why we are where we are today.

Just like the Uzumaki clan this time, we know its past glory through history, and we also know how lonely it is now.

This also allows us to learn a lot of historical experience and continuously improve ourselves.

Of course, it also allows us to remember some people or things that have disappeared in the long river of history, right?

Haori's words were based on the fact that when he was studying history in his previous life, almost everyone had heard similar words.

But for Kakashi, these words were somewhat thought-provoking, especially the last sentence that made him fall into silence.

Maybe he was thinking of his father, or maybe he was thinking of Obito.

And Haori's eyes also flickered, as if the 'remnants of the previous dynasty' in the history he had learned in his previous life had a bad end.

And since I want to be a rebel in the family, why don't I do it more thoroughly?

Uchiha Cha and those who formed the Hawk Faction with him obviously ignored Haori, and even controlled Haori.

And the influence they can have is so great that people have to worry about it.

In Haori's previous life, the reason why the old beauty on the other side of the ocean wanted to kill the person who shouted I Have a Dream couldn't be simpler.

Because under his call, those black men can put on suits and protest peacefully, but what if under his call, those black men can be made to pick up guns?

It seems that a good understanding of history is indeed an important thing.

Kakashi suddenly took a deep breath, and then he spoke seriously.

Haori, I think I understand.

Yeah, I think I understand that too.

Yuzhi nodded slightly, and his eyes became particularly firm at this moment.

Although this is extremely excessive, it is also the best choice for him as a rebel.

At this moment, new information also appeared in his system.

[Acquired a new side mission]

The groundwork has finally been laid and it’s time to start moving, and it’s time to recruit people.

Mengxin begged to pursue reading. Now, pursuing reading will determine everything about a book. It is easy to die if you keep books.

Thank you guys Onz

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