I have a room at Meiman Mental Hospital

Chapter 54 Go and invite Du Wensen

Half a month later. .biqugev

Matthew sat in his new office, looking at the police officers in the office outside, feeling a sense of contentment in his heart.

He finally sat in the position of police chief. Now he is the head of this small police station. He no longer has to worry about anyone telling him what to do when handling cases.

Thanks to Du Wensen's set of testimony, he successfully closed all three cases of the cruise ship tragedy, prison riot, and judge's murder, and officially issued an arrest warrant for Palmer Carter.

The superiors were very satisfied with the results he turned in, and Matthew later figured out why.

If Du Wensen is convicted again, it will make people doubt the feasibility of the jury system, which will have a huge impact on the jury system, which is something the authorities do not want to see.

Using a non-existent person to take the blame, and with conclusive evidence, is a win-win for both parties.

The people above could give an explanation. The jury system was once again praised, and he, Matthew, also successfully sat in the position of police chief.

Matthew should have thanked Du Wensen, but he had been so worried that he had not slept well for five days.

Five days ago, the body of a deceased person was found in a garbage dump. When it was found, most of the body had been eaten by wild dogs. In the mouth of the deceased, a note was found with a line of writing on it.

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

This was a name that Matthew didn't want to see again. He even doubted whether the murderer might be Du Wensen.

This idea made Matthew very angry. It was a contempt for him and a provocation to the entire New York police force.

He immediately launched an investigation, using connections and personnel from all parties. After working day and night without sleep, he finally restored the appearance of the deceased through modern computer technology.

The deceased was a German who came to New York on business and was killed less than 24 hours after arriving.

Since it is a foreign identity, more identity information needs to be checked across borders, which makes the progress of tracing very difficult.

However, before he could rest the next day, another body appeared.

The third one.

fourth tool.

The fifth body.

One victim a day. The deceased were both male and female, old and young. Without exception, they were not American citizens, and the ways of death were also different. The only thing they had in common was that they all died miserably, and none of them died. Whole corpse.

Of course, there is another thing, there is a note in their mouth.

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

In the past few days, Matthew was forced to barely have a good night's sleep. He tried every possible way, but he couldn't even identify a suspect.

Because of the identity of the deceased, this case has attracted widespread attention, and orders have been issued from above, asking him to solve the case as soon as possible, otherwise...

Without a time limit, there is often more pressure and consequences than a time limit.

He might have to go back to being an ordinary police officer.

No, he would never lose the power he had obtained!

Today he decided to hold a press conference first to stabilize public opinion.

"Chief, the reporters are all here, are you ready?" Assistant Pierce opened the door.

Matthew wiped his messy hair, forced a smile and said, "Let's go, I hate reporters!"

The police in the United States hate reporters because they are almost omnipresent and often exaggerate the facts in order to attract the public's attention, which causes a lot of trouble for the police in handling cases.

Of course, what can the police do about reporters who even take pictures of the president?

Matthew only hoped that through a press conference, he could get closer to these reporters, and at least prevent them from making random reports and making the people of New York panic.

When he arrived at the press conference, Matthew sat down and said in a friendly manner.

"Hello everyone, I am the person in charge of this press conference, Chief Matthew. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this press conference. I invite you all to come this time, mainly to explain to you the recent serial murders. , you can ask as many questions as you like, and I will answer them one by one on behalf of the police."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than half of the more than 20 reporters raised their hands.

Finally, a female reporter spoke first.

"Excuse me, Chief Matthew, have you identified the target of the perverted killer in this serial murder case?"

Matthew's face suddenly turned cold.

"This reporter, I apply again. There is no perverted killer. From the modus operandi, our analysis shows that they were not killed by the same person."

Another young reporter stood up immediately.

"Chief, why are you so sure? If it was not done by the same person, then why did they all leave the same note in their mouths after they died?"

Before Matthew could answer, a reporter stood up.

"Please explain to the chief, who is the person named Du Wensen written on the note? Is this person the murderer? If not, what is his relationship with the murderer?"

Another reporter stood up.

"Chief, I think this Du Wensen is the biggest clue, but five days have passed and you haven't taken any action against this person. Can you explain to us the reason?"

There was no chance for Matthew to interrupt. The reporters stood up one by one and asked more and more pointed questions. He no longer knew how to answer.

At this time, suddenly, everyone's mobile phones received a text message at the same time.

Everyone turn on their phones and take a look.

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

Everyone looked at Matthew, and Matthew also received this text message, and his face was ashen.

"Please ignore this text message and let me answer your questions one by one now!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone received another text message.

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

"…………." All the reporters looked at Matthew.

"Damn it! Pierce, go and find out immediately where this message was sent from!" Matthew said angrily.

The voice just fell.

Everyone's cell phones rang again.

But this time, there was not one, but countless.

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"

"Go and invite Du Wensen!"


Matthew let out a long sigh, stood up and said, "This press conference ends here. I hope everyone can keep it confidential. I will explain all this to you in person soon."

After saying that, he held the phone tightly and left as if running away.

After returning to the office, Pierce asked hurriedly: "Sheriff, should we go and bring that Du Wensen here now?"

"No!" Matthew took a deep breath.

"We never ask non-professionals to help solve crimes!"

In Jushan Mental Hospital.

Du Wensen was lying on the sofa watching TV, and Neve was lying obediently on the other side.

What was played on TV was the reporters' report on the press conference just now, and they all asked a question.

"Du Wensen, who is he?"

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