The ultra project is not simply a brain control project. It has a large series of experiments, including the observation and stimulation of human potential, testing of human body limits, and the impact of radioactive substances on humans. The purpose of implementing this plan is to see whether it can cultivate A super human with complete control over the human being. .

The data showed that the experiment did eventually produce super humans, but it completely went out of control, causing the entire laboratory to be shut down.

After Du Wensen downloaded all the core data, he removed the hard drive and handed it to Andrew.

"Go get it Roxon!"

Andrew said gratefully: "Mr. Du, thank you for taking such pains for me. I can negotiate with them with this hard drive."

"No need to thank you! I just think that giving this information to them can be used better than leaving it with you. Just to remind you, if you want to use this information to blackmail them, your mortality rate is 99%." Du Wensen had no expression on his face. road.

Andrew froze in place and said with a sad face: "Mr. Du, you promised to save me!"

"Sorry, I forgot. Then when you go out, tell them that you don't want anything. Everything here can be given to them for free, and you can also volunteer to help them with their tasks unconditionally." Du Wensen explained.

"So I won't die?" Andrew said in surprise.

Du Wensen stared at the experiment video and said: "This way your mortality rate is about 90%. Of course, you can also choose to wait for them to come down."

"Then I'll wait for them to come down. At least they won't be able to kill me next to you!" Andrew said firmly.

Du Wensen looked at the video and said: "When they come down, my mortality rate is 50% and your mortality rate is 100%."

Andrew was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth.

"Okay, stop talking. This woman is a successful experimental subject. Oh, it seems that her strength and speed are three times more than that of ordinary people. She also seems to have the ability to control other failed experimental subjects. It's really good." Du Wensen said happily. .

Andrew watched the woman in the video beat an ordinary person to death with one punch, and bit off half of a person's neck in one bite. Those guns only posed no threat to her at close range. A group of experimental subjects were killing humans.

I suddenly felt fear in my heart and felt a chill in my back.

"What a bunch of scary monsters!"

Just after he finished speaking, he found Du Wensen looking behind him.

"Du, Mr. Du, what are you looking at?"

"Well! The monster you mentioned is behind you now. I think she is angry." Du Wensen replied.

When Andrew looked back, the hairs on his body stood up in fear. Outside the door, a pale woman was holding a little girl of five or six years old and staring at him closely.

"Hi! I'm here to save you, please believe me!" Andrew swore this was the gentlest smile in his life.

The woman pushed the girl towards the room and opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"Oh? Let me help you take care of her? Sorry, I'm not interested!" Du Wensen decisively refused.

The woman suddenly showed a threatening expression.

Du Wensen didn't even change his expression, but Andrew was frightened and said hurriedly: "Yes, I do, and I will help you take care of her. I am very rich. Don't worry, I will definitely let her live like a little princess."

But the woman stared closely at Du Wensen.

"Don't try to influence my thoughts, I don't like it." Du Wensen said coldly.

The woman opened her mouth again, her expression turning into pleading.

"Oh? You said she was born after your experiment?" Du Wensen showed some interest.

The woman pushed the little girl towards Du Wensen again. The little girl looked at Du Wensen with her big, clear and bright eyes, and slowly walked towards him with curiosity on her face.

Suddenly, the little girl hugged Du Wensen's calf, opened her mouth and bit into it.

"I'm not the food you used to eat!" Du Wensen grabbed the hair on the back of the girl's head and said with a smile.

The little girl raised her head in grievance and shouted: "Hungry!"

Du Wensen thought for a while.

"Andrew, get out first!"

"But, Mr. Du, you..."

Halfway through the words, Andrew wanted to slap himself twice. Yes, he was more worried about Du Wensen than whether these two women would be in danger.

After walking around the woman, Andrew ran outside as if running away. For the first time, he felt that he was a weak ordinary person.

He is not stupid. From what Du Wensen said after coming in, it is easy to analyze how these two women survived.

"He ate all the corpses, then the failed experimental subjects, and finally even the organs soaked in formalin. This is a monster in human skin!" As he spoke, Andrew was already Take the elevator back to the ground.

However, as soon as the elevator opened, several gunshots were pressed against Andrew's head.

Suddenly, he thought of Du Wensen's explanation.

He raised his hands without hesitation and said, "Don't kill me. Everything you want is here. I just want to talk to your leader."

Several people looked at each other and nodded. After taking the hard drive from Andrew's hand, a large sack was placed over it and they were packed away.

At the same time, the remaining few people entered the elevator.

three days later.

Nearby residents discovered that Jushan Mental Hospital was bustling again.

Decoration workers, security personnel, and truckloads of equipment were transported into Jushan Mental Hospital, but what made them most curious was that there were big signs hanging on the left and right of the door of the mental hospital.

"Vincent Private Detective Agency"

"Vincent Criminal Investigation Agency"

With colorful straight walls and thick red carpets, this ward was transformed into a room dedicated to Vincent Du. He was sitting on the sofa, and behind him was the little girl brought back from the basement.

The little girl's name was Neve. Three days ago, after she killed several of the Viper Gang's men with her own hands, Du Wensen agreed to take her with him. As long as she is full, she looks like a well-behaved and cute doll in her princess dress.

At this time, Du Wensen was preparing to welcome the first guest of the day.

After a while, a fat middle-aged woman came in. After she sat down, she asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Detective, can you help me find my puppy?"

Du Wensen glanced at the bruises on her neck, the dog hair in her hair, and smelled a strange smell in the cheap perfume.

"The dog is buried under that tree in your yard."

The middle-aged woman immediately became unhappy and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! My little dog is so good, who would hurt it?"

"You had a fight with your husband last night, and this morning your dog crawled onto the bed to wake you up and pooped on your bed. It was still loose. Your husband beat it to death and buried it in a fit of rage. Just say it. After all, huskies are large dogs." Du Wensen said disappointedly.

It's so boring, I hope the next person can be more interesting.

This time two girls came in, the younger one was four or five years old, the older one was ten years old. They were both dirty and holding a naked rag doll.

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