Black Hand Covers the Sky in Meiman

Chapter 661 The knight takes action

Knight, a full-time member of the Hunter World Phantom Troupe. There are two specific abilities for those with operational abilities: carrying the fate of others, and automatic operation mode.

And now the ability used by the knight is to carry the fate of others, that is, to insert the accessory antenna into the other person's body, so that the other party becomes the puppet of the knight until death or until the antenna falls.

This also means that once you become an enemy of a knight, the person you come into contact with may be the person he uses to deal with you, including strangers and your relatives.

Of course, this was the vigilante's previous ability.

With Chrollo's death, the Phantom Troupe compromised and joined Anthony's command. With the sharing of some resources belonging to Anthony's subordinates, the knights were no longer the same knights.

His thought energy is of higher quality, more in quantity, and has stronger abilities

Wherever he can see, if his strength does not reach a certain level, and if he has any special protection means, he can plant his antenna and then be controlled by him.

And this kind of ability is quite incomprehensible to some superheroes in the world of American comics. After all, superheroes are called heroes not only because their strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, but also because they often adhere to certain principles.

For example, do not harm innocent people, for example, act with consideration for civilians.

Therefore, unless those superheroes can find the vigilante, the controller, among the vast crowd, otherwise, they can only sink deeper and deeper in a passive state.

Like now, including the United States, there are a hundred people who are able to deal with people who are constantly attacking their cars. But after discovering that the other party was actually a real ordinary person, attacking them because they were manipulated, everyone restrained their hands and feet. After a few turns, the car was forced to stop in the middle of the road.

"Damn Hydra, it's so despicable to control ordinary people to attack us."

On the road that was already in some mess due to the number of cars crashed and rolled over, Falcon, who got out of the car and was surrounded by Captain America and others, looked at the ordinary people wearing various costumes around him who were also getting out of the car. Coming in their direction, he couldn't help but yell angrily.

The expressions of several other superheroes were not much better. Obviously, they also deeply hated the vigilante's behavior. After all, for superheroes, their biggest headache is often involving ordinary people in their battles.

However, the earth does not turn according to anyone's will, and the knight's actions will not be restrained just because of the Avengers' rebuke.

Therefore, after seeing the knight in the back fidgeting with the mobile phone in his hand, those who were controlled took action one after another. Those who had guns on their bodies or in their cars fired directly, while those who did not carried metal bats, or He simply claps his fists and rushes towards Captain America with the muzzle of the gun in his back.

That's right, it's the muzzle of the gun at the rear.

Those with guns didn't care whether they would hurt other people. They only received one order, and that was to eliminate Captain America and others in front of them, so those unarmed friendly forces were also within their attack range.

Therefore, for a while, before Captain America and the others took action, those controlled by the vigilantes suffered casualties.

Originally, when this happened, Captain America and others, who were enemies, should be happy. After all, they can still take action here, and several of their opponents have been killed.

However, the truth is exactly the opposite, except for agents like Black Widow who are used to seeing the life and death of ordinary people during the execution of their missions and who prioritize orders. Everyone else's expressions turned extremely ugly for a moment, and then, headed by Captain America, they quickly started their rescue activities.

Be prepared to save these people who are controlled by others and try to attack them from the guns of the people who are also controlled behind them.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

What's the worst situation you've ever faced while rescuing someone?

It's not because of the strength of the opponent, but because the rescuer is obviously trying to save people, but the person being saved is not grateful at all. Instead, he joins the enemy in attacking the rescuer.

And the most important thing is that the people Captain America and the others are trying to save are very difficult to control. Whether it was forcibly knocking them unconscious or injecting them with tranquilizers that Black Widow and other agents specially used for secret operations, it had no effect at all.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel tied up.

Fortunately, the physiques of these superheroes are different from ordinary people, their reaction speed is faster, and they are more resistant to beatings. Otherwise, he would have been lying on the ground long ago if he was surrounded and attacked by so many people who couldn't control him and couldn't kill him.

Seeing that more and more people were under control, gradually forming a sea of ​​​​people, Captain America knew that he could not continue like this.

So after casually smashing away a person who was rushing towards him and blocking a few bullets, he turned directly to Captain Marvel who was more restrained than him, for fear of beating these ordinary people to death and said: "Carlo Well, the target of these people should be Peter Wedland, you are the strongest, you will take him away, and we will meet again at Avengers Tower."

"Okay, then be careful." In fact, from the beginning, Captain Marvel had the intention of taking Peter Vidland away directly. Now that Captain America has finally relented, she will naturally not be polite.

With a casual grab, he lifted Peter Vedran up, then jumped up and flew directly with him.

"Why are you leaving?" The knight who was controlling everything behind the scenes looked at Captain Marvel preparing to lead people away, and couldn't help showing regret on his face: "I was planning to play for a while longer. It's really disappointing."

Although the vigilante was willing to continue playing with Captain America and other superheroes for a while, he did not dare to disobey Anthony's order. Therefore, he could only activate the backup plan he had prepared before, but as he operated on the phone screen, the eyes of Peter Vidland, who had been knocked unconscious by Captain Marvel, suddenly opened.

Then, before Captain Marvel could react, Peter Levytlana's cuffed hands suddenly pressed down on her head, and then with a force, she broke her neck.

Yes, in fact, just when Captain America and others took Peter Vidland out of the car and exposed him to the vigilante's sight, he used his powerful mental power to mark Peter Vidland from a distance of one hundred meters. own mark.

In other words, as long as the knight is willing, from that moment on, the knight is already capable of getting rid of the target.

And the reason why he is still entangled with Captain America and others until now is, as he said, he is really just playing games with Captain America and others.

I have to say that in some respects, the evolved vigilante is actually more suitable to be a killer than Deadshot and Bullseye. Those two have to use firearms and weapons to kill, while the vigilante only needs to look at you and move his fingers. That's it.

Of course, the vigilante's seemingly strong abilities are also quite limited. For example, those whose strength reaches the level of Captain America have a high probability of being immune to his control.

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