Black Hand Covers the Sky in Meiman

Chapter 50 The Secret Words of the Able Person

The sound of gunshots outside became increasingly dense and clear in Jin Bin's ears. Let him know that he can't delay it any longer and must quickly deal with Anthony in front of him. At the same time, he also guessed that Anthony was just stalling for time by talking nonsense to him for so long.

"Secret Whisper, kill him with me," Kingpin raised his cane and pointed at Anthony, then said in a sinister voice to the bookshelf beside him.

"Okay, boss," a figure came out from behind the bookshelf. It was the person with the ability to control the gang boss in the gang gathering.

Anthony was a little disappointed when he saw the figure coming out. He thought he could meet the legendary Kingpin's subordinate Bullseye. But Secret Word, this name is really vivid. Isn't his power just like the devil's secret word to hook people into the abyss?

"Two versus one? That's a little unfair, Mr. Wilson," Anthony said jokingly at Kingpin.

Jin Bin laughed ferociously, jumped up, raised the cane in his hand, and hit Anthony with wind and thunder: "Just go to hell and talk to Satan about fairness."

At the same time, the person with the special ability called Secret Whisper sang an unknown piece of music from his mouth. This music emanates with his magnetic voice, as if it has a depressing magic power that makes people depressed and in a trance.

Fortunately, Anthony had roughly guessed the ability of the mysterious person in front of him through the meeting just now, so he took precautions in this regard early. Otherwise, under the joint attack of the two, it would be really easy to fall into their trap accidentally.

In a state of adrenaline, Kingpin's lightning-like offensive was like a slideshow in Anthony's eyes. With one wrong step and a few taps of his toes, Anthony left the spot in an instant, passing Kingpin's thunderous attack.

Not far away, Anthony looked at the ground collapsed by Kingpin's thunderous cane and the flashing light on the tip of his cane, and he also became more alert. He is indeed a super villain who claims to be able to beat Spider-Man and Daredevil. His destructive power is simply inhuman. Coupled with the high-tech cane in his hand, even ordinary people cannot beat him.

Kingpin failed to hit the target, and when he struck, he only saw his cane raised. Anthony, who had extraordinary senses under the adrenaline-stimulated state, heard a faint sound of a machine spring, and then a jet of water spurted out from the tip of Kingpin's cane. Raging fire

At the same time, the psychic named Secret Whisper seemed to feel that his previous attack was ineffective, and his attack method changed again. A harsh sound, like a knife scraping glass or like a microphone whistling in the air, came from his mouth. Along with his unique voice, it was like a magic sound penetrated the brain and penetrated Anthony's eardrums instantly.

Anthony, who was already in a state of adrenaline stimulation, was sensitive to his six senses. The sudden sound that gave him a splitting headache instantly disrupted Anthony's rhythm.

If Anthony hadn't just heard the faint sound of the machine spring and stepped aside in advance, the flames from the tip of Kinami's staff would have directly burned Anthony's body.

Anthony, who had just dodged the blazing flames, suppressed the magic sound filling his brain, rolled on a donkey, and rolled to other places in disorder. Sure enough, just when Anthony left the spot, Jin Bin's attack came again. The cane with the flashing electric light was directly inserted deeply into the place where Anthony was just now. Thunder and lightning spread in an instant, turning that small area into a thunder and lightning purgatory.

Holding back the surging blood in his body and his head that felt like it was about to explode, Anthony knew he couldn't go on like this and he had to start fighting back

The bloody order summoned a phantom with a blood-colored inscription and appeared behind Anthony again, and then only one of the spaces in the inscription, where Gin's name was written, flashed. A blood-red complex circle that looked like a magic circle instantly appeared on the ground not far from Anthony, and Gin's gun-wielding figure appeared in it.

Looking at Gin who suddenly appeared through a strange way, both the harsh whisper and Jin Bin couldn't help but pause slightly. It was this meal that gave Anthony time to breathe and command: "Gin, kill that guy with glasses."

Gin is truly a professional killer, not even a half-assed killer like Anthony. As soon as he receives Anthony's order, he raises his hand and shoots, as fast as if he is synchronized with Anthony's order.

Bang, bang, bang, several bullets were fired instantly, intertwining directly into a large net, trapping the supernatural being named Whisperer.

The superpower called Secret Whisper in front of him was indeed a trump card that Kingpin could keep with him. When Gin's eyes just fell on him, he felt a fatal threat, so he subconsciously used it directly. His trick to keep the bottom of the box.

"Ah" he let out a heart-breaking howl, and in an instant, a ripple visible to the naked eye came out of his mouth. The originally invisible sound waves swept in all directions like entities. For a time, all the relatively fragile things in the room exploded, and for a while, the luxurious office itself, which was already riddled with holes, turned into ruins.

At the same time, the bullet fired by Gin also hit these tangible sound waves. Under the force of these sound waves, the bullet slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stopped directly less than five fingers away from him. Wherever it is, it stays in the air and cannot advance even an inch.

Ding, clang, clank, finally, the kinetic energy of the bullet disappeared, and it was directly bounced by the tangible sound wave, and fell to the ground in the distance.

He could only escape for a while, but he could not escape forever. He was targeted by a super killer like Gin, and death was his only way back.

Bang bang bang, three more shots, but these three shots did not have any so-called weird arcs, they were just fast, accurate, and ruthless.

In an instant, the first bullet entered the radiation range of the opponent's sound wave. The kinetic energy of the bullet was slowly offset by the resistance of the sound wave. But at this moment, the second and third bullets followed the first bullet. The trajectory of the shot was instantaneous, like a chain of arrows, hitting the tail of the first bullet one after another.

In an instant, the speed of the first bullet that had slowed down was increased, and it broke through many obstacles and exploded the forehead of the superpower named Secret Whisper.

Finally killing the source of the noise, Anthony finally felt that his head had calmed down for a while.

Just after the superpower was killed by Gin, Xu Yongjuan with the bloody banner behind Anthony appeared again.

Hey, it turns out that this function was activated. Originally, Anthony thought that the condition he set at that time was really unreasonable, so it was not successful. Unexpectedly, it turned out that it was not unsuccessful, but this function has higher requirements. Anthony selected it before. Those goals are just not up to standard.

I saw the phantom of the blood-red banner behind Anthony gradually materializing, and in the end it actually took on a physical state. As soon as it was stretched out into the wind, the long-armed Bangwen directly turned into a red silk ribbon that was eight feet long, whistling and rolled towards Miyu's body.

The article wrapped the body of Secret Whisper like a trapped mummy, and a red light burst out for a moment. When the red light dissipated, the wrapped body disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before. The bloody inscription also became its original size again and disappeared into the void behind Anthony.

"Good luck," Anthony muttered.

"How is this possible?" Kingpin was shocked. The reason why he was surprised was not the strange sight of the bloody banner behind Anthony just now. It's because when Anthony spoke just now, the strange magnetism in his voice reminded him of a person, the secret speaker who had just been beaten to death by Gin.

That's right, this was one of the hidden abilities that Anthony had designed for Scarlet Bangwen at that time. Evolution

According to Anthony's settings at the time, the Bloody List can evolve, and the prerequisite for evolution is to devour everything it thinks may allow it to evolve. Because Anthony felt that this setting was a bit unnatural at the time, Anthony also set very strict conditions for this setting based on the principle of equal exchange.

But for these harsh conditions, the benefits of this setting are also obvious. In addition to promoting the continuous evolution of the bloody list, it also has a certain probability of returning something to Anthony when the opponent devours it.

For example, now, what the article returns to Anthony is the ability called Secret Words

"You can actually plunder other people's corpses. This is the ability of the devil." Jin Bing is also a well-informed person. From the various signs just now, he can easily analyze that the bloody shadow that looks like a poster appeared behind Anthony just now. What is the ability.

"Maybe the devil, but this is not what you should consider, Mr. Wilson. What you have to consider now is how you should die," Anthony said with a gloomy look.

ps: I finally finished a chapter and went to bed. Thanks to Forward 3 for the reward.

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