Jia Zhang happily told her about her desire to buy penicillin, and said that this was an opportunity to make a fortune. If it worked well, the Jia family could earn hundreds of thousands or even millions!

Lao Jia frowned and thought.

in fact.

He did not approve of his wife reselling penicillin.

Penicillin, something as valuable as penicillin, would actually be sold in the market.

Is it reliable?


Mrs. Jia Zhang was obviously very enthusiastic about this matter and kept urging Lao Jia to go home and get money for her.

The Jia family's money is locked in a drawer, and only Lao Jia has the key.

Jia Zhang only had a little money to buy groceries and pocket money.

If you want to buy penicillin, you must ask Lao Jia to get the money.

"I'm working. I'll give it to you when I get home at noon!" Lao Jia said coldly.

"Then, what if the foreigners sell out?" Jia Zhang said anxiously: "You can't miss such a good opportunity!"

"It's fine if they sell out!" Lao Jia said, "We won't force it!"

After that, he went back to the workshop to work.

Mrs. Jia Zhang watched her husband leave with some disappointment, then turned back to the courtyard.

Lao Jia felt uneasy because his wife wanted to use so much money at once.

When I got off work at noon, I went to the infirmary to find Li Lin.

There were not many patients at that time.

After Li Lin is done with it, he will go home for dinner.

Lao Jia stopped him and asked about penicillin.

It was true that the Su people sold penicillin, but he couldn't understand it when they sold it in the market and to women like Jia Zhang.

Li Lin couldn't understand either.

He knew that his son was researching domestically produced penicillin, but he did not know the relevant process.

Li Ping'an also asked the couple not to mention this matter outside.

Li Lin would never associate Su people selling penicillin in the market with his son.

He shook his head and said, "I'm just a Chinese medicine doctor. How do I know about penicillin? You should ask Ping An!"

Lao Jia also shook his head.

Li Ping'an was afraid that he could only use penicillin and knew nothing about business.

How could a young man know why the Su people sell penicillin in the market?

The two of them went back to the courtyard together.

As soon as he left the machinery factory, he met Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai also wanted to go home for dinner.

Seeing Lao Jia and Li Lin walking very close to each other, he snorted coldly, feeling a little unhappy.

Back in the courtyard, the three of them parted ways.

Lao Jia returned home.

Jia Zhang said hurriedly: "Get the money quickly, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

There was no food on the table and nothing on the coal stove.

During this time, his wife has been waiting for him at home and has not cooked at all.

Lao Jia was a little unhappy and said: "I just told Lao Lin that he couldn't explain the penicillin thing. How about we go to the backyard to find that guy Ping An and ask him to find an expert in the hospital?" Asking what is going on, I always feel that there is something wrong. How can penicillin be sold in the market? Is there any problem? "

"It's really like what you said. By the time Li Ping'an helps us find out, the day lilies are already cold and you can't even eat shit to keep them warm!" Jia Zhang said: "We must seize the opportunity. You are here to fight to the death." How much money can you make by working overtime in a machinery factory? How can you make money faster by selling penicillin!"

The wife looked very excited.

Jia Dongxu also came over. He also wanted his mother to earn some money to support the family. He also looked at his father with a longing look!

"That's it!" Lao Jia thought to himself, "I'll just follow you mother and son for a while!"

Lao Jia used the key to unlock the drawer, took out one million yuan, counted it several times, and then locked the drawer again after confirming that there was no problem. He gave the money to Jia Zhang and left the house.

Even though business is easy to do and money is easy to make as Jia Zhang said, Lao Jia doesn't have high expectations.

Buy two penicillins and go in and out quickly.

As soon as you get it, sell it to the hospital.

Even if he only earns 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, he just wants to let the Jia family have a good year.

"Dad, you don't want to eat?" Jia Dongxu asked.

"Do I have food?" Lao Jia said, "I'll eat in the factory cafeteria!"

Jia Dongxu turned to his mother and asked, "Mom, I'm hungry. When can I eat?"

Her husband only gave one million. Mrs. Jia Zhang was a little disappointed and said angrily to her son: "You can eat whatever you want. I'm doing errands. When I make money, I'll buy more New Year's goods. During the Chinese New Year, you can eat pork and chicken as you like!" "

Jia Dongxu licked his lips and stopped talking.

Come out of Jia's house.

Jia Zhang did not go to the market but went to the Li family in the backyard.

The money given by her husband was too little and did not meet expectations, so she was ready to take advantage of the Li family.

The Li family probably has the most spare money in the entire courtyard.

If you don’t take advantage of their family’s ideas, who will take advantage of them?

Finished eating the pickled salted eggs.

Li Ping'an asked his mother to marinate some more pork and chicken.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter.

The weather is cold.

The cured meat won’t go bad, so you can keep it for a while and take it out whenever you want.

When Li Pingan took Qin Huairu home, Mrs. Xu had already prepared the meal.

Chicken noodle soup.

Although it is marinated chicken, it tastes very good.

The chickens bought in the vegetable market in this era were raised for one or two years. Unlike the broiler chickens that were sold in one or two months in later generations, the chicken soup tastes really good.

While eating, Mrs. Xu gave Qin Huairu a large piece of chicken in her bowl.

Qin Huairu did not refuse and said, "Thank you, Mom!"

She knew what Xu meant.

Eat more good food and take good care of your body so that she can have grandchildren.

This is also Qin Huairu's most urgent wish.

When the family was having dinner, Mrs. Jia Zhang came over.

She sniffed and smelled the aroma of chicken and knew what was going on. She thought to herself: "When I make money, I will buy some old hens and marinate them. The Jia family will eat meat every day!"

Trying to maintain a smile, Jia Zhang said: "Ping An's mother, do you want to discuss something with you?"

Qin Huairu, who was sitting next to Xu, was a little unhappy.

She had a very bad impression of Jia Zhang.

There's definitely nothing good going on with this guy's visit.

I don’t know if I want to borrow soy sauce or rice noodles this time?

Mrs. Xu said: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, I'm listening!"

Mrs. Xu also thought that Mrs. Jia and Zhang might want to borrow something.


Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked down upon Jia and Zhang.

She doesn't borrow soy sauce or rice or noodles, she borrows money whenever she opens her mouth, and it's Han Xin who orders the troops, the more the merrier.

One or two million is not too little, and five or six million is not too much.

One or two million?

Five or six million?

Xu was stunned at that time.

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