Siheyuan: Rebirth in a prosperous era, great doctors are sincere

Chapter 373 Yan Xu’s two families fight for the house (page 2)

After all industries and commerce in this city implemented public-private partnerships, the Industry Joint Venture Working Committee, composed of public equity representatives, employer representatives, and worker representatives, completed the asset inventory and valuation of all commercial households within five days.

Among them, there are 12516 commercial public-private joint ventures, 6746 of which have fixed interest rates, with an approved stock capital of 2882.8 million yuan; 2443 public-private joint ventures of the catering industry, 824 of which have fixed interest rates, with an approved stock capital of 109.7 million yuan; 2047 public-private joint ventures of the service industry, and 877 of which have fixed interest rates Account, the approved share capital is 337.1 million yuan.

It can be seen from this that half of the industrial and commercial operators receive interest when they form joint ventures, and they can only receive interest of 3% to 7%.

After sharding and joint ventures, many companies earn interest. Private managers only receive interest and wages and do not participate in operations.

Unless there are special circumstances, the most you can get is 5% annual interest. Very few merchants can get 7%. In the last two or three months of the year, public-private partnerships will almost always give you 3% annual interest.

In the beginning, those who entered into public-private partnerships were those who received dividends. In fact, these merchants received far more benefits than those who received fixed interest rates. It can be said that they gained both fame and fortune. They not only gained benefits, but also gained a good reputation as an activist.

After all industries and commerce in this city implemented public-private partnership, 475 private personnel were arranged.

There are 31 people appointed as the principal and deputy managers of various industrial and commercial companies;

There are 241 people who are the chief and deputy section chiefs of various commercial companies;

There are 13 directors and deputy directors of various industrial companies, and 66 department directors.

There are many private sector managers who are knowledgeable and even serve as technical backbones in factories and companies. These people are highly valued and receive generous salaries in addition to dividends.

From that day on, Xiaolu would blush every time she saw Li Pingan. Except for surgery, she basically didn't talk to Li Pingan.

Just as Li Pingan was thinking about how to face Xiaolu, Qin Huairu told him a big news.

get off work.

After dinner.

Li Ye followed Mr. Xu to sleep next door. When Mrs. Xu and Li Lin went to live in the small courtyard of the hospital's family courtyard, Li Ping'an bought another small bed and put it in their room. Mr. Xu Ye followed him completely. Xu's family.

Qin Huairu helped Xu wash the dishes. After returning to the room, she said that she wanted to help Xiaolu give birth to a child. Qin Huairu said: "Ping An, Xiaolu and I have agreed that we will have another child and wait until the child grows up." After weaning, Xiaolu will help raise her!”

"What are you talking about? You want to give our child to Xiaolu?" Li Ping'an asked in surprise: "Are you willing to do it?"

Qin Huairu sighed and said: "You... we have to be responsible for Xiaolu. Their family is so well off and they don't lack anything. We can only give our child to her. Besides, If our child is given to her to raise, with her parents helping to take care of her, the child will definitely have a future when he grows up."

It seems that Qin Huairu already knows the identity of Xiaolu's parents.

Xiaolu really trusts her!

Say anything to her.

Li Ping'an has been to Xiaolu's home and heard her mother introduce it. Xiaolu is the only daughter of the two fathers. Li Ping'an is not worried that his son will suffer from following Xiaolu in the future, nor is he worried that he will not get a good education. .


Qin Huairu was willing to make such a sacrifice for him and to maintain the relationship between him and Xiaolu, but it moved him.

Qin Huairu paid too much for herself.

"Me." Li Ping'an wanted to say something but said nothing.

That night, the two struggled again, but their parents and children were next door, so they didn't dare to make too much noise.

At last.

Qin Huairu whispered in her husband's ear: "After the Chinese New Year, when my parents leave, let me get pregnant as soon as possible!"

Li Pingan nodded in agreement.

Qin Huairu glanced at her husband with satisfaction, then changed the subject and said: "Something happened to Wang Xia and her husband, and Aunt Mei was also very sad. Wang Qin said that she wants to spend more time with her mother at home recently, maybe on weekends. I won’t come over to work overtime, so I will go there more often.”

"I know!" Li Ping'an said: "I will go over and help you when I have nothing to do!"

Qin Huairu sighed and said, "I didn't expect that this girl Wang Xia would end up like this. That guy Mu Yuan killed her!"

Li Ping'an said: "She chose her own path, no wonder others. Aunt Mei didn't persuade her, but did she listen? At that time, Mu Yuan was probably the best man in the world in her eyes, and no one could persuade her. Listen!"

"That's true." Qin Huairu said: "This girl Wang Xia has a very good idea. She used to say that she would follow whichever surgical team she wanted to follow, but she didn't listen to anyone's advice. It was really hard for Aunt Mei. Her daughter was left behind. Will she feel better with such an ending? "

I originally thought that the Ministry of Health would not respond to the Sixth Hospital’s desire to establish an anesthesiology department until after the Lunar New Year, but I didn’t expect that the decision would be made a year ago. The Health Bureau agreed to the Sixth Hospital’s application, and it would also be used as a pilot project. If the effect is good, it will be promoted in major hospitals across the city.

The Department of Anesthesiology is separated from the Department of Surgery.

Li Ping'an's opinion on the choice of director is very important.


Li Pingan recommended Jiang Daqiao.

The most important thing in establishing the Department of Surgery is to allow the people in their team to receive more attention and strive for excellence when operating the artificial heart-lung machine. It is suitable for Jiang Daqiao to serve as the director.

The hospital leaders agreed to Li Ping'an's proposal.


Although Jiang Daqiao had been criticized by the Health Bureau, they did not raise any objection after learning that Jiang Daqiao became the director of the anesthesiology department.

Jiang Daqiao was naturally very happy when he got the news.

On qualifications.

Not to mention compared with Li Ping'an, even compared with Wu Ze and others, he is not as good as him.

He is very clear.

Half of the reason why I was able to get the position of director was because of my special job, and the other half was because of Li Ping'an's recommendation.

In his opinion.

Li Pingan’s recommendation is crucial!

Jiang Daqiao didn't put on any pretense as a director, and still frequently participated in various surgeries that required extracorporeal circulation.

Li Ping'an discussed with Jiang Daqiao and asked him to select another group of people among the new surgeons to learn how to operate the artificial heart-lung machine with him. They were regarded as a group of spare personnel. In the future, this group of people could work with Jiang Daqiao when their skills matured. The surgical team rotates through the surgeries.

If there are many surgeries that require the use of an artificial heart-lung machine, the machine can be used repeatedly, and people can't work tiredly!


The fate of Mu Yuan's group was vivid in his mind. The latest surgical team who learned to operate the artificial heart-lung machine from Jiang Daqiao naturally did not dare to be careless.

After the appointment, Wang Chunyan and even Wu Ze were very unconvinced.

Jiang Daqiao came to the Sixth Hospital earlier than Wu Ze.

That’s it for Li Ping’an.

Why can Jiang Daqiao be promoted to director?

In the eyes of the couple, what abilities can Jiang Daqiao have?

He just made a good decision and became the first doctor in the Sixth Hospital to operate an artificial heart-lung machine.

It was only luck that he became the director.

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