Unlimited modification of Shenhao

Chapter 36 The pain of endless money

Sansheng Street, a small shop called Limestone Roasted Chicken.

After finding a seat and sitting down, Xu Ying felt a little embarrassed.

"Qi Sheng, I'm sorry, but I treat you to a small restaurant like this."

"It's okay. I'm not a rich man. The food in the street shop is still delicious."

Qi Sheng smiled and waved his hands, looking at the distinctive Syrian-style decoration in the store.

There were less than eight tables in total, and all of them were couples and besties coming to dine.

Xu Ying ordered the signature taro chicken, with some fat sausage, luncheon meat, and quail eggs.

I ordered another portion of their specialty chicken soup rice, which is said to taste quite fresh.

Before the food was served, the three of them each had a bowl of iced glutinous rice balls to relieve their fever.

Qi Sheng ate the cold and slightly sweet dumplings.

My girlfriend looks pretty and has a great figure.

This kind of day is really too comfortable.

"Why do you think of moving?"

Qi Sheng looked at Xu Ying curiously.

“Well, I broke up with my ex-boyfriend and I want to move out as soon as possible.

But we are too busy with our job and have little time to look at houses.

It just so happens that you and Huahua are living together now. I think it's a pity that her previous apartment was empty.

Why don't you sublet it to me, and I won't have to look for a house anymore. "

Xu Ying sighed and didn't hide anything, telling the truth.

Breaking up is perfectly normal for contemporary young people.

Stay together if you like them, break up if you're not happy.

As LV's counter sister, Xu Ying has no shortage of licking dogs around her.

Naturally, those who are attracted to her are also handsome men.

But what's the use of being handsome? He has no ability to make money.

She even needs to keep him.

Now that I think about it, I was really possessed by something evil.

Just because the other person is handsome, he has wasted his youth in vain.

"Then I'll go see your house later. I'll be free tomorrow and help you move."

Qi Sheng also wanted Tan Hua to move here as soon as possible, so he offered to help Xu Ying move.

"You are so thoughtful."

How could Tanhua, a smart man, not understand Qi Sheng's little thoughts.

But everyone has already been given, so it doesn’t matter where you live.

Living together is normal for couples in love.

"Handsome beauties, your taro chicken is here."

Qi Sheng looked at a maid holding a red pot bottom.

It contains the chicken, sausage and other ingredients they want.

The appearance alone is quite appetizing.

When the bottom of the pot boils, you will feel so good eating the spicy and fragrant chicken and fatty intestines.

"Boss, bring me an iced Coke."

Qi Sheng's stomach hasn't gotten used to it yet, so he needs to drink some cold drinks to neutralize the spiciness.

After eating and drinking, Xu Ying took the initiative to pay the bill.

Just those lamer samples cost more than this meal.

What's more, she can also save an agency fee by subletting Tanhua's apartment.

She really deserves this meal.

Sit in the back row of the A8 and feel the luxury of a top-level executive sedan.

Xu Ying fell into silence.

Compared to Qi Sheng, her ex-boyfriend was not worthy of carrying someone else's shoes.

Arriving at the apartment she rented earlier, Tan Hua felt like she was in another world.

Perhaps, it was because Qi Sheng was there at the Guojin Palace.

After staying here for the past two days, she almost forgot about her little nest.

Fortunately, this emotion comes and goes quickly.

Qi Sheng quickly helped Tanhua clean up.

Girls have more clothes and things.

Priceless hair dryers, kettles, rice cookers, etc.

Qi Sheng left it directly to Xu Ying.

Tan Hua was only allowed to carry clothes and some documents, so she could travel lightly.

"It's quite nice here, thank you Huahua."

Xu Ying walked around and was very satisfied with the apartment.

Although the area is a bit small, it has all the necessary features.

It is definitely enough for a girl to live by herself.

There are security guards downstairs, and the apartment building is brightly lit, giving me a sense of security.

"I searched for this apartment for almost a week, which gave you an advantage."

Tan Hua suddenly felt a little reluctant when she thought about her experience of looking for a house.

Although the time she lived here was short, it carried a memory for her.

"Okay, you are living in Guojin Mansion now, how about I go there for you?"

Xu Ying made a joke.

"Okay, I don't mind. Just ask him."

Tanhua didn't take Xu Ying's teasing seriously at all.

She believed in her own charm and Qi Sheng's character.

"Whenever I buy a house, I will definitely leave a nanny room for you."

Qi Sheng also smiled and joked.

Although Xu Ying is also a high-quality beauty with an appearance value of 85 points.

But her special attributes are not full marks, nor is she a special profession.

It doesn't really appeal to him.

"So good!"

Tanhua was very satisfied with Qi Sheng's answer and took the initiative to kiss him.

"That's enough. You guys are too disgusting. I really can't stand you."

Xu Ying rubbed the goosebumps on her body and looked at the two people in front of her with disgust.

"Where did you put your luggage?"

Qi Sheng planned to implement the matter thoroughly and not give Tanhua a chance to regret.

"I have quite a lot of luggage, and I currently store it all at my friend's house."

"I'll take the day off tomorrow, and I'll be moving soon. When I'm done, I'll treat you to a big dinner."

Xu Ying was also very grateful to Qi Sheng and Tan Hua.

In the huge city of Chengdu, she had few real friends.

Qi Sheng smiled and nodded: "That's easy. I'll pick up the car tomorrow morning and pick you up at noon. If you don't mind, you can sleep here tonight. The sheets and quilts are all bought and washed by Tan Hua before."

"What do you have to dislike about me? It just saved me money. Don't you have a car? Why are you still carrying it?"

Xu Ying was a little puzzled, looking at Tan Hua who was also confused, and even more puzzled.

"Who told you that rich people can only own one car?"

Qi Sheng hugged Tan Hua, his tone somewhat a bit unkind.

"The A8 is too old-fashioned and not suitable for my age."

"I'll find a tow truck to transport it home tomorrow, and I'll drive a new car from now on."

"Well, let me take the liberty to ask, how much does the new car you buy this time cost?"

Xu Ying asked curiously.

"Not expensive, 200 million."

Qi Sheng's tone was even more irritating.

Spending 200 million to buy a car is not expensive?

"Uh... are we sure we spend the same currency?"

Xu Ying was dumbfounded when she heard the number 200 million.

I always feel that it is easier for the other party to buy a car than for her to buy a bag.

"I have money, and if I see a car I like, of course I have to get it, just like you women like bags."

Qi Sheng shrugged, not feeling how extravagant he was.

But can this be the same?

How much does an LV bag cost? It can only cost tens of thousands at most.

Qi Sheng spent 200 million to buy a car, which is obviously not ordinary rich.

Xu Ying's meager brain capacity and shallow experience could no longer estimate Qi Sheng's real net worth.

I'm afraid families with tens of millions of assets can't stand Qi Sheng's consumption, right?

Qi Sheng naturally doesn't have tens of millions, but he can't stop himself from earning 200 million at the beginning of every month.

The 200 million spent this month is gone, and another 200 million will be received next month.

Who can understand the pain of endless money?

The author has indeed eaten at this restaurant. It is very delicious and there are many girls. Unfortunately, I am single and have no money. Sorry! Brothers, keep reading with your little hands, you will be the next hero!

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