Leziren’s happy life in Marvel

Chapter 91 The daily life of the killer of magic salted fish 6

Listening to Sherlock's gritted tone, Tony on the other side of the phone smiled even more happily. He didn't care about Sherlock's attitude at all, but continued happily.

"Okay, okay, you can do things anytime. I think you don't want to miss this great fun!"

Listening to Tony's words, Sherlock became interested for a moment. As a man of fun, the last thing Sherlock could do was to refuse a big fun.

"Tell me more about it?"

Sherlock raised his eyebrows and spoke to Tony on the phone with an interested expression on his face.

It seemed that Sherlock had taken the bait, and Tony no longer hesitated. He tried his best to suppress his smile and then explained to Sherlock.

"You know Nick Fury, right? It's that black braised egg. Didn't he form some sort of nanny alliance? I didn't agree to it at first, but he just contacted me again.

He wanted me to do him a favor, but I didn't agree directly at the time. I said I would think about it and hung up the phone. Then I asked Jarvis to invade SHIELD's system to see what kind of black braised egg he was selling. What kind of medicine is it.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch it, I discovered a great joy, you know the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, right? It was the thing that the Red Skull wanted to use to dominate the world during World War II.

This thing fell into the hands of SHIELD. For a while, SHIELD has been studying this thing and wanted to reproduce the energy weapons of the Red Skull. However, it is a pity that they obviously did not absorb the Red Skull belt. Lessons to come.

According to the information I got, when they were studying this thing, a person popped out of it, looking like Bambi.

Then this little Bambi destroyed the SHIELD laboratory and used some means to instigate a large number of SHIELD agents to rebel. Black Braised Egg also spent a lot of effort to escape and wanted to fight back. By that time, Bambi had already fled.

If nothing else, Black Braised Dan contacted me just because of the Bambi incident. Do you want to change your body and have some fun? I feel like that black braised egg is going crazy right now, searching the world for that Bambi and the Rubik's Cube. "

Sherlock reacted when Tony was halfway through talking. Isn't this the plot of Avengers 1? Avengers 1 has already started?

Sherlock visibly began to become excited. As soon as Tony's words fell, Sherlock answered Tony's words.

"Of course, I have to go! I'll go find you when I finish my work here! I would be sorry if I don't go to see such a great fun because I love to watch the fun!"

Hearing that Sherlock agreed, Tony was naturally not surprised at all and said directly on the phone.

"OK, no problem. I will let Jarvis project my position into your helmet in real time. Then you can come directly! By the way, what on earth are you doing? Why did I hear a woman's voice? You You’re not really doing anything, are you?”

Tony was mercilessly hung up by Sherlock before he could finish his words. He looked resentfully at the nearby rich woman who was chatting happily with her best friend while holding a glass of wine, and sighed helplessly.

Only then did he start looking for John Wick. He didn't know it. At first glance, Sherlock found that John Wick was already close to the target of this mission.

He casually put on the devil's mask. Sherlock didn't want to reveal his appearance, but as soon as he put on the mask, John Wick's gun went off.

Along with the sound of John Wick's gunshot, there were the screams of women and the voices of panicked security guards calling for reinforcements. Without any hesitation, he used the Mozambique shooting method to kill a bodyguard who was paying for John Wick. Sherlock quickly Close to John Wick's side.


John Wick didn't hesitate at all and said to Sherlock the moment Sherlock appeared beside him.

Sherlock naturally has no objections. With the great fun of the plot of Avengers, the experience of chasing and killing is no longer so important to Sherlock.

The two of them cooperated very well, and Sherlock seemed to have trained countless times. He fired two guns in the body and one in the head alternately with John Wick, and began to retreat from the banquet.

The wealthy businessman himself is not a top-notch person, and the level of the bodyguards is naturally not as good as the two of them, but there are too many people who cannot stand up to each other.

Even if the two of them can be said to have three guns and one little friend's killing god, they will inevitably be hit by a few bullets, but it is a pity that Sherlock added an armor spell to himself when John Wick took action, and the bullets It can't hit Sherlock at all.

John Wick on the other side even put on the armor given to him by Sherlock before the mission started. If he was hit, it would only hurt a little, and at most the bones would be broken. For John Wick, it was just like a splash of water.

The two of them fought all the way from the hotel to the road before they managed to escape the attack of the pursuers.

Although the two of them have escaped the attack of the bodyguards, it does not mean that they are safe. They still have to face JC's pursuit.

Fortunately, the John Wick veteran was well prepared for such a situation. Without any hesitation, he led Sherlock to a parking lot. When the two returned to the road again, they were already sitting there. A modified muscle car.

I have to say that unlocking spells are really useful sometimes. Sherlock will never forget the expression on John Wick's face when he was holding the wire to open the car door. After casting the unlocking spell, he casually opened the door and got in. .

Of course Sherlock can open the door, but starting a fire is not Sherlock's business scope.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the two bypassed many police blockades and came directly to a dock. The fate of the stolen and modified muscle car was inevitably buried under the sea.

Although Sherlock didn't understand why the two came to the dock, he still followed John Wick.

John Wick also lived up to Sherlock's expectations and found a container. After opening it, there was a room that looked just like the agent's room in the movie.

John Wick greeted Sherlock to come in. The two of them changed clothes and even their identity passports in this room. When the two came out again, they still looked like the murderous gods just now.

After completing the disguise, John Wick asked Sherlock to take a car and drive towards the Continental Hotel.

What? Why do you think Sherlock opened the portal directly back to New York?

Please, Sherlock wants to go back and have fun, not be the fun. Think about it, if Sherlock, an unknown person, appears in front of the unfamiliar Avengers before Bambi and Loki.

Even with Tony's guarantee, Sherlock might inevitably experience a wave of righteous gang fights similar to Loki's!

What's more, Sherlock still felt very tired from this mission. Wouldn't it be nice to go to the Continental Hotel to have a meal, take a shower, tidy up, and follow the location to find Tony in the evening?

I watched John Wick 4 when I was writing this. After watching it, I really didn’t want to continue writing about the killer plot for a moment. Can you believe that JW is dead? ? In the third part, JW lost half his life before finding the elder, but he got a headshot as soon as he opened the screen.

That Duke or something, he was just showing off his suit throughout the whole process, but other than that it was useless, and even at the end it was just a downright wit.

Although the fight is good, the plot is, to be honest, difficult to describe in one sentence. If you haven't seen it, you can check it out. The fighting scenes are pretty good, but to be honest, I don't think it's as good as 123.

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