A magic genius and a technological genius. With the cooperation of the two people and the support of various wild ideas, the two "war armors" were completed very quickly, and at this stage, they are already close to... To perfection.

After completing the production of their respective equipment, it was naturally the display session. Sherlock and Tony began to put on their respective equipment face to face.

It can be said that Sherlock has performed magic to the extreme. He just pulled the collar cord, and the magically pure black suit with dark gold patterns and the coat with gold hemming twisted from the collar cord. It flew out of the collar button.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Sherlock had clung to Sherlock's body. The next second, Sherlock, who was standing there, had transformed into a man wearing a cyberpunk-style helmet and an unusually well-fitting suit. Gentleman in suit.

Sherlock almost interprets the mystery and elegance of magic to the extreme.

On the other side, Tony took technology to the extreme. The suitcase-sized Mark 5 quickly began to cover Tony's whole body with Tony's step, lift and pull.

Countless pieces of armor are like armor, and they gather piece by piece to wrap Tony's body. Because of Sherlock, compared to the original work, the Ark reactor on the chest of Mark 5 changed from one to one due to increased energy consumption. It became two arranged one above the other.

After putting it on, the two reactors lighted up at the same time, showing a bright light like a capsule.

And because of the inspiration of the Destroyer Armor, coupled with the help of Sherlock's magic, Tony's Mark V can even mobilize some armor plates through the rotational displacement of the armor plates to focus on defense against some heavy attacks.

Coupled with the addition of the metal of the Destroyer Armor, the overall improvement of the Mark V can be said to be not a little higher, and it even has a bit of the feeling of Tony's later Nano Armor.

It can be said that the two of them have their own characteristics, but when they actually put on their respective "war armors", they were speechless when they looked at each other's "war armors".

I don't know whether it's because the science side and the magic side are naturally incompatible, or because Sherlock is a magician and Tony is a bastard. As soon as the two appeared on the scene, they started to make all kinds of sarcastic remarks to each other.

From Tony's point of view, Sherlock's body has no use other than burning the bag. It is full of flaws. As long as Tony thinks about it, Sherlock's cuffs and trouser legs are all weak points that can be attacked.

Tony can even think of no fewer than five attack methods, such as poison gas, insects, nanobugs, etc. It can be said that in Tony's view, Sherlock's body is useless except to prevent sneak attacks from the old six.

From Sherlock's point of view, Tony's armor looks not much different from those of knights in the Middle Ages, especially with the addition of the armor plates of the Destroyer Armor, it looks more like those iron cans wearing scale armor.

To put it bluntly, if there really is a team fight, Tony's role is at most the MT standing in front. He can't be any tougher. The only difference is that the color of the MT is the same as always.

The two people disliked each other in such a tacit understanding, and then complained in unison, which made Pepper, who was an audience member of the display session, almost stop laughing. At one point, she even felt like a mistress interfering in the relationship between Sherlock and Tony.

Fortunately, Pepper only thought about it and did not expose it. Otherwise, Sherlock and Tony would probably look at each other not with disgust, but with naked disgust. (I don’t mean to be discriminatory, it’s just a matter of plot!!)

After the two argued for a while, neither one could convince the other, so they naturally continued to argue lazily. What's more, after being busy for so long, both Sherlock and Tony really felt hungry.

Especially Sherlock, who came directly to Tony's villa right after his trip and started researching day and night. At this time, Sherlock felt that he especially needed a delicious meal to comfort his five internal organs.

Fortunately, Xiao Chili is still so smart and capable. She already knew the two men's peeing habits and had already arranged everything.

Naturally, Sherlock would not be polite to his uncle and future aunt. After showing off many delicious high-end ingredients like a storm, he wiped his mouth with satisfaction and prepared to say goodbye and go home.

After all, he had been away for so long, and now he was in a full state of wine and food. Sherlock missed the soft big bed of his own in his kennel.

Tony naturally had no objection to Sherlock leaving, but he had a strong objection to Sherlock not forgetting to go to his wine cellar to move a box of expensive wine that could buy a Raptor.

But it was obvious that Sherlock didn't care about Tony's opinion. He threw the wine into the back of his Shelby and fixed it. After saying hello, he left behind 20 bottles of antidote and 10 bottles of antidote. After buying a bottle of white moss potion and two bottles of polyjuice potion, he drove away in his car.

Time is tight and the task is heavy. Sherlock still needs to get souvenirs for his uncles. After all, he has been out for a long time. If he doesn't bring something back, he will probably be treated badly by his uncles.

The uncles with military backgrounds were playing pranks, and Sherlock said that he really couldn't stand it. Even thinking about Sherlock made him feel like he was going to suffer from pts.

Driving quickly to a shopping mall in the city center, Sherlock had a good plan. As a handkerchief addict, buying a more expensive, comfortable, dark-colored handkerchief would be enough to scare this person away. Damn it.

Even ghosts are easy to handle. When Sherlock was making his own "war armor," he took advantage of Tony's family to make a skull mask similar to his own helmet.

There is also an offline version of Jarvis built into it, and combined with the box of original skull hoods from the Ghost, the Ghost's combat power can definitely be taken to a new level.

It would be easier for Price, the old man, to just give this Mediterranean old man a hat that is both practical and beautiful. After all, this man is a player who will never take off his hat in front of anyone. .

As for why Sherlock knew that this man was a Mediterranean, Sherlock could only say that it was a mistake he made when he was young and ignorant. Even because of this mistake, Sherlock paid a price that made Sherlock angry just by mentioning it. I can make my nose burst into tears.

All in all, I’ll be in tears if I talk too much.

As for the gifts from the remaining uncles, it is easy to handle. This is the reason why I moved Tony's wine cellar. With two bottles of good wine per person, neither Xiaoqiang nor Gates will have any objections, and will even be happy. A long time.

Xiaoqiang likes to collect all kinds of famous wines and is a collector. As for Gates, he really likes to drink and has been jealous of Xiaoqiang's collection for a long time.

These small details also give Sherlock the feeling that his uncles are real people rather than "characters" who came out of the game.

In short, this feeling is unexpected and not bad.

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