Leziren’s happy life in Marvel

Chapter 14 The Happy Life of Magic Salted Fish

Ever since he showed off his magic skills with his uncle, the most famous richest man in the Marvel world and the superhero Iron Man, Tony Stark, Sherlock's life can be described in one sentence.

Since I got mentally ill, I have become much more energetic!

Sherlock was almost in the same situation, because at the beginning he was worried that his random casting of spells would attract the attention of Boiled Egg Ancient One and Black Braised Egg Nick Fury.

It's okay to say that Nick Fury is just a little troublesome to Snake and Shield. The Ancient One Sherlock is really scared. After all, that guy is so ruthless that he can fight with the Dimension Demon at every turn. Sherlock thinks he is no match.

At most, he just practices magic in his own "library". Sherlock has never performed any magic in the real world.

But since he faced Ancient One last time, and the big boss even gave him a hanging ring very thoughtfully, Sherlock felt that there should be no problem with Ancient One, so he revealed his skills in front of Tony. Magical facts.

However, in just one day, Sherlock understood why in the original Harry Potter books, there were no young wizards of Muggle origin who returned to live in the Muggle world after completing their studies.

Because magic is a real thing!

When you get used to using magic, you will find that life becomes extremely easy and pleasant. Many things that you didn't like before can now be solved with a wave of a magic wand.

It is precisely because of Sherlock's freedom of self that you can often see the coffee pot moving for himself in Tony's beach house, pouring a cup of coffee and then returning to his original position.

Then the coffee cup seemed to be alive. It floated in mid-air and came to the sugar cube. After the two sugar cubes flew into the cup, it slowly floated towards Sherlock who was lying on the sofa. .

Even in the air, the spoon did not forget to stir the coffee in the cup to melt the sugar cubes more thoroughly.

As for the reason why Sherlock still stays in Tony's mansion, it is also very simple. On the one hand, Sherlock himself wants to witness the birth of Iron Man's first true armor, and on the other hand, Tony wants to protect him. As the only remaining relative, he wanted to make a mask or something like that for Sherlock to hide his identity.

It's definitely not the reason why Sherlock covets the comfortable life in Tony's villa! Absolutely not!

Well, there is actually a little reason for this. After all, the equipment in Tony's villa is too high-tech.

The inhumane Mr. Tony installed 3D stereoscopic projection in almost every inch of the villa, especially in the living room and the studio in his underground garage.

Have you ever experienced a movie with 3D stereoscopic projection? Sherlock experienced it!

Right in Tony's living room!

Relying on Jarvis's powerful computing power, any two-dimensional plane picture can be turned into a 3D stereoscopic projection under Jarvis's calculations. The immersive movie experience, Sherlock can only be said to be particularly delicious.

Even in a studio with better stereoscopic projection, Sherlock experienced what is called an immersive gaming experience.

Relying on Jarvis's almost invincible ability in software, he magically modified the game's code, and combined it with the sensors and universal treadmill that Sherlock pestered Tony to make.

Sherlock almost felt that his life had reached its peak.

He served as a soldier in Call of Duty, picked up the Master Sword and saved the continent of Hyrule, and even carried the Blade of Rebellion and Ebony White Ivory to exchange swordsmanship with Vergil. He will also transform into light in Dark Souls to save the world. .

Of course, the most addictive ones are some simulation games. With the help of Jarvis, Sherlock even managed to watch Tony's fancy wrestling while charging into the ancient battlefields of Europe with a long sword. .

As for Tony himself, it is naturally impossible for Sherlock to live such a carefree life, especially since this guy often hides in the corner while playing games and laughing at himself when he is experimenting with making armors.

Tony's revenge was also extremely cruel. First, he tricked Sherlock into playing a so-called "favorite" game, but in fact, this game was a local Marvel horror game that Sherlock had never heard of. .

Despicable Tony even personally went down and teamed up with Jarvis to seriously enhance the game's environment, plot, and monsters.

The result was that Sherlock was so scared that he even subconsciously took out his wand and prepared to fight to the death with the monsters in the game.

If Tony hadn't ordered Jarvis to stop the projection immediately with his quick eyes and quick hands, Sherlock would have taken the whole villa into the sea.

After this battle alone, Tony no longer dared to let Sherlock play any more horror games. Sherlock himself was not sensitive to such immersive things with horror elements.

Of course, Sherlock didn't just have fun in Tony's villa without doing anything, especially after Tony knew that Sherlock's magical potions had all-encompassing functions.

It can do everything from curing bruises to making people live forever, and it can be exchanged for gold. After that, Tony, who was poor and had only money left, was very brave and directly bought a ton of gold.

Looking at the golden nugget about 0.5 meters long, 0.4 meters wide and 0.25 meters high in front of him, Sherlock cursed the big dog in his heart countless times.

But after all, he paid the money, and he was his only blood relative in the Marvel world. Sherlock finally helped Tony exchange a lot of potions.

Of course, most of them are potions used to tonic and treat illnesses and injuries. Even when Little Pepper learned that Sherlock had a potion specifically for women's beauty and maintenance, she took gold coins and exchanged them with Sherlock for one. Wave.

Even Sherlock himself filled his own pockets and prepared some very useful potions.

As for the performance of the two after exchanging the potion, Sherlock can be said to have a deep understanding of the difference between a European emperor and a non-chief.

Most of the debuffs that Little Pepper received after taking the potion were positive, or had very little impact. The most outrageous one was a buff called Return to Youth.

It forces people to be 20 years younger. If they are under 20 years old, they will directly become an infant.

Sherlock could swear that when Tony saw the 20-year-old Pepper, his look made him want to swallow Pepper!

As for Tony himself, it can be said that he is the reincarnation of an African chieftain. He obviously takes some tonics to replenish the body, and some magic potions to treat bruises. At most, it can only be used with the bone spirit to heal the broken bones. Just cracked bones.

But the effects of that debuff can be said to be more outrageous than the last. In one case, Tony, a Muggle, learned animagus and turned into a horned eagle.

It was the horned eagle with an invincible profile and an unbearable face. The most important thing was that this guy could still talk after turning into a horned eagle, which made Pepper and Sherlock laugh at him for a long time.

Of course, Tony himself has also experienced a wave of fun in flying, and even incorporating this flying experience into the production of his own armor is a blessing in disguise.

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