There was a gunshot.

Squint's thigh was hit so hard that a cloud of blood sprayed out.

He screamed in pain and fell to the ground, clutching his thigh and screaming in agony.

The other two were petrified.

She glanced at Zhang Lixia in horror, turned around and ran away. At this moment, Zhang Lixia's eyes had completely changed. Chen Yu said something when he first taught her how to use a gun.

He said that as long as you fire the first shot cruelly and successfully hit someone, you will never be soft-hearted again.

Because human nature has an evil side.

Having fired a gun and seen blood, the evil side of human nature will be completely inspired.

Some people who can control it will become decisive and decisive people.

Some people cannot control themselves and will sink into the blood of murder. Either they will have a complete mental breakdown, or they will completely become evil and cruel.

Zhang Lixia's eyes changed.

He raised his pistol and fired two more shots without hesitation. Bang bang!

Ah Hei screamed and fell down. Two more shots followed.

Ayong also screamed and fell down, clutching his thigh and struggling on the ground. At the same time, gunshots attracted people from the village. Many people were frightened and ran closer to see what happened.

When they saw Zhang Lixia holding a gun in her hand and the three famous gangsters in the village all fell to the ground moaning in pain, everyone knew what was going on.

They are just confused.

Where did Widow Zhang get the gun?

Chen Yu heard the gunfire.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly unconsciously.

As long as Zhang Lixia shoots, it means that the transformation has begun. As for the follow-up, that is not something Chen Yu should worry about. Continue to organize information. night.

Chen Yu went out to monitor for another night. Unfortunately, there is still no abnormality.

In this way, two days passed leisurely. There has never been anything haunted in Zhang Lixia's house.

Morning of the third day.

Chen Yu didn't wait any longer, and directly collected all the grain in the granary into the subspace, and then came to the field alone.

Find the fire ant nest.

After thinking about it, I stuffed a few grenades inside and used a rope to pull off the tab.

Boom boom boom!

A blast.

Ten minutes later. The surrounding cultivated land was completely exploded.

However, when Chen Yu found a huge nest node hidden five meters underground, he found that there was not a single fire ant in it.

This should be the core location of the original lair. The queen ant should live here. But now the buildings are empty.

There is a hole as thick as a thumb in the core of the nest that stretches into the distance with no end in sight.

Chen Yu suddenly understood.

The fire ant colony here should not be dead. But they moved.

In the last life, the insect king group that I learned about was most likely formed by all the fire ant colonies around Jiangcheng gathered together.

Why are they concentrated? Because the Insect King has been born. The Insect King is still elsewhere.

So all the surrounding red fire ant colonies left their nests and went to look for the insect king.

Chen Yu made a quick decision and followed the passage below to find the Insect King.

So, Chen Yu walked away along the underground wormhole and slowly left the village.

The village head in the distance.

Many people were outside watching the excitement.

They were all startled by the explosion just now. in the crowd.

Li Caiyun is also there, and Zhang Lixia is also there.

They all watched helplessly as Chen Yu slowly walked away and never came back.

After his figure completely disappeared, Li Caiyun suddenly turned around and rushed to their family's granary, and couldn't wait to open the door.

Then I went in and took a look. Oh my god!

All the food in the entire granary was gone. It was cleared? How? No one noticed any vehicles coming in these two days.

If not using trucks, who has the ability to move hundreds of tons of grain in three days?

Li Caiyun was completely dumbfounded. Outside.

Zhang Lixia looked into the distance with red eyes. His hand kept touching the gun.

Recalling the short morning with Chen Yu in my mind, a feeling of loneliness came to my mind.

Maybe, I will never see him again? In this life, I just passed him by. The villagers behind him were talking a lot. Somewhat relieved. Some doubts. Somewhat happy.

After all, many people are wary of Chen Yu. Including the village chief. Now, finally gone.

Time passes quickly.

Chen Yu searched and tracked him alone in the wilderness and followed the underground tunnel for almost five days and five nights.

He followed during the day.

At night, find a shelter to rest. Very strange.

After leaving the confines of Yangpu Town, it is rare to encounter Yayi people outside. Only Yangpu Town has the largest number of Asians.

This may also have something to do with the region and water source.

Perhaps the food and water sources around Yangpu Town were combined with the frozen ancient viruses to create a different structure of the virus, causing humans to become infected and not die, and become aliens.

But these Asian aliens have become virus carriers. Once attacked and injured by them, they will quickly mutate and become infected.

Now we have to wait and see when the Asian aliens in Yangpu Town will evolve and mutate to the point of breaking away from the shackles of sunlight.

By then, it may become a disaster.

Now, they have not left Yangpu Town even at night, which shows that there is a leader among these Asians. This leader has always been in Yangpu Town, so they have not spread out.

There is only this explanation.

A week later.

Chen Yu traveled almost ten kilometers to the northwest. The underground passages are winding and endless.

The mutated fire ants are so terrifying that they keep traveling underground and almost never come up from the ground.

Chen Yu followed very hard.

Every time you walk, you have to dig up the ground to see the passage below. So progress is very slow.

On this day, he had arrived at the outskirts of Daxing Town, another small town northwest of Jiangcheng.

The underground passages began to branch off. And the more they are divided, the more densely packed they become. Chen Yu was secretly happy.

It seems that there should be a huge nest here. Hope there is something to gain here. Watching the sky get dark. Chen Yu decided to stop and rest for the night.

I have been tracking fire ants for the past few days, and I haven't even taken a shower. I'm so dirty that I almost stink. I'm no different from a beggar.

So, Chen Yu found a flat place in the suburbs.

Search the space for a larger wild camping tent and start setting up the tent alone.

Halfway through the ride, there was a rumble of thunder in the sky. Soon it started to rain. Chen Yu quickly set up the tent despite the heavy rain.

After setting up the tent, I walked into the tent and took out some tools one after another.

For example, air mattresses, clean bedding, small tables and stools, gas stoves, cooking utensils, energy-saving lamps, even bathtubs, heaters, simple filtering devices, etc.

Several more sets of monitoring equipment were taken out. Braving heavy rain, we installed monitoring equipment on tree trunks around the tent to monitor all directions.

Get everything done and go back to the tent.

Take off your wet clothes and start treating the water in the bathtub.

Strain briefly and start heating with a heater. Get ready to take a hot bath today. Take a good break from fatigue. This is the wilderness.

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