Watching the three jeeps driving further and further away, the intercom finally buzzed, and they began to contact Liberty City.

Chen Yu quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and listened. A few minutes later. Chen Yu sneered. This is a hunting team. Twelve people in total.

They are all elite masters in Liberty City. And their goal sounds like they are heading for Lisa.

They mentioned something about frequency fluctuations, and they mentioned mutants. Lisa and the others came up with the word mutant.

Obviously, the people in Liberty City must have gotten all the information about mutants from Professor Qian.

This is something to be wary of.

Because if they know the information, they will definitely find a way to find the mutants, right?

They must also know the secret of the crystal core. So, will they have crystal nuclei?

Chen Yu put down the walkie-talkie, immediately stood up and rushed out. When he came outside, he turned over and climbed up to the roof, reaching a high place.

Then take out the sniper rifle. Get down and aim.

Since they are a hunting team and are going after Lisa, let's just lure them here.

Just catch a few people and torture them. Ask for inside information on Liberty City. boom!

Chen Yu pulled the trigger without hesitation. On the highway in the distance.

The jeep at the front exploded with a bang, and its fuel tank was blown out by a gunshot.

The two cars behind braked suddenly.

The people in the car quickly escaped from the vehicle and hid behind the roadbed. The person in the car in front had been burned to death.

Chen Yu finally had time to sit up and put the big sniper on his shoulders. Aren't you a master? Let's see if you can find me.

In order to attract the other party's attention, Chen Yu even lit a cigarette on the roof and blew the wind leisurely while smoking.

If they had night vision binoculars, they should be able to find theirs easily.

Sure enough! A few minutes later.

The remaining eight people in the two cars behind quickly crossed the roadbed and began to rush in this direction with a very professional speed and attitude.

Ten minutes later. .

The hunting team has arrived.

Professional tactical coordination team.

The two groups of people spread out and surrounded the villa building where Chen Yu was located from both sides.

Soon, the two groups of people met downstairs. They gestured to each other. No snipers were found. The two groups of people were a little confused. Where are people?

Smell it carefully, it smells really good. BBQ flavor. It came from the hall of the villa.

One of them made a gesture to the others, then took out the grenade, pulled out the ring, and threw it directly into the living room.

Boom! An explosion.

The inside was filled with smoke and smoke.

Then, eight people swarmed in, all with submachine guns raised. But after entering, I found that there was still no one. Several people were dumbfounded. Could it be that he has seen a ghost?

Just then, there was a bang in the darkness. One of them fell dead.

The others were horrified and immediately turned around and fired.

After a round of shooting.


Another shot from the other direction. Someone falls to the ground again.

The remaining six were so frightened that they turned around and rushed out. As they ran, there were two more gunshots.

The last two men fell down. There were only four people left.

After the four people ran out of the living room, they simply stood back to back with four guns pointed in four directions to facilitate observation of the enemy's actions.

It was quiet again. There were no footsteps. The hearts of the four of them were frightened, and they were frightened to have been killed.

Seeing that the enemy could not be found, and when he was about to evacuate, a grenade was suddenly thrown out of the darkness and thrown impartially at the feet of the four people.


The four people shouted and threw themselves in four directions in unison.

However, the grenade did not go off. "Fake?" one of them blurted out in surprise.

But before he could get up, a ghostly figure rushed behind them.

There were two popping sounds.

The figure grabbed two things in his hand and instantly pierced the temples of the two team members.

The remaining two glanced at each other in horror, screamed in fright, and tried to run away.

Because they discovered that what stabbed the temples of two teammates was actually two skewers used for barbecue skewers.

horrible. Who is this? The remaining two simply surrendered without resisting.

Throwing away the gun in his hand, he raised his hands and shouted in horror: "Surrender, surrender, surrender."

The figure in front of him released the iron stick in his hand and slowly stood up.

He tilted his head and glanced at the two people. Two typical images of little devils. You can see it just by looking at your face.

Chen Yu sat down on a corpse, holding the Desert Eagle in his hand. Without saying a word, he unloaded the magazine and glanced at the bullet, then slowly loaded it again.

During the whole process, the two little devils didn't dare to move. Really scared.

Chen Yu raised the gun in his hand, looked at the two people and asked calmly: "I want to know the specific situation in Liberty City. Who can say?"

The two little devils were silent.

Two pairs of small eyes were also looking at Chen Yu. And there was an unfriendly light flashing in his eyes.

Chen Yu blinked and suddenly tapped the hammer: "Whoever speaks first, the other one will die. If you don't speak, then both of them will die together."

Upon hearing this, the two people looked at each other at the same time. Then he looked at Chen Yu.

One of them suddenly opened his mouth to speak, but the other suddenly waved his hand and slapped him on the back of the head, shouting loudly: "I said, I am most familiar with the situation in Liberty City."

The man who was slapped covered his head and looked at him in horror: "Noda-kun..."


The man fell to the ground. Got headbutted.

The man named Noda-kun was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and the flesh on his face froze.

"Tell me what you have earned, Mr. Noda." Chen Yu looked at Noda.

Noda swallowed hard and said nervously: "What aspect of Liberty City do you want to know?"

"All situations. Number of people living, number of combatants, city defense situation, managers, and the city's material resources. Everything."

"Okay, okay, I say." Noda nodded hurriedly.

It seems that not all Sakurajima people have the spirit of Yamato. So Noda quickly introduced Liberty City.

It turns out that Liberty City was originally a school founded by a Sakurajima person in Hanzhong City. It was still a small school called Liberty Dawn School.

Before the disaster, only children from Sakurajima were admitted there. Complete Sakurajima-style teaching model.

And Xia people are not allowed to enter at all. On the surface, it was an elementary school. But in fact, the underground of Liberty Dawn Elementary School has been slowly hollowed out, and a huge underground air raid shelter has been built.

Their work is very secretive. It also takes a long time. The air-raid shelter took about four years from excavation to completion.

It was filled with supplies.

When the disaster began, people there took refuge in bomb shelters from the extreme heat.

After the weather returned to normal, the school's principal, a man named Hatoyama Aoi, led the school's security guards to start a crazy plunder.

Expand the scope of defense starting from the school.

Slowly, after more than half a year of hard work, it was changed into Liberty City.

Originally, Liberty City was just a very ordinary base for post-disaster survivors, no different from bases in other cities.

But since the doomsday virus spread, suddenly one day, Hatoyama Aoi became the leader of the entire Liberty City.

He seemed to be a changed person. Smart, calm, wise, and ruthless.

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