Shenhao starts from the lottery of 1 million

Chapter 32 Hu Qian is playing with fire

Hu Qian pulled her suitcase. As soon as she came out of the airport, Yi Anguo saw her and waved to say hello to her!

Hu Qian looks the same as her sister and is almost the same height, both over 1.7 meters tall.

In a city like Shenzhen, which is mostly populated by southerners, a girl who is over 1.7 meters tall is considered very tall, so she stands out from the crowd and is particularly eye-catching.

Coupled with the youthful and beautiful appearance, it attracts even more attention.

As soon as Hu Qian walked out of the airport, she quickly saw Yi Anguo waving to her.

But at this moment, a man stopped her.

"Beauty! You are from another province, I am from Shenzhen. We can get to know each other and make friends!"

"Sorry, my boyfriend is here to pick me up!" Hu Qian quickly shook her head and said, speeding up and running towards Yi Anguo.


"Xiaoqian! Welcome home!" Yi Anguo said with a smile.

"Where is my sister? Why didn't she come to pick me up?" Hu Qian asked without seeing Hu Jing.

"Your sister is busy at work, so she sent me to pick you up. Isn't it enough?" Yi Anguo asked.

"If she doesn't come, she won't come. Anyway, she doesn't have me as a sister in her heart and doesn't care about me at all. My brother-in-law is the best to me." Hu Qian said a little unhappy.

"What happened just now? Why did that man stop you? Do you know each other? Your boyfriend?" Yi Anguo obviously saw the scene just now, so he asked.

"I don't know, a man who got interested in me and wanted me to be his girlfriend after seeing me beautiful." Hu Qian shook her head and said.

"Let's go! Let's get in the car and leave the airport first." Yi Anguo said as he took the suitcase from Hu Jingfang.

"Wow! Is this your new car? Isn't it so cool?" Hu Qian said in surprise after seeing Yi Anguo's new car.

"Isn't this car cheap?"

"It's not very expensive. After you graduate, you can open your own clinic or hospital and you can easily make money to buy a car like this."

Yi Anguo got into the car, fastened his seat belt and started the car.

The career of a doctor is still very good. Making money is not a problem. If you open your own clinic or hospital, making money will not be a problem.

"It's not as easy as you said. If I want to open a clinic or a hospital, just graduating from college is not enough. I want to continue to take the postgraduate examination, master's degree, and doctorate. In that case, I can open my own clinic or hospital, which is more or less the same. ." Hu Xiaoqian said.

"And no matter how much you study, you still need to go through an internship, and then accumulate medical experience. After that, you will be promoted along the way and become the attending doctor of a certain department. Only then will you be qualified to open your own clinic."

Yi Anguo nodded and said while driving: "Then after you graduate from college, continue to study for graduate school, master's degree, and Ph.D., and then find a hospital to slowly accumulate experience, and work your way up to the rank of attending doctor, expert, and then come out Open your own clinic and hospital.”

"You don't have to worry about the tuition. My brother-in-law can still afford it."

"But by the time I am qualified to become a doctor and open my own clinic, I will be old, and I regret going to any medical school." Hu Qian said a little discouraged.

"What's wrong with getting old? Who can never grow old?" Yi Anguo said with a smile.

"When I get old, I won't be able to get married by then." Hu Qian said depressedly.

"Even if you are studying for a graduate degree, a master's degree, or a doctorate, it will not affect your marriage and love! No one stipulates that graduate students cannot fall in love, so get married! Even college students have the right to get married as long as women are over 20 years old!" Yi Anguo said.


After taking Hu Qian home, Yi Anguo planned to leave, but Hu Qian held him back and said.

"Brother-in-law! I just came home and you didn't even accompany me. Why are you leaving so soon? We haven't seen each other for so long. Don't you miss me at all?"

"Yes! When did I say I didn't want to anymore? You just came back and were tired from the journey. Didn't I want you to rest first?" Yi Anguo said with a smile.

"You're lying! You're lying. You obviously don't think about me at all, and you don't like me. You can't even stay with me for a while." Hu Qian said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay! I'll be with you at home, it's okay now!" Yi Anguo said helplessly.

"That's pretty much it. You sit on the sofa and watch TV first. I'll take a shower. It's so hot that I'm sweating all over." Hu Qian said happily.

"When you said it, I felt like I was sweating. When I was waiting for you outside the airport, I didn't dare to sit in the car and turn on the air conditioner for fear of missing out."

"Then you go and wash up too. There is a bathroom in your and sister's room anyway," Hu Qian said.

While waiting for Hu Qian at the airport, Yi Anguo was indeed sweating a lot.

In Shenzhen Town in July, you would break out into a sweat after just staying outside for a few minutes. It was really hot enough. Yi Anguo also had a lot of changes of clothes here, so it was very convenient to take a shower.

The two of them went to the bathroom to take a shower at the same time. Of course, Fao Anguo went to the bathroom in the master bedroom to take a shower, while Hu Qian could only take a shower in the bathroom outside.

After taking a shower, Yi Anguo was wearing a pair of loose shorts, which naturally kept him cool at home. He was also wearing a pure cotton T-shirt with a large round neck.

This means that Hu Qian is at home. Otherwise, on a hot day, just after charging, the man would not wear any clothes at all on his upper body and show off his muscles with his shirtless body. It would also save some electricity bills and the air conditioner would not need to be turned down too low.

After waiting for a while, Hu Qian came out after taking a shower. He was also dressed very coolly. He wore a white camisole on the upper body and white shorts on the lower body. It was simply a bit sinister!

And after getting closer, there was a nice scent of shower gel. More importantly, Yi Anguo discovered that there was a vacuum inside her top. Wouldn't this be fatal?

"Cough! Xiaoqian, if you act like this, won't I spare you when your sister comes back?" Yi Anguo reminded kindly.

"What's wrong with me? I finally got home and after taking a shower, shouldn't I be able to relax as much as I can?"

As Hu Qian spoke, she walked up to Yi Anguo, straddled his lap, put her arms around his neck and said, "Are you so afraid of my sister?"

"No, it's respect!" Yi Anguo said quickly.

"If you act like this, I really have to leave!"

"Didn't you say that you like me and miss me very much?" Hu Qian said with a soft breath.

"I like you as if I were a sister, because you are your sister's sister." Yi Anguo explained.

"Really? Then how do you explain it here?" Hu Jingruo said with a hint of movement.

"That's a man's instinctive physiological reaction. You, a beautiful girl wearing such cool clothes, are sitting on my lap and holding my neck. How can I not react at all? I am not a eunuch." Yi Anguo argued.

Hu Qian suddenly stepped forward, kissed both sides of Yi Anguo's face, and finally kissed her in the middle.

Yi Anguo couldn't help but lost control and hugged the other person with his backhand...

"What about now! You still like me as your sister!" Hu Qian asked after kissing each other.

"I'm just a passive counterattack. You'd better be honest, otherwise you can't afford the consequences. Don't you even want your sister?" Yi Anguo blushed a little and said angrily.

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