Doomsday max level player

Chapter 198 Escape to the Garden of Eden (page 12)

Two systems?

Yun Xiao touched his chin: "If there are really two systems, wouldn't we be targeted by the system now?"

Everyone was silent.

At this time, the clear sunset reflected on the bridge outside [Future New City]. As a gust of cool breeze blew by, the river water under the bridge was sparkling. There was nothing weird about it, but as soon as the two finished talking, everyone was surprised. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were really a pair of eyes watching me.

Several people looked around with complicated expressions and shuddered.

Qi Yunzhou touched his arm and glanced at the sky full of sunset:

"No wonder this system likes to let players kill each other so much. It can't kill players, so it gives out rewards to let players kill for them. It can't eliminate the map fragments, so it distributes the map fragments to different people. In this way, the map fragments are It will definitely not be collected into one person's hands so quickly, and his highest authority will not be challenged. "It's really insidious."

Yun Xiao sighed: "I was very surprised when the bounty hunter profession appeared. The system seemed to encourage players to kill people, and the incentives were set so high. If you don't kill red names every month, your points will be cleared. , if you really don’t want to kill people, you have to go to high-level maps to do low-income tasks, and you will either be killed by people or zombies. As time goes by, everyone has fallen into the profit trap arranged by the system, and even gradually has no legal ethics for this It’s a world we take for granted, and it’s scary to think about it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Xiao suddenly felt dizzy, and his heart felt like it was being hooped.

The five people were shocked when they saw Yun Xiao suddenly swaying.

Lu Beixi was the closest and stepped forward to support her:

"what happened to you?"

Yun Xiao shook his head hard, and then summoned the system panel to check the time:

"I've been talking about it for so long, I almost forgot about the [blood contract], this dog system..."

Lu Beixi was shocked when he heard this:

"Don't you have a solution?"

Ji Yuqing said: "What can she do? Just hold on. I have seen Meng Ran use this trick in the Alliance Army to instantly turn countless people into pieces. Others have already tried to disable this skill, and finally found that [ No one can understand the blood contract."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed, and she sighed: "Yun Xiao, don't be so pretentious. I'll go find Meng Ran to find a solution. She still owes me a favor. Maybe she will make another one." The hedging [blood contract] can be unlocked, I..."

Yun Xiao was so dizzy that she couldn't hear what she said clearly. At this time, she shook her head again, and then raised her hand to stop Ji Yuqing:

"No need to look for her, let's go find Xiao Qi."

Ji Yuqing frowned: "What else can he do besides sliding the door and picking the lock? What's the use of him?"

Lu Beixi dragged Yun Xiao away:

"The most important thing now is to remove the [Blood Contract] from you. Yu Fei can wait."

Yun Xiao glanced at Zhu Yingying's countdown in the black market mall and sighed:

"It's not just for Yu Fei. I still have less than half an hour. If you don't want me to die, we have to rush to [Mulong Snow Mountain]."

Lu Beixi frowned when he heard this: "You..."

"Believe me, to make sure nothing goes wrong, let's all come together. We'll see you at the glacier under the snow-capped mountains later."

After saying that, Yun Xiao raised his hand to summon the system panel and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lu Beixi quickly summoned the system panel and followed immediately.

Upon seeing this, the remaining people summoned the system panels and disappeared together.


[Mulong Snow Mountain] There was a snowstorm all day long, and it gradually cleared up in the evening.

At this time, the weather in [Mulong Snow Mountain] is very similar to [Future New City]. The sky is also filled with sunset, and the blazing sunset has already dyed the top of the snow-capped mountain a bright red, making it look like a burning mountain of flames.

On the westernmost glacier bank under the snow-capped mountains, a man was squatting under the cedars on the bank and lighting a fire. Under the tree behind him, there was a girl sleeping quietly.

As the firewood crackled and exploded, the girl's pale face became rosy.

After a while, slow footsteps were heard in the distance.

The man in front of the fire looked up warily, subconsciously pressing the dagger on his waist with one hand.

The next second, a young man with yellow hair appeared from behind the bushes carrying a few fish. He walked deep and shallow in the snow, and soon arrived.

"I heard that you came here after emptying your backpack, so I went to catch some fish. Let's eat to deal with our hunger first, and then we'll leave when Sister Xiaoxiao and the others arrive."

When Yu Fei saw that it was Chai Xiaoqi, he relaxed. After all, his level had been cleared by Zhou Xiang, and he had no combat capabilities. Even his skills were blocked. All he had now was what he had when he was a soldier in the real world. Basic means, so be extremely vigilant about your surroundings.

Chai Xiaoqi didn't care about this. He found a branch to shake off the snow, then dressed the fish one by one, and sat next to the fire and grilled the fish.

This is the grilled fish recipe he got from Yun Xiao. This recipe requires a low-level cooking master, which is suitable for someone like him with little experience to deal with one or two bites in the wild.

After having the recipe, the fish was grilled much faster. After a while, the fish changed color in front of the fire.

When Chai Xiaoqi saw this, he immediately sprinkled the fish with cumin and chili seasoning. As a sizzling sound was heard, the two fish in front of him suddenly sizzled with oil and exuded a delicious caramel aroma.

Chai Xiaoqi raised a harpoon and placed it on the snow in front of Yu Fei, then took out two bowls of [Spicy Beef Bone Soup], handed one over, and drank the other by himself.

For a moment, the sound of Chai Xiaoqi's slurping could be heard in the snow.

"I heard from Sister Xiaoxiao that after we say goodbye this time, I don't know how long it will be before we see each other again."

Yu Fei took the bowl of soup and thanked him, but didn't drink it.

He glanced towards the fire and didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he said:

"Don't worry, your sister is a very powerful person."

When Chai Xiaoqi heard this, he drank the soup for a moment, then as if he thought of something, he chuckled:

"That's right, I've never seen anyone more powerful than her."

They waited here for a long time, watching the sunset from the top of the mountain, the bright moon rising, and Yu Fei's wallet receiving millions of bonuses.

Seeing the bonus arriving, Yu Fei knew that Eleventh Street had won [Future New City]. Then he saw him click on the transaction interface and transfer all the money to Chai Xiaoqi beside him.

Chai Xiaoqi looked at the pop-up transaction panel and was stunned: "Huh? Why did you give me the money?"

Yu Fei said: "Your sister earned it."


After Yu Fei transferred the money, he finished the soup in his hand and ate all the fish.

Finally he burped, then stood up and stretched:

"According to what your sister said, I'll have to start over when I get there. Naturally, I won't be able to use the money. Aren't you still opening a store? The [Future New City] will open soon. Find a good location early and take it in time. Do business.”

Chai Xiaoqi scratched his head: "To be honest, I want to go there too."

Yu Fei shook his head: "If your sister doesn't take you, she must not know whether it is dangerous there. We are different. We were forced to go by Zhou Xiang."

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