Prehistoric: Starting from the Mediation of Creation

Chapter 56 The 3rd Settlement Selection Competition

In one day of war, countless people died, and rebellions arising from within were always hard to guard against.

Moreover, they were detonated in many places and cities at the same time, but in the end they were suppressed by the human race. The human race's losses were not great, but they were small, but not small.

A large number of barbarian and human hybrids were picked out and executed. In addition, a small number of barbarians who served the human race were implicated and executed. On the human side, hundreds of people also died, most of them political figures.

Later investigations revealed that the reason why this group of mixed-race people was able to carry out this rebellion so synchronously was entirely with the help of one thing - newspapers!

The morning newspaper is for all parts of the country and will be delivered to every scheduled household when the sun just rises every day.

The mixed-blood barbarians who lived in each household used this to launch a rebellion, inciting the barbarians in the mansion to attack the tribal dignitaries. They were familiar with the layout of the mansion, so they hit the target with one move. Some even went too far, directly setting fires and committing crimes, aiming to cause chaos in the city. .

Their purpose was twofold. One was to abolish the so-called lifelong servant law established by the Chinese in the early days of the past; the other was to lead the barbarians back to the North and establish their own country.

Unfortunately, things went against their wishes. The current strength of the human race has been accumulated over thousands of years, and it cannot be equaled or even surpassed overnight. Therefore, they were simply suppressed and purged by the powerful human race, and their corpses were hung at the city gate.

When Man Zun, who was far away in the northwest desert, received the news, the rebellion was already over, and he didn't even have a chance to participate.

However, this rebellion also ignited conflicts within the human race.

Because nowadays, it is not only barbarians and human-barbarian hybrids who sign contracts for life-long domestic servants, but also some low-level human races.

The rebellion of the mixed human and barbarian people inspired the bloody nature of this group of people, so the Early Kingdom, which had gone through five hundred years of ups and downs, once again ushered in a period of turmoil.

For a time, war broke out and rebellions continued.

And some side sects in the spiritual world also want to fish in troubled waters, and there are also demons that everyone wants to fight and take advantage of the situation.

But Lord Barbarian was unmoved after receiving this news, because he knew one thing very well. The Barbarians were not the opponents of the human race yet. He needed to wait, and the Barbarians needed to accumulate strength.

There is still a way forward for his Dharma practice, and he still has greater potential.

Time passed little by little, and the human race became increasingly chaotic. However, Man Zun had already begun to try to tame the giant beasts, and colluded with the monsters in the desert.

Luo Zu, who is both an outsider and an insider, said he would sit and watch, eating barbecue while watching.

When so many things happened in the world in the pot, it was only one afternoon in the prehistoric period, and Luo Zu had just had dinner now.

He is now thinking about big things in the third settlement.

The population of Luoxiang is now on the verge of the red line again.

Tonight, the main members of the tribe were summoned for discussion.

The barbecue Luo Zu was eating now was not from hunting, but cut from a six-legged goat sent from the Hutou Village settlement.

The domestication work in Hutou Village has been effective, after all, it has been a year.

Although the result is only that these captured and domesticated beasts can adapt to the captive environment and start to have offspring, at least they will no longer try to escape, but will happily accept the fodder fed by the humans.

This is a good result and what Luo Zu expected.

Later domestication work will be done on their offspring, so that these domesticated beasts will become accustomed to being fed by humans and rely on humans since they were young. Later, they will slowly adjust the forage they are fed, and then change their appearance.

Although Luo Zu could do this kind of work directly by mediating with creation, Luo Zu's intuition told him that observing this change would be of great benefit to him.

"Huoba, Xi, next you can specially select the six-legged goats and eight-legged bison that are easy to be fattened to separate and feed them, and let them mate with each other. The offspring will continue to separate the individuals that are easy to get fat, and so on. Get down, do you understand?" Luo Zu took a bite of thigh meat, and then gave instructions to the two village chiefs and deputy village chiefs who came from Hutou Village.

Huo Wa and Xi expressed their understanding.

"Tietou, if you find any birds recently, you can catch them and send them to Hutou Village." Luo Zu turned to Tietou and said to him.

The iron-headed boy nodded naively.

Then came the important matter of surveying the second settlement.

Currently, the hunting team is out exploring and has found three locations that meet Luo Zu's requirements.

One is ten kilometers away from Luoxiang and six kilometers away from Hutou Village. It is surrounded by hot springs and running water. The terrain is flat and the soil is fertile. The hunting team scattered a handful of grass seeds and they grew in three days and matured in seven days. The hunting team When I went there, the wild fruits grown from grass seeds were rotting on the stems.

After subsequent investigation, it was found that the hot spring would produce salt water, and many beasts would take the initiative to go here to replenish their own salt and some elements to maintain their bodies.

The other place is 13 kilometers away from Luoxiang and three kilometers away from Hutou Village. It was discovered by people from Hutou Village. This place is a valley with a large waterfall in the valley. The water of the waterfall spurts out from a mountain. The valley was washed away, and finally a small flat land was accumulated. Luo Zu then went to investigate in person and found that the soil was rich in various metal elements, especially iron, as well as some mysterious metals. This place was very suitable for building an iron-making factory. workshop.

But there's a big problem with this place, and that's water.

During the rainy season, this valley will inevitably be flooded. The waterfall will be like the muzzle of a high-pressure water gun, spraying out the accumulated water in the mountain and washing away the accumulated earth and rocks in the valley. After the rain, it will enter the next cycle of accumulating earth and rocks. .

This problem is not small, so this place is also listed as tentative by Luo Zu.

The last place is far away from Luoxiang, a full 20 kilometers away, and 50 kilometers away from Hutou Village. Viewed from a high altitude, it can basically be connected with Luoxiang and Hutou Village.

Under such circumstances, it can be selected as a third settlement candidate because its conditions are so superior.

Its conditions are only a little inferior to the river valley where the "Stop Cave Man" came from.

The terrain is open, the river flows gently, the water is beautiful, the mountains are clear, the breeze often passes through, and the aura is rich and spiritual, far beyond the rest of the prehistoric land.

It would be a pity not to take this kind of land.

But the disadvantage of this place is not only the long distance, but also the fact that there is a giant beast living in the valley.

The giant beast is more than three miles long and has three heads: tiger, wolf, and leopard. Each of the three heads has magical powers. It can spit out fire, spit out acid, and spit out wind. There are also strange insects as big as calves attached to its body, and it can also spit out sour gas. They feed on the remains of prey, and there are thousands of them, which is really difficult to deal with.

But if you want to kill him, Luo Zu is not helpless.

Fire attacks, water attacks, and even various spells, even leading it to Kuafu Lake (the lake is now named after this).

But Luo Zu was worried that the Feng Shui treasure land would be like the previous river valley, with thieves and predators constantly coming to snatch it away.

So hesitant.

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