Prehistoric: Starting from the Mediation of Creation

Chapter 50: Serious people keep diaries

The newly cultivated insect mother cocoon does not have much activity, but after Luo Zu's experiments, it is fatal to the temptation of insects. The insects will go crazy for it, just like a snake in estrus, it will keep looking for the opposite sex and go crazy. seeking to mate.

It's just that the inducements emitted by the cocoon are more advanced, as if they smell the cocoon, they will feel like they have been hungry for hundreds of years, and the cocoon is the only food that can help them escape from this hunger.

As for how to use it to control the insect swarm like the gorilla, Luozu hasn't found a way yet.

However, the insect mother cocoon is only useful for ordinary bugs, not insect demons. Perhaps there are more advanced insect mother cocoons that can be used to control insect demons.

The main purpose of Luo Zu's cultivation of a mother insect cocoon is still in the river valley, the hometown of the "Stop Cave Man"!

Luo Zu now also gave this river valley a name, calling it Dalong Valley.

Although Dalong Valley is no longer suitable for human life, it is not a problem for the ancestral land to be occupied by others, and the big worm also poses a big threat to the "Stop Cave Man". If left unchecked, it will expand its territory in the future. , or even sneak attack on the "Stop Cave Man", that would be a catastrophe.

How can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch?

Nothing to say, just do it!

After Luozu's observation, the ground-burrowing worm was indeed an insect, and it was not very intelligent. It was a ferocious beast with special powers, and its thoughts were all about eating, eating, digging, digging, digging.

It likes to eat carrion the most, and will use some instinct to drive ghosts to help it catch and lure food.

In addition, it will spit out the disaic acid stored in its body from the ground.

As for its size, Luo Zu has not yet investigated and cleared it.

Although his Yang Shen virtual and real form can drill into the soil and penetrate thousands of feet, the land is completely polluted by the earth evil that the worms stirred up from the ground. If Luo Zu wants to invade, it may lead to unpredictable and terrible consequences.

As for the consequences, the most serious situation is that Luo Zu's Yang God is contaminated, and the best situation... is that there is no situation.

In addition, according to Luo Zu's observations over the past year, the scope of Disha pollution is still expanding. Before, it was only in the river valley, but now it has spread to the outside, to the mountains outside.

It's almost ten kilometers away, and it's only more than twenty kilometers away from the settlement of "Stop Cave Man", so it's not feasible to continue like this.

"Thirty-sixth year of the Ancient Era! July 8th!"

The so-called Prehistoric Era was established by Luo Zu himself. It was calculated from the time of his birth, and the sun and moon were roughly calculated by Luo Zu. As for Luo Zu, if he wanted to be as precise as in his previous life, he would have to invest more energy in calculations, but Luo Zu Zu doesn't have that much time now, so he didn't figure out the twelve Yuan Chen, heavenly stems and earthly branches. He just made a rough year and date.

When Luo Zu has more time in the future, he will study these time units more carefully and make more detailed distinctions.

"Remember today's expedition to Dalong Valley!"

Luo Zu is writing a diary. Although serious people don't write diaries, Luo Zu writes the records of "top cave people".

It was written in shaman script, recorded on the newly invented straw paper, and kept in a cool and dry cave. The mountain wind blew through it every day, so that it would not become moldy and rotten, and would not be eaten by borers and termites.

Although papyrus is very epoch-making, it is really not up to date for such a mythical era.

According to Guantang, the Lich's inheritance has been uploaded to the "cloud".

The demon clan will record its own history and culture on the stars in the sky, just like the common people's worship of the sun and moon, which all demon clan can borrow.

The Wu Clan records their own Wu Clan culture in their blood, and as long as they get older, they can pass on these ancient memories one by one.

Currently, due to their own organizational structure and sphere of influence, those Xuanmen cultivators can only pass on "jade slips" or through certain texts.

In short, everyone is diverse, and only the civilization carrier of the human race has been updated to papyrus.

Therefore, the development of human race still has a long way to go.

Let’s get back to the original point.

After Luo Zu recorded his actions, he started his own actions.

He walked out of the cave and looked at the action team in front of him.

This time it was a special operation. Luo Zu summoned the elite of the "Stop Cavemen" and told them about his purpose and the dangers of the dragon worm, so that they could support him, and then began further action planning. Up to now, To start execution.

"Everyone, for the future of the human race!"

"For the human race!!"

A group of people drank together.

The action begins immediately.

Tietouwa, Huowa, Erwa, Xi, Yue, Zhi, Yan, Ling, Ah Ni.

Including Luo Zu, there are ten people in total.

Each of them has refined their Qi, and under Luo Zu's guidance, they have mastered some spells and have reached level five. Although they cannot cause direct damage to the dragon worm, they can also assist Luo Zu in subsequent battles.

The tasks of the ten people have been arranged long ago.

Tietouwa is proficient in the earth element magic power and the metal element magic power. Later, he mastered more earth element spells. He can create a muddy land about thirty meters square, and can also make the land stiff. At that time, he and Yue, Yan and Ling controlled the soil together and controlled the big dragon worm.

Of course, if the size of the dragon worm exceeds their estimate, which is three kilometers in length, then the four of them will no longer carry out this order.

Huo Wa is proficient in fire magic. Under Luo Zu's urging, he has now refined Qi and has extraordinary control over fire magic. Xi and Zhen follow him to control fire magic. Xi is good at wind magic. Zhi is good at wood magic, so the two of them help Huo Wa drive the big dragon worm in the right direction in the next task.

Erwa has the magical power of clairvoyance. After refining Qi, he also practiced mental control spells. Because his mental talent is not weak, Luo Zu thinks that in the future, he may be able to practice Qi to transform into gods faster than others. "Caveman" is much faster.

At that time, Erwa's main task is not only to monitor and observe the big dragon worm, but also to help Luo Zu cast illusion spells on it to control it.

However, if he finds that the dragon worm cannot be controlled by then, he will only need to monitor and observe.

As for Luo Zu, his mission is to use the Cocoon No. 1 culture to lure the dragon worm to a trap.

As for where the trap is?

It is the great lake that Kuafu stepped on.

According to Luo Zu's observation, for some unknown reason, this big dragon worm is not afraid of the rainwater flowing from the lake.

Luo Zu suspected that the reason was probably caused by the blood and flesh of the four different figures who fought here that day permeating the river valley.

It was precisely after discovering this that Luo Zu chose that lake. Another reason was that he also observed that the big fish in that lake had been hunting on the shore recently and appeared on the shore closest to here.

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