Prehistoric: Starting from the Mediation of Creation

Chapter 48 Adaptation is not random fabrication, and joking is not nonsense

The world in the pot is now even more vast, and the creatures it can carry are becoming more powerful and larger. The largest volume was once the size of a hair, and later it could hold the size of a fingernail, and then a finger, and now It can already carry the size of a palm.

However, the body shape of small humans has not changed much. It is still the diameter of a hair, which is the difference between a thick hair and a thin hair.

But regardless of whether the human body shape changes with the version of the world in the pot, they also find that they know nothing about the world... again.

He seemed bigger and more spacious.

The previously explored areas have also become wider, and unprecedented giant beasts have appeared in them.

A giant beast as tall as a mountain walks on the earth. It eats hundreds of cows in one meal. Fortunately, it sleeps for a month after one meal.

Those monsters that were once normal in the eyes of small humans, but weird in the eyes of certain people are slowly being eliminated.

It is not the elimination of survival of the fittest and natural selection, but a selection from the world.

Yes, as Luo Zu collects more and more animal samples in the prehistoric world, more and more "normal creatures" are created through mediation of nature. The enlarged versions of microorganisms and bacteria that were used to make up for the numbers in the past are slowly being banned. .

Luozu didn't do it himself, but changed the previous environmental conditions, and they naturally chose to adapt to the environment and return to their track.

It's just that their original track has been filled by some rising stars, and they are also facing a natural selection.

Luo Zu is also very concerned about this. After all, the situation of microorganisms is still very important to a race. If you accidentally cultivate some kind of bacteria that is no different from the small humans, then there will be a cold pandemic for the small humans...

The consequences are really unimaginable.

But for these, Luo Zu did not directly intervene.

He is getting further and further away from the small human race now. He only observes, neither takes action nor forces.

Even if some small humans were staged a "drama" that made his liver hurt, he would not interfere.

Unless Luozu himself has not prepared a human elimination plan and the small human race shows signs of destruction, he will take action.

At present, it seems that the small human race is still "very peaceful".

It was the appearance of that demon that made Luo Zu end up personally.

But now if something similar to a demon appears again, Luo Zu will not end up.

The demon is not necessarily a pest. It is just a mutated branch of the small human race. It can also be continued to be cultivated to make the human race in the world of the pot more diversified. It may also stimulate each other with normal human cultivators to make the small human civilization better. direction of development.

It can only be said that people will always be relieved of certain things.

The small human race not only discovered giant beasts appearing in the world, but also discovered a humanoid race.

The appearance is similar to that of the human race, but the body is strong and the blood is strong, but the intelligence is insufficient, the mind is very single, and it is easy to become manic.

So the small human tribes called them barbarians, wild people, and barbarians.

In short, the small human races mostly hold a discriminatory attitude towards them. They do not even have the civilization form of primitive tribes to express discrimination, so they are never regarded as the same race, although they are indeed of the same bloodline.

However, the definition of race is often somewhat abstract and cannot be summarized concretely.

The small humans are not polite and will directly turn the previous generation of small humans into their own slaves.

In this regard, the already old Yang Zun was the first to express his objection.

He opposed slavery and believed that it was a step backwards, especially for a race that looked similar to the human race. If this step was taken backwards, it would have a huge negative impact on human civilization.

"This hole must not be opened. What if someone has such evil intentions on our descendants in the future?" Yang Zun asked this question.

The question was carried across the country in a newspaper.

There were a lot of discussions in various places, some were in favor and some were against, but in the end, most people were in favor of Yang Zun, so the resolution failed to pass.

Luo Zu didn't care about this. He only watched from the sidelines and collected information about the small human race's exploration and practice over the years.

Because of the increase in spiritual energy, many people in the small human race have awakened their innate supernatural powers, and their cultivation is no longer forced into self-consumption, and they are trapped in sacrificing flesh and blood and spirit to deduce higher realms. These three hundred years are the time when geniuses in the human race frequently appear. .

People are no longer limited to the Yang Shen method. The Yin Shen method follows closely behind, followed by the Ming Shen method, the Interior method, the Zang Shen method, and even the retro blood and energy refining method.

Luo Zu summarized this year (the prehistoric year), and the small human race developed a total of 324 cultivation methods.

At first, everyone was not very bold and did not modify the Qi Refining Method and the Yang Shen Method too much, but later they became reckless.

Especially Yang Zun took the lead in transforming a vacuum method...

This vacuum is created from the inner void of the Yang God, from which one can see the heaven and earth, and make one's own Yang God transform into the heaven and earth. From then on, if the vacuum is created, one can obtain the way of heaven and become a true immortal.

After the idea of ​​this explosion was conceived, Yang Zun took the first step to test it himself.

Then he succeeded, but also failed.

Because the way forward is not like that.

But he unexpectedly inspired the second creation of the human race by Nuwa.

The innate magical power can be stimulated again, reaching a certain mysterious and mysterious realm. In fact, this realm is the Taoist realm set by Luo Zu himself.

Originally, many second- and third-generation human races would not be able to reach this level in their lifetimes, and it would be difficult to achieve it without eating a prehistoric spiritual creature. However, Yang Zun succeeded in his unexpected experiment and achieved what the prehistoric humans could not reach. realm.

After reaching this level, Yang Zun's lifespan was doubled, and he was able to live more than three hundred years.

Because of Yang Zun's unexpected breakthrough, he thought he had really found a way forward.

So this vacuum method was also promoted.

Because of Yang Zun's reputation and prestige, many people chose to believe in him and embark on the new path he pioneered.

Luo Zu did not stop this, after all, he was not completely sure that this path was wrong at the time.

Then Yang Zun tricked himself first.

The road ends here.

After all, magical powers are just magical powers, not cultivation. If you use your own magical powers to communicate with the heaven and earth, and you create this illusion, the final result is just magical powers returning to magical powers, and cultivation realm returning to cultivation. If your magical powers are increased too much, you often take what you get from daily Qi refining. True Qi can only maintain the state of magical power itself, and there is no way to increase Taoism.

But the magical power can no longer improve.

In this way, it will always be locked in Yang Zun's realm at that time.

Unless there is an external force to help him break through the realm continuously and reach the realm of refining the gods and counteracting the void, thereby balancing his own cultivation and magical powers.

And he was already at the top of his game at that time. Who in the world could help him?

This is what the saying goes, if you don’t cultivate both your life and your life, everything will be in vain until you die.

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