Prehistoric: Starting from the Mediation of Creation

Chapter 14 Huowa: Boss, I want to make progress

The day of revenge always comes quickly. When the food is supplied once every three days, Mu suddenly shows his strength and knocks down the person who delivers the food. Then he takes off his clothes, changes his body muscles according to his body shape, and then makes no sound. to leave the dungeon.

He knew very well that he was still no match for the tribe leader, so he decided to keep a low profile and hide in the mountains. He was most familiar with the mountains. Once he entered the mountains, even if the entire tribe came to look for him, they could not find him.

While Mu was away, there was an episode. The money was touching. Luo Zu's generosity by the campfire attracted the attention of a group of desperadoes. Then there was a small conflict. In the end, Luo Zu successfully completed part of the human clearing work. .

After clearing out these people, Luo Zu quietly left. This time he left no "relics" behind.

It's just that he has been here for so long, but not even one night has passed in the wilderness.

The night was still long, and Luo Zu continued to concentrate on the world in the pot.

At this moment, the "holy mountain", which is the mountain where Luo Zu's first remains were located, people finally stopped staying and were ready to start exploring.

In addition, three of the Five Great Masters in the World came to see how this master from the "ancient" era could induce such a high-spirited spirit with his unique martial arts skills.

"It's the way of heaven." Plum Blossom Jianjue, one of the Five Jue, held a long sword made of natural jasper, stood on the canopy of the tree, stepped on the green leaves, and said lightly.

"Then this senior is really amazing." Ba Zhang Lian Jue, who is also a member of the Five Jue, praised in admiration.

"Oh, you and I have been exploring the way of heaven for so long, but we have never seen that inexplicable way of heaven. Don't really believe that guy's nonsense." Another Jue Lianshan Jue Dao said angrily.

The guy in his mouth is one of the five martial arts masters. He keeps talking all day long, saying that the way forward for martial arts lies in the way of heaven. Only by combining the gods with the way of heaven can we enter the great body and achieve higher achievements.

Some people believe this statement, some do not believe it, and the debate continues.

Now I am afraid that this debate can be settled.

The corpse covered in blood on this mountain will definitely give them the answer.

"This power is like the power of heaven. It secretly makes people have the idea of ​​​​immersing themselves in it and becoming one with it. It is affecting our will, haven't you noticed?" A person's voice suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain.

They saw a burly and extraordinary figure appearing beside them. He came so lightly that none of the three people present noticed it.

"Wu Jue!"

This is Wu Jue, who is vaguely the first of the Five Jue.

"Have you found a way forward?" Meihua Jianjue stared at him.

"He is the way forward." Wu Jue raised his hand and pointed.

After this night, the news of Wu Jue's invasion of the Holy Mountain spread throughout the world.

At the same time, the news that they had found a way forward also shocked the world.

And the remains of the ancestors on the holy mountain also have a name - the Golden Body of the God of War!

And after Wu Jue broke into the mountain, the golden body of the God of War disappeared silently, and everyone suspected that Wu Jue had taken it.

But Wu Jue has repeatedly stated that this matter has nothing to do with them.

When the legend of the Golden Body of the God of War gradually spread, Luo Zu got up because it was dawn.

He who controls the heaven and earth in a pot and stirs up the world's affairs still has to brush his teeth and wash his face himself.

Although after practicing Qi Transformation Shen can lift up the dust and metabolism from the body, Luo Zu still insists on brushing his teeth and washing his face every day.

In addition, he also actively promoted the sanitation work of "Stop Cave Man".

The first step was to put an end to open defecation. A small room was dug in the cave to lead to a drainage channel for everyone to defecate and pile dung, which was more conducive to watering the field at the entrance of the cave.

After the simple stone toilet was built, Luo Zu relied on the prestige he had accumulated over the years to force everyone to go to the toilet together and never urinate anywhere again. Of course, except when hunting, if they were in a cave, they must abide by this rule.

Then there is the matter of brushing your teeth and washing your face. Luo Zu cannot promote it yet. After all, he is still testing a brush suitable for brushing his teeth. Instead, he can just use the clear spring in the mountain to wash his face.

Of course, promoting hygiene and caring for health is not a big deal. At least in the prehistoric era, when everyone was still hungry and full, there was no need to advocate it so much. That is to say, urinating everywhere is really unsightly and can easily cause some diseases. , affecting the living environment, so it must be banned.

"Good morning, Boss Luo Zu." Huo Wa bared his big yellow teeth and said in a century-old tone, approaching.

"You're mating with Ah Si again." Luo Zu said lightly as he glanced at his face.

Huo Wa's face and bald head stopped at this moment's smile in embarrassment: "How can... the boss tells me not to mate, I will never mate."

Luo Zu was noncommittal: "You will be three hundred years old in one year."

The "Stop Cave Man" reaches adulthood at the age of eighteen, and all the organs of the body are mature at this time. In the next five hundred years, the physical quality will continue to improve. Around the age of five hundred, the body functions will begin to decline, and finally at the age of one thousand The vitality of the left and right disappeared, leading to death.

This is the conclusion Luo Zu came to after communicating with the elders who once lived in the settlement.

Of course, the "Stop Cave People" have only reached the fourth generation, and the future situation is still uncertain. Whether they will extend their lifespan or gradually lose their previous spirituality remains to be seen.

As for Luo Zu's order to ban Huo Wa from mating in the near future, the main reason is that this guy has recently become sexually active and is constantly seeking mates, which has caused a significant decline in physical fitness and has hindered his practice of Qi refining.

To refine and transform Qi, there must be "essence" to refine. Of course, this "essence" is not that essence, but essence.

"You must have left quite a few descendants now." Luo Zu suddenly changed the subject.

"Ah Si gave birth to twenty-eight children for me, Ah Niu gave birth to twenty-six children for me, and Ah Hei gave birth to thirty-two children for me, but only eighteen survived." Huo Wa was depressed.

Although the physical fitness of the first generation of humans in the prehistoric times was extremely high, the environment in the prehistoric times was so harsh that the survival rate of babies in the "Stop Cave and Heel" settlement has always been low.

Not many people can survive to adulthood. I think his Huoba is considered strong in the settlement, and the women he mates with are physically no worse than men, but the survival rate is still very low.

That is to say, after Luo Zu took over the settlement in recent years, he "introduced" a lot of fertility knowledge, which greatly reduced the infant mortality rate.

"Practice the Qi refining method I taught you well, so that we can protect our tribe and give birth to stronger children." Luo Zu patted his shoulder.

"Boss, why don't you teach us this today." When Huo Wa spoke, he raised his hands, clenched them into fists, and punched the air several times in a row.

"This is martial arts."

This is the fist and kick martial arts that Luo Zu showed during the last hunting. All the hunting team members saw it with their own eyes and they all wanted to learn it.

It can only be said that people throughout history are all motivated.

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