I have saved so many doomsday goddesses from all over the world

Chapter 88 The Rod of God? Meteors burn the city!

Nightingale's face changed drastically, she turned around and shouted loudly: "Lie down!"

Her subordinates saw the opportunity quickly and immediately followed suit.

Even the mechanical ant pulled Jiojio to the ground in an adorable way, pretending to be a turtle.

The flash of the explosion was still dazzling even under the rising sun.

The violent energy turned into a shock wave, tearing apart the buildings on the other side.

The arrayed Decepticons were like toys, being blown away by the blast wind. Many of them fell apart in the air.

About 3 or 4 seconds later, the roar of earth shattering came belatedly.

The violent wind set off by the violent explosion shook the defenders here who had no time to lie down and staggered around.

Fortunately, the distance was still far enough that no casualties were caused.

It's just that the power that destroyed the world, even though they were more than a thousand meters away, still made everyone unable to recover from the shock and fear for a long time.

Huge mushroom clouds gradually rose, and the city on the other side was almost razed to the ground.

The aberration robots gathered on the opposite side are now gone.

So just now, was it a meteorite impact?

"A space-based weapon. In white-skinned terms, it should be called the Staff of God. Personally, I prefer to call it the Meteor Forbidden Spell."

Chen Yu explained calmly.

The so-called Rod of God is to place a tungsten rod weighing several tons on a low-orbit satellite, then use a launcher to push it down and directly hit the ground.

The huge gravitational potential energy will transform into terrifying kinetic energy, causing it to bombard the ground at a speed of more than kilometers per hour, causing a strike effect similar to that of a tactical nuclear weapon.

This is a whimsical idea and of no use.

Rather than going to all the trouble of sending several tons of metal blocks into space orbit, it would be cheaper and more convenient to directly attack with hypersonic missiles.

But for cheating Chen Yu, there is no cost issue.

He even thought that tungsten rods were expensive, so he simply teleported a few large rocks to the side of the starship and changed its orbit towards the Blue Star.

To put it simply, use a starship to throw rocks at the ground.

The kinetic energy may be lost more than the tungsten rod, and it may even disintegrate midway.

But it doesn’t matter, all I need is a pretty good AOE floor scrubbing effect.

Chen Yu doesn't like the name Baipi very much.

God, what a fuck!

This is obviously a combination of original technology and magic. It is a forbidden magic: the meteorite burns the city!

He sent his clone No. 5 to the starship and used magic to aim the stone at the target on the ground and throw it down!

Not with rocket thrusters!

Nightingale shook her head, which was slightly ringing in the ears, and was speechless.

Damn, you call this bombardment?

Impersonating the great mage Liu Xiu, right? Meteor forbidden spell?

"Coach, can you explain in advance before the next attack? Besides, the attack distance seems a bit too close, right?"

She cautiously suggested to this unreliable guy.

Chen Yu nodded politely.

"It's true that I didn't think well. It's my first time playing, and I'm a bit inexperienced. There will be another wave in 10 minutes. I can just bomb Kyoto and Osaka. If you can't beat here, don't worry."

Nightingale became even more worried.

Regardless of Osaka, Kyoto is the old capital of Sakurajima and has various castle towers and antique buildings.

Will it really not cause a diplomatic turmoil if the meteorite is left alone?

Forget it, this is not something that her little colonel needs to consider.

The troops crossed the river and came to the other side.

Several huge pits with a diameter of more than 20 meters were still smoking.

The rock mass underneath has been melted into glassy material by high temperatures.

There was a huge circle of smoke and dust next to the crater, and building debris collapsed outward in a radial pattern, with broken and twisted steel bars exposed on the ruins.

There were no human fatalities. The trouble has long been over by the man-eating steel demon.

A few monsters missing arms and legs are lingering. Their distorted flesh and blood bodies are particularly vulnerable to this devastating blow.

Refilling the gun would be too wasteful.

Chen Yu, who has always been diligent and frugal, ordered these things to be frozen and sent to Xishan Base.

Some of his secret research has already begun, and he is in urgent need of a large amount of materials for in vivo experiments.

In addition, the processing unit is also running out of capacity, so you have to steal as much loot as you can!

As the mobile troops pushed back with great vigor, more bolides streaked across the sky.

They drew blazing lines of fire in the blue sky, and sank into the distance behind the ridge with a rumbling supersonic roar.

After a while, a muffled thunder-like sound could be heard.

The drivers looked at each other and silently accelerated their march.

Not surprisingly, Kyoto and Osaka, especially Osaka, should have been almost razed to the ground...

Making such a big fuss.

The one who occupies the throne of the Presidential Palace can probably handle it...


The video captured by the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft was sent to the office of the President of Longguo.

Wu Mingkong and her staff stared at the messy picture on the screen, all falling into a state of speechlessness.

Osaka was razed to the ground.

Kyoto was almost razed to the ground.

Most of the castle tower, shrines, and temples were reduced to rubble.

"Nice job..." Someone whispered quietly.

After realizing the slip of his tongue, he hurriedly covered his mouth.

The corner of Shangguan Yun's mouth twitched, and he said with a straight face: "The thunderous strike wiped out most of the invading aliens. It is an outstanding achievement. It is indeed a good job."

The officials, as if awakening from a dream, agreed one after another.

They first congratulated each other cheerfully, and then quickly unified their tone:

In response to the extremely unfavorable battle situation, the Dragon Kingdom's reinforcements decisively used new weapons to launch a devastating blow against the arrogant alien monsters.

Achieving outstanding results instantly reversed the passive situation.

The current war situation is going smoothly, and the recovery of humanity's lost land is just around the corner!

"Try to capture the close-up footage of the demon being destroyed and make a report. Don't show the long-range footage."

"Yes, the reconnaissance aircraft is especially required to take pictures near the star gate."

The Propaganda Minister quietly ordered.

The Foreign Minister added: "Remember to emphasize that alien demons have dehumanized humanity and have exterminated local residents."

There is absolutely no accidental injury on my part, not a single one!

More overhead videos were edited and sent to the conference room.

It turns out that the Stargate area where the Decepticons are entrenched is receiving special care.

Three huge craters in a Z-shaped shape completely covered this area and surrounding areas, and even changed the terrain.

The twisted space is empty, where are the aliens?

The officials high-fived each other.

"This is great! Make a before-and-after comparison of the same location and give your friends a little bit of a shock to the Dragon Kingdom!"

Sitting behind his desk, Wu Mingkong propped up his cheeks on his elbows and cosplayed Commander Ikari, with a barely visible smile on his lips.

You bastard man has caused trouble to me again!

The perspective switches back to the battlefield.

At this time, except for a few large trucks and helicopters that were still following enthusiastically, the local defenders had been far behind by the mecha troops.

Encountering only sporadic resistance along the way, the march went smoothly.

It only took more than half an hour for the mecha troops to approach the outskirts of Osaka.

Then we encountered the biggest blocking force.

Starscream Legion!

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