【Transformers World】

[Goal: Collect no less than 90 luck points within 300 days]

Chen Yu found himself in an abandoned factory.

There are simple compartments made of steel structures and canvas in the corners, and I don’t know what is hidden inside.

The smell of engine oil hung in the air.

Surrounded by a dozen men and women dressed as modern people, stood with him.

The panic, nervousness, and confusion were clearly written on everyone's faces.

"Hey, newbie, listen up!"

There was a tall and heroic woman in front of her, knocking on the display next to her and saying coldly.

Used in Japanese. But there is no communication barrier for Chen Yu.

The outline of her facial features is quite Westernized, and her plump red lips look very much like Angelina Jolie.

The pure black rubber tights perfectly outlined her plump and slim figure.

There was an innocent boy in the team who glanced at the tight and thrilling curves and lowered his head in shame.

If you ignore the mechanical right arm with its vertical and horizontal pipelines and clearly visible flowing lines, this woman can be called an outstanding beauty.

The woman's cold tone echoed in the spacious factory:

"I am your captain Sakuraqiu Sheng. All subsequent actions must obey my orders and must not be disobeyed!"

"If you disobey," she raised her robotic arm and a two-foot-long, gleaming sharp blade popped out from the back of her hand, "I have the power to punish or even execute you on the spot."

"Don't try to escape quietly from the battlefield. You know the consequences."

There was a low commotion among the newcomers, whispers among themselves, complaints and lamentations.

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes.

'There's something... about that sword. '

According to his keen insight, Sakuraqiu Sheng's sword was vibrating slightly at an extremely high frequency.

It is a high-frequency wave sword that can cut through iron like clay.

From the information revealed by others' chats, Chen Yu roughly restored the settings of this world.

Cyber ​​demons, a mixture of machinery and flesh and blood, suddenly appear from all over the world and launch various attacks on humans.

The incursions started out sporadic and then intensified.

The regular armies of various countries are already struggling to exterminate the demons on the surface. There is really no energy left to uncover the demon shapeshifters hidden in human society.

These semi-mechanical demons have the ability to shape-shift and disguise themselves as machines, vehicles, and even buildings that humans use every day.

It’s really hard to guard against.

At this time, a company with a military background that mastered many black technologies suddenly emerged in the White Eagle Kingdom: Omega.

Omega Company has established liquidator bases in many places in the White Eagle Kingdom and its allies, randomly selecting local people to form combat teams, and specifically launching cleanup attacks against shape-shifters hidden in human society.

Similar to Chen Yu's mother world, Sakurajima Kingdom, which is nominally an ally of White Eagle Kingdom, is actually no different from a slave. Therefore, the selection of liquidators is mandatory, and Sakurajima's government must fully cooperate.

A boy timidly raised his hand and asked, "Do we still have a chance to regain our status as ordinary people?"

Sakuraqiu Sheng and the senior team member standing next to her looked at each other and laughed.

"Theoretically, it is possible. Kill the shapeshifter demon and the system will automatically record your score. If you get 100 points, you can choose to leave the organization and return to life."

"But are you sure you really want to do this?"

After a brief silence, everyone's discussion became more intense.

Anyone with a normal IQ can tell that the world is getting worse and worse. There have been countless incidents of monsters attacking humans, and the news can't even cover them.

From another perspective, being selected as a cleaner at this time may not be an opportunity.

Opportunity to gain self-preservation capabilities.

If the world becomes chaotic, you will not panic if you have a gun in your hand!

It's better to use points to modify electronic prosthetics, or buy a more powerful powered exoskeleton.

Even the standard polymer tights worn by cleaners are well known as protective weapons.

Can effectively resist puncture, cutting and kinetic energy weapon fire.

Even money can’t buy it!

Of course, more people sneered at the extremely high mortality rate of the Liquidators.

It's hard to survive the mission, so what's the follow-up? If you can run, you will definitely run!

Chen Yu looked coldly at the two timid little boys, and they looked more and more familiar to them.

'A bit like... the male protagonists of "Killing City", Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato? '

Suddenly it dawned on me.

No wonder all the settings feel familiar.

It turns out that the so-called cleaners are the Tokyo team and Osaka team in the black ball room.

Compared with the original movie version, the painting style is not quite consistent, and there are no black balls or anything like that.

It feels pretty much the same!

It's obviously Killing City, but it's outrageous that this can be called Transformers World!

Hmm... naming the urine of the world after an hourglass doesn't mean nothing. Just be more careful.

Chen Yu began to realize another problem:

Why do the boys here give people a delicate feeling?

What does that mean look on your face mean?

On the other hand, girls are more heroic and taller in physique.

Clearly in a dominant position.

So, this place is also the world of female lords?

What an annoying mix!

Sakuraqiu Saint activated the display screen and began to explain the use of protective clothing and various basic weapons.

The bodysuit is powered by high-energy batteries. While protecting the body, it can also help the user strengthen their physical strength and perform tactical maneuvers such as flying over walls and climbing over walls.

There are also arm armors that can pop out high-frequency wave swords, Gauss rifles, electromagnetic oscillation grenades, and shields that can activate force field shields...

Unlike the original, the gear here requires no authentication and is handed out by nonchalant Omega Corporation security personnel.

So Chen Yu, who was fishing in troubled waters, actually managed to get a set of equipment.

Opening the suitcase, he looked at the complete set of equipment inside with gleaming eyes.

With the support of powerful spiritual consciousness and incredible understanding, he soon understood all the principles and structures of the things inside.

Okay, okay, it’s best to use this kind of black technology again!

Having said that, these gadgets are not purely technological creations.

Many equipment require mental power, or psychic control. For example, energy shield.

Ordinary people cannot exert its power, and it is even difficult to activate it.

Yingqiu Sheng clapped his hands, "Okay, the training is completed. You have 10 minutes to wear and familiarize yourself with the equipment. Then you will carry out the mission."

The novices were panicked.

"No! Is this actual combat? We haven't trained yet!" Someone yelled out of control.

Yingqiu Sheng replied coldly: "There is no such time. Actual combat is the best training."

"Complete the mission and survive, and you will learn it naturally."

"Rather than barking meaninglessly, it is better to wear protective clothing as soon as possible."

The newbies woke up from a dream and hurriedly hid in the canvas compartment next to them with their suitcases in their arms.

Chen Yu rolled his eyes and followed the crowd and hid in a cubicle.

He has many ways to change protective clothing instantly, even if he doesn't change it, it's no problem.

But why not give it a try?

Observe first, think second, and act last.

Lifting a corner of the canvas, Chen Yu's eyes lit up.

nice one!

PS: Slaughter City is not the main color, Transformers is!

PS: The appearance of the Autobots is close to the animation, and the Decepticons have all been mutated and transformed!

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