I have saved so many doomsday goddesses from all over the world

Chapter 58 Ask your Lord to wash your neck and wait!

It’s No. 2! Great, he finally "swam" through the rugged tree tube to the bottom.

Even the magic power of transformation is saved, and the self is burned directly, suicidal impact!


Mushroom clouds rose into the sky, illuminating the entire dome hall.

Sang Qingyun transformed into a torch and rushed out of the fire scene screaming.

He was taken to the ditch by No. 4, who had been deliberately using ice magic.

The bark armor he spawned has full ice resistance and is extremely tough.

Only there is no fire kang, which is even more burning than the rattan armored soldiers!

Facts have proven that even if a weak chicken gains strength, a little pressure will immediately bring it back to its original shape.

The tree man, whose whole body was on fire, panicked, danced and rushed to his "vegetable field".

Successfully ignited a pile of vegetables that I had worked so hard to grow.

"Cai Bip, who gave you the courage to do it yourself for nothing?"

No. 4 inserted Frostmourne into the soil and let it absorb the soul on its own.

The fingers of both hands were flying, forming seals quickly.

——What effect does it have on spellcasting, you ask? It's useless. It's just a sudden brain twitch.

"Question: What is lightning? What is fire?"

The tree man, who was rolling all over the ground, naturally had no time to pay attention to him. So this guy asked and answered himself:

"They are both plasma. Therefore, thunder and fire magic are the magic with the highest affinity. If the two are mixed and released..."

The tree man rolled all over the ground, frantically draining the life of the giant tree, finally extinguished the flames on his body, and stood up in embarrassment.

"Kill him!" It roared loudly and commanded countless piranhas and vines to rush towards Chen Yu No. 4.

I finally learned enough and figured out that I should stay behind and command the remote control instead of facing the front in person.


"Too late."

No. 4 showed a mischievous smile and flicked his index finger casually.

Like popping out a cigarette butt, throwing that tiny spark into the pile of resin balls.


The sparks landed on the light green sphere and instantly exploded into countless pulsing fiery red arcs.

The wildly dancing electric snake jumped repeatedly on the resin ball wrapping the head, and those who hit it were directly ignited, and no one was spared.

What piranha poisonous fog balls turned into dancing torches!

If you look down from the dome, you can see the thick "carpet" covering half of the football field. Flames suddenly ignited from everywhere at the same time. The fire lost control in an instant, spreading and rolling back in all directions.

The huge venue turned into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye.

"No——!!!" The tree man yelled hysterically, "You are crazy! You will die if you do this!"

"I can fly." No. 4 flashed into the sky in the dome, holding hands and looking down at the other party playfully.


The tree man reluctantly directed the vines to hold it up and fuse it in place, while at the same time extracting the vitality of the giant tree and secreting massive amounts of sap to extinguish the fire.

It roared crazily: "Impossible! I am the envoy appointed by the Lord, and I am immortal!"

No. 4 laughed, "There is nothing immortal in this world. Look, the flowers you planted are all going to wither."

From the perspective of the original body, the towering distorted plant is indeed like a scorched potted plant, with all its branches, leaves and flowers drooping listlessly, lifeless.

"That's almost it. Your department can conduct artillery bombardment." He smiled and gave a thumbs up to the artillery battalion.

Two self-propelled artillery pieces that rushed over roared impatiently.

Without the constant supply of mental power, the 155 howitzer could easily cause huge damage to the demon flower. Just two cannonballs blasted the main trunk, which was tens of meters in diameter like a twist, to pieces and almost broke in the middle.

The bark and sap are scattered in a radial pattern, causing terrifying "heavy rain" over several hectares.

Fortunately, there was no one around within a few hundred meters, so there was nothing to worry about.

The demon flower couldn't stand it any longer, and the top half of it tilted uncontrollably. The fibers of the supporting branches cracked and snapped, and the jade pillar pushed down the golden mountain crashed down, shaking the ground violently.

What is strange is that the flowers, which are covered by heavy branches and leaves, struggle to get out of them and are separated from the flower branches.

Several tentacle-like green roots sprouted from the calyx, pulling them out.

The style of painting is both scary and funny.

"Intercept them!" Battalion Commander Lu reacted quickly and immediately ordered his subordinates.

Several small teams immediately took action, picking up firearms to outflank and intercept the Yaohua who was trying to escape.

"Oops, the distance is too far, I'm afraid it won't be round!"

The commander of the road camp looked worried.

You can tell with your knees that once this thing escapes, it will cause endless troubles over time!

"No need to worry."

Chen Yu crossed his hands and said, "When it comes to controlling plants, I have some experience."

Just as the main body blew the beep to the officers, No. 1 and No. 3 had already moved quickly to clean up all the escaping demon flowers, and conveniently lit a handful of thunderbolts on the fallen tree crown.

Then control the two dead remaining seeds respectively and reserve them for research purposes.

The camera panned back to the venue where the dome was torn open.

No. 4 pulled out Frostmourne and murmured: "This broken sword has absorbed too many souls. I have to instill a complete set of postgraduate entrance examination simulation questions to seal it..."

He dug the tree man out of the tree burr and laid his dying body on the already torn apart stand.

"Thank you for opening up the idea of ​​​​powering plants to fight for me. Do you have any last words?" No. 4 asked when he had time.

"Hmph, hum, hahahaha!" Sang Qingyun raised his head and laughed, "I said, I am immortal! Even if you can defeat me, my soul will eventually return to its destination, to my Lord. Kingdom of God.”

"Really, that's great!" No. 4 beamed with joy, "Please help me pass a message to your master, just say,"

His handsome and sunny face rarely showed a ferocious sneer, "Thanks to the great kindness, my family is ruined and I don't know whether I will die or not. Let him wash the necks of the whole family and wait. One day I will go there in person and drag him home." Chop all the meat into meat paste! The whole family is neat!"

Sang Qingyun sneered with disdain, "A mortal who overestimates his own capabilities."

"Oh, by the way," No. 4 suddenly asked in confusion, "You lost all the sacrifices that were supposed to be offered to your master. How can he still accept you? Is he so merciful?"

The smile on Sang Qingyun's face suddenly froze, and his pupils shrank sharply.



The fire was still burning, and the smoke was billowing into the sky, and the smell was nauseating.

The army evacuated the scattered survivors and advised them to leave a safe distance.

In fact, it’s too much to worry about.

The frightened survivors strongly demanded that the troops take them away, preferably with food and shelter.

Chen Yu summoned the temporarily appointed bishop A Cong, "These people can be gathered if they are willing to believe in religion. The task of kneeling and licking anyone will be arranged."

Then Zhou Zixuan, who was lucky enough to survive, was handed over to Ye Xiaoyu for disposal.

"If you want to live a good life, try your best to please your old classmates."

Looking at the wonderful expressions on the two people's faces when they met, Chen Yu knew that their future interactions would probably be quite thrilling.

But what does this have to do with him? None of them are good things, no matter how much you love them.

He only cares about the prize he has booked.

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