Two or three hundred meters away, the reinforcements came pouring golden jets of hot metal at the demon flower.

The bullets hit the vines until the juice flew out, and the branches and leaves were torn to pieces.

But the demon flower grew too fast all day long, and the damage was so huge that it couldn't even be pruned.

"Mad! We need heavy firepower!"

The leading officer was roaring.

Chen Yu stopped the clones and observed quietly.

Lilith's word is "difficult to kill", not "unkillable".

It seems that attacks with modern weapons still work.

It's just that this plant hedges against damage by growing at an astonishing rate.

'It doesn't make sense... Regardless of laws such as conservation of mass and conservation of energy, if you think about it from the most basic logic, there is no living thing in the world that can grow infinitely without any cost. '

'So where is the nutrition of this flower? '

Chen Yu's mind was spinning, and he was thinking about another question at the same time:

In his hometown, he ran around for six days, activating a large number of Type 1 mutants to help his tadpoles find their parents.

Nothing came of it.

If you want to find useful clues in Pengcheng, I'm afraid you need to rely on a more powerful organization.

For example, the military.

'If I can take this opportunity to establish good relations with the troops in the provincial capital, then...'

The backup tanks and self-propelled artillery were still following the engineering vehicles clearing the driveway, struggling to squeeze toward the stadium.

The helicopter was deployed early and fired rockets at the tangled trunk of the demon flower.

One of the five or six main vines was blown apart!

The flower actually let out a squeaking scream through the human mouth growing out of its epidermis!

"Good fight!"

The soldiers cheered.

But the vines quickly grew aerial roots from the two broken ends, climbing around each other and becoming entangled again.

It only took a few tens of seconds to return to the original state.

"Damn it! Use incendiary bombs!"

The helicopter approached and took aim at a distance of 200 meters.

At this time, the relatively young branches and vines near the top of the demon flower suddenly swelled in the wind.

In an instant, it grows longer than the entire plant!

"Hey, this is too outrageous!"

The helicopter pilot felt something was wrong and pulled up the control stick to turn around.

The vine suddenly swung towards the helicopter like a poisonous snake!

The driver and shooter were terrified.

"I'll take the exam! Get promoted quickly!"

The shooter struggled to cock the heavy machine gun, trying to knock down the sweeping vines.

Where can I get a call in a hurry?

"Climb up, quickly!"

"Damn it, I've already reached the top!"

The face under the aviation helmet was full of panic and despair when faced with the long whip sweeping from far and near, and his pupils shrank violently!

He watched as the vines were about to pull the helicopter away like a top in the next second.

A small figure suddenly blocked in front of it.

It’s Chen Yu!

In other words, Chen Yu's clone No. 1 showed off his magical sword blade shining with orange and yellow lightning, and faced the giant whip carrying the power of wind and thunder vertically!

In front of a giant object that spans more than 200 meters, he is as small as an ant. Can he block a thunderous blow?

Absolutely, you can speak easily!

The perfect fusion of thunder and fire formed a dazzling high-temperature plasma, which smoothly cut off the giant vines as thick as tires that swept over like a knife cutting through butter!

The seemingly unavoidable and terrifying blow actually snapped two pieces of it, which was beyond the expectations of the two people in the helicopter.

Even before he could react, it turned out that he had narrowly escaped death.

Chen Yu glanced at the two of them.

Naturally, he couldn't communicate with words amidst the deafening roar of the propellers, so he sent his thoughts directly to the two of them:

"What are you still doing? Run away! Don't cause trouble again."

At the same time, Chen Yu No. 2 and No. 3 were also in position, using the Thunder Fire Sword to cut off the demon flowers until their branches and leaves flew around, making strange squeaks.

The main body rode a "big horse" slowly to the infantry battalion.


The soldiers raised their heads and stood ready.

Although the other party clearly showed no ill intentions, such a strong sense of oppression still made everyone feel chilly.

Chen Yu landed lightly and said straight to the point to the battalion commander: "This level of battle is not something you can control. Just retreat to a safe distance and watch the battle."

The battalion commander blew his beard and stared at him, wanting to say: Brat, who the hell are you to teach me how to do things?

The adjutant's eyes were still on the demon overlooking him like a mountain, and he tugged on the battalion commander's sleeve.

——Don’t brag, brother, think about the B-G law of mounts, and think about Avatar.

Then the battalion commander's words came to his lips and became: "Without orders from superiors, it is impossible for us to evacuate without permission."

Chen Yu waved his hand, "Then quickly report to your superiors. Who (waves to the adjutant), yes, it's you. Take a photo of me and my mount and send it to your boss, he will know what to do."

At this time, Chen Yu No. 2 raised his knife and cut off the vines wrapped around him.

Even if the fracture is scorched, the necrotic tissue will fall off on its own in the blink of an eye, and grow thicker and longer than the original within a few breaths.

'This is obviously counterintuitive. Try changing the attack target. '

No. 2 and No. 3 passed by each other in the air.

No. 3's Thunder Fire Blade swept away all the pursuers of No. 2.

No. 2 took the opportunity to turn back in the air and suddenly crashed into the giant eye that opened on the main trunk.

The fire sword in his hand was fiercely thrust into Douda's pupils!


The lens ruptured, and white and green ones splashed out.


The demonic flower shook violently, and its branches were truly trembling!

'Looks like it's useful? '

No. 3’s eyes suddenly shrank.

From his perspective, the tumors around No. 2 were cracking open, and more eyeballs were casting vicious and vicious looks at them!

At the same time, several flower buds that were N times larger than the parasol suddenly opened.

The soldiers watching the battle from a distance just took one look at the giant flower and felt dizzy and about to vomit.

Abstraction, huge abstraction!

The blood-red petals opened and closed like the claws of a beast, and the insides were covered with tumors. The larger ones split into eyeballs of the same style as the main stem, or ears or noses.

One flower is enough to make several human faces!

The edges of the petals are covered with extremely sharp teeth, like countless daggers inserted upside down.

The stamen is a lamprey-like mouthpart, and the double-layered ring-shaped teeth are just like a meat grinder. A long, forked tongue like a snake's tongue protruded from the middle, with saliva dripping from the tip.


The lovely flowers let out loud roars at No. 2, dragging their rapidly growing branches towards him and biting him overwhelmingly!

No. 2 was about to pull away when he suddenly felt extremely sticky.

"Huh? Sap?"

After just half a second of delay, the dragnet was formed, and the giant flowers with a fishy wind completely covered him up and down, left and right.

Several long, winding pink tongues even stretched three feet in front of him. The water can be detected by the light, and the stickiness and slipperiness can be seen with the naked eye.

If you are licked by this thing, it will be so sour...

No. 2’s lips curled up.

"Hey, that's quite curious. Then try it?"

He simply dispersed the flickering spell model that he had already constructed, and sat back to wait for death...


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